HyukBin Clean

-Between Sleepover and Kisses-
Hyuk POV~
"So what should we do tonight?" Hyuk asks as he tosses his phone on the bed, just finishing carrying out his final step for N's plan. Whatever happened from there wasn't his problem. Now he was going to give his boyfriend the attention he deserved.
"Guess..." Hongbin flashed one of his cute, dimpled grins as he sits on Hyuk's lap, facing him. Hyuk's boyfriend kisses him deeply. Hyuk didn't have to be a genius to know what was on Hongbin's mind.
"Perfect." He spanks Hongbin gently and laughs as he kisses him back. Hongbin was seriously the iest thing on two legs and Hyuk was always shocked every time Hongbin kissed him. Why would Hongbin pick someone as plain as Hyuk?
Hongbin POV~
Hyuk was hot. Hongbin loved the shape of his body and his toned abs and his irresistible face. Okay. Hongbin just sort of loved everything about Hyuk. Hongbin was always happy when he realized that Hyuk loved him.
Hongbin smashes their lips together in an intense kiss. He just wanted to feel Hyuk's soft lips against his to remind himself that Hyuk was his. Sometimes Hongbin got worried that Hyuk would leave him for someone prettier. But Hyuk's touch always reassured him. Hyuk returns Hongbin's heated kisses with just as much vigor as Hongbin himself had put into them. Their mouths fight for dominance until Hongbin finally submits to his boyfriend and allows him to take over.
Hyuk POV~
"Wait." Hyuk stops kissing Hongbin and pulls a case of sodas out of his backpack. "Are we playing strip poker or not?"
"You brought pocky?!" Hongbin grins happily. "I'll strip right now if you let me eat it."
"No no no." Hyuk laughs and shakes his head. "You have to play me for the rights to eat it."
"Fine." Hongbin pouts but sets up a space on the coffee table to play on, pulling at a deck of cards. "Let's do this."
Hongbin POV~
45 minutes later and Hongbin was . The game had been a close call this time. Hyuk was only in his boxers for a change. Usually Hongbin lost by a landslide. But he really wanted that pocky.
"You did a good job baby. I'm impressed." Hyuk was smirking at him with his stupid poker winning, pocky eating face. If Hongbin didn't love him then he would probably rip his face off...
"So you'll give me some Pocky?" He asks hopefully and Hyuk laughs.
"No. You lost. No pocky for you." Hyuk shoves a whole stick of pocky in his mouth to further prove his point. Hongbin was having none of this. He reached over and swiftly stole the goodies from the table, running to stand on Ken's bed.
Hyuk POV~
"You little cheater." He chases after his boyfriend but stops short as he jumps on the bed. Hongbin had that scary gleam in his eye that he got when he was determined to win something. Before Hyuk could turn to run away, Hongbin shook the soda and opened it, cascading a torrent of soda all over Hyuk and himself. Hyuk promtly tackled him to the bed.
They wrestled in the sugary liquid all over the mattress until Hyuk finally agreed to share his winnings with his boyfriend. Happy with the outcome, Hongbin stands and decides it is time to no longer time to be .
Hongbin POV~
After they finish getting dressed and lay back down they slowly start to fall asleep. They're nearly snoring when Hongbin suddenly giggles.
"The bed is sticky..." He wiggles around slightly, grinning.
"That'll happen." Hyuk chuckles and pulls Hongbin closer to him.
"This is Jaehwan's bed." Hongbin laughs and kisses Hyuk. "Serves him right for ruining my sheets."
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DubufulKoala #1
Chapter 5: This is very nice to read
TheCrazy15 #2
Love this story soo much! Finished literally in one day, even if i went to sleep super late, it was worth it~
Velzonly #3
Chapter 29: Author nim~ i know im so late omg forgive me but this story oh my god! So beautiful, perfect and well written woah the ending and the bonus chapters wow daebak! I read this in one go~ The most interesting and beautiful story of vixx that i've ever read *four thumbs up for you* thankyou for writing this master piece ^^~
sinclair04 #4
Chapter 3: ohhh.. i'm getting hooked with your story.. VERY Nice plot.
Chapter 29: I read this from the top till the end. o/

I have a question though! How did Leo and N meet when they are little? Considering that N liked the boy since he was 5.
DuhFangurl #6
Chapter 23: it's a really good story! :)
What a good story