
Hyuk POV~
After N ran out of the door the atmosphere froze for a minute before Ravi exploded and started shoving Leo and yelling. Leo didn't respond to him. He just stood there, staring at the dorm door.
"What did you do to him?!" Ravi hollared as he gives Leo a death glare. "What did you do?!" Leo still didn't answer so Ravi shoved him hard into a wall.
"Wonshik stop!" Hyuk separates them with the help of Hongbin and Ken. "We don't know what happened so don't jump to conclusions!"
"I knew it! I knew you'd hurt him!" Ravi ignores Hyuk, continuing to rage. "He isn't some game! If you come near him again I'll hurt you! Hakyeon deserves better! He deserves me!"
"Wonshik!" Ken stomps on his boyfriend's foot and looks like he might cry. "I-is that what you want?" Ravi flinches and looks at Ken, biting his lip.
"Oh baby... I'm so sorry..." Ravi pulls Ken into a hug and kisses his forehead. "I didn't mean it like that. I wouldn't trade you for the world."
"Sure..." Ken doesn't seem to believe his boyfriend. Hyuk had enough of watching all this stupidity.
"Hongbin, go check on Hakyeon. Wonshik, Jaehwan... Just get out." He turns to Leo and shakes his head. "You and I need to talk."
"I'll take care of him." Hongbin runs out after N and Ravi took Ken away to hash out their current dispute thanks to Ravi's unhealthy obsession with their tan friend. Hyuk tried to talk to Leo but Leo just walked into the bathroom and locked the door. What had happened between N and Leo to cause this?
Hongbin POV~
When he managed to break into N's dorm he found the distraught teen face down on his bed, clutching a pillow tightly. Hongbin went over and sat beside him, touching his shoulder. N sniffled and jerked away from him slightly.
"Go away..." Hongbin could barely hear N speak. It broke Hongbin's heart to see his usually smiling friend looking so broken.
"Hey. What happened?" Hongbin poked N's shoulder gently. "Did he hurt you?"
"No. I'm okay." N mumbles as he turns to hug Hongbin, hiding his face in his friend's chest. Hongbin rubs his back gently. Poor N. He was so scared and hurt.
He just holds N gently for a while before he starts to explain to N everything that Hyuk had told him about Leo. He noticed N starting to perk up a little after a while. His crying had finally stopped.
"Sanghyuk really thinks he likes me?" N finally questions when Hongbin finishes his report. "And is trying to decide between his girlfriend and me?"
"Baisically, yeah." Hongbin shrugs and smiles a little. "So what are you going to do about it?"
"I'm going to make him mine." N has the most adorable, devilish smirk on his face. Hongbin was happy to see his friend so determined to get something he wanted.
Ken POV~
He couldn't believe Ravi. If he would rather have N then maybe they should just break up. He had tolerated Ravi's behavior up until that last outburst because at least Ravi had, to that point, taken care not to rub the fact the Ken was second place in his face. But he had crossed the line and Ken was done with it. He wasn't playing along anymore. He couldn't.
"I can't believe you, Wonshik!" He yells as they get back to Ken's dorm. "Did you really have to say that in front of me?!"
"Jaehwan I'm sorry!" Ravi grabbed Ken by his shoulders and Ken shoved him away, throwing a metal statue at him. Unfortunately Ravi managed to duck it.
"I don't want to hear it!" Ken shoved Ravi again. "Our whole relationship I've had to deal with you hitting on my friend, groping him, hell, even kissing him! But as long as you never said it out loud I could pretend I was the one you loved! That I wasn't second best! A consolation prize! But I can't anymore because you... You broke us Wonshik!"
"Jaehwan..." Ravi tried to grab onto Ken again and Ken threw something else at him.
"We're done! Go be with the one you want!" Ken turns to go lock himself in the bathroom until Ravi left but Ravi stopped him, pulling him into a hard kiss.
Ravi POV~
The moment he saw how badly he had hurt Ken was the moment he finally let himself give up his love for N. He had never wanted to hurt Ken. He really did love him. And without the joyous boy beside him, his life would have no meaning.
He couldn't let Ken leave him. He just couldn't. So he kissed him. He kissed him with everything he had. He let all of his love and passion for Ken loose in his kisses.
He picked his beloved up and lays him on the bed, continuing to kiss him there. If he had to, he'd never stop kissing Ken, just so he couldn't leave him. Because Ravi would rather die than see that happen.
"Wonshik no..." Ken shoves him away slightly and Ravi can see tears on his cheeks. "I really mean it... I can't take this anymore..."
"I know. Jaehwan I'm so sorry." He wipes his tears away and kisses his forehead. "You don't have to okay? I'm done. I'm done chasing after Hakyeon. I'm not sure when it happened... But somewhere along the line... My heart held you closest of all. So please... Jaehwan please don't leave me. I love you."
"I love you too Wonshik... But... But if you go after him again I'm really leaving you." Ken warns and Ravi kisses him.
"Trust me Jaehwan. I wont hurt you again." Ravi meant it. He wouldn't hurt his love anymore.
Leo POV~
He was so mad at himself, he couldn't stand it. He didn't know what he wanted anymore. Seeing the pain he caused N killed him but thinking about breaking up with his girlfriend for a boy and disappointing his parents scared him. He just couldn't seem to make that step. He couldn't make himself accept that N was what he wanted.
He grabs his head in frustration, hunching up slightly as he leaned against the wall, sitting on the floor. Looking up, he sees himself in the mirror. He wanted to destroy the man staring back at him as he stands up quickly and punches the reflective glass, shattering it.
"Taekwoon?!" Hyuk yells from the dorm room. He sounds concerned. Leo looks at the blood dripping from his hand. He wraps it in a towel before barging past his roommate.
He calls his girlfriend and tells her to meet him outside of the school. He had to see her. He had to try to repair some of who he was before N started breaking him down. Or he might unravel.
As soon as he saw her he shoved her against the school gate, kissing her roughly. He didn't say a word. He didn't have anything to say to her. And all he could think, as he kissed her, was how N's lips felt so much better against his and N knew just where to put his hands to make the kiss even better... Why couldn't his girlfriend be more like N? Then he and his parents could all be happy...
After his talk with Hongbin, N was feeling a lot better. He needed to see Leo again. His quest for Leo's heart was about to get a lot more aggressive. He wasn't going to lose to some pathetic little girl.
But when he got to Leo's dorm, Hyuk told him that Leo had hurt his hand and left. N snagged Hyuk's first aide kit and set out to find the grouchy man. He found him kissing a girl. Probably his girlfriend.
Instead of feeling hurt he felt irritated. How dare she have her lips on what should and will be his. He approaches them silently.
"Taekwoon what happened to your hand?" The girl asks as she breaks the kiss quickly, seeming frazzled by Leo's intensity.
"Nothing." Leo muttered as N walked up, clearing his throat and making Leo and the girl jump in surprise. N felt mildly satisfied by it.
"Oh there you are Taekwoonie. Hyuk told me you were hurt so I came to play doctor." N smiles innocently and takes Leo's uninjured hand in his, turning to the girl. "Excuse us while I fix him up please."
He bows to the girl and leads Leo to a bench, unwrapping his hand as the girl follows them. Leo had some pretty intense cuts but nothing too serious. N runs his fingertips gently over Leo's unbroken skin before he starts to clean the wounds.
"Taek who is this guy?" The girl questions. N could tell that the girl was frustrated by how easily Taekwoon followed him away from her. Good. She should be.
"This is..." Leo doesn't seem to know what to say so N figured he'd help him out.
"I'm Hakyeon. Taekwoon and I are very close." He smiles at the girl and then looks down to continue taking care of Leo's hand. "You must be his girlfriend. Nice to meet you."
"I am..." The girl seemed confused by N's introduction. "Nice to meet you too I guess."
"I'm sorry I made you come out here." Leo says. The girl seems to think he's talking to her but N can feel his eyes on him.
"It's okay. I've missed you." She grins. N squeezes Leo's hand gently to convey his acknowledgement and acceptance of what Leo said.
"I have to get back inside before it gets too late." Leo looks at the girl. His expression is affectionate. But N knew it was only a ghost of what it could be... Like the smoldering looks Leo gave him every time they kissed.
"Oh. Okay." The girl kisses Leo and leaves as N bandages up Leo's wounds. When he finishes, he holds Leo's hand, giving it a soft squeeze before letting him go and getting up to leave, acting as cool and indifferent as he possible could.
"She's pretty Taekwoon." N smiles as he starts to slowly walk away. "Her legs looked great in those heels."
"Hakyeon..." Leo grabbed N's hand and pulled him into a kiss. N pushed him away, smiling.
"No no no Taekwoonie." N giggles and pats Leo's cheek. "I may be pretty but I'm not your girlfriend. Sleep well." He turns and walks quickly away, leaving Leo to follow after him. Step one of N's plan, deny Leo what he wants from him, underway. N was going to win.
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DubufulKoala #1
Chapter 5: This is very nice to read
TheCrazy15 #2
Love this story soo much! Finished literally in one day, even if i went to sleep super late, it was worth it~
Velzonly #3
Chapter 29: Author nim~ i know im so late omg forgive me but this story oh my god! So beautiful, perfect and well written woah the ending and the bonus chapters wow daebak! I read this in one go~ The most interesting and beautiful story of vixx that i've ever read *four thumbs up for you* thankyou for writing this master piece ^^~
sinclair04 #4
Chapter 3: ohhh.. i'm getting hooked with your story.. VERY Nice plot.
Chapter 29: I read this from the top till the end. o/

I have a question though! How did Leo and N meet when they are little? Considering that N liked the boy since he was 5.
DuhFangurl #6
Chapter 23: it's a really good story! :)
What a good story