RaKen Clean

- After Movies Chapter -
Ken POV~
Superhero movies always gave Ken a case of the tinglies. All that action peppered with a little romance. It was enough to drive him a little bonkers.
Ken jumps up halfway through the movie with a giant smile on his face and runs to his closet. It takes him a few minutes to find what he wanted but he finally does. He could feel Ravi watching him as he pulls out two costume bags and throws one at Ravi.
"Put that on Wonshik." Ken goes into the bathroom to change before Ravi could question him, emerging from the tiled depths ten minutes later to see a very harassed looking Ravi holding a Spiderman mask.
"Seriously Jaehwan?" Ravi looked up at him from his seat on the couch with a pleading look that begged Ken to reconsider. But the tight way Ken's old Halloween costume fit Ravi's bulkier form had him reconsidering nothing. Ken himself was wearing Hongbin's old costume from when he dressed up as Spiderman's love interest. He looked pretty fabulous.
Ravi POV~
"Oh SpiderWonshik. Save me!" Ken says in a high pitch voice and giggles at himself. Ravi didn't know if he wanted to die from embarrassment or die laughing. All he knew was that he wanted his heart to stop.
"Jaehwan..." Ravi shakes his head. "Just watch the movie you freak."
"My name is Mary Janehwan, SpiderWonshik." Ken just keeps smiling, not breaking character. "Save me!" He dramatically falls over in true damsel in distress form. Ravi decided to just give in, putting the mask on.
"I'm coming Mary Janehwan!" He stands up quickly and sweeps the fallen 'girl' into his arms. He spins Ken in a circle, pretends to kick some imaginary bad guys, and runs up the stairs to the upper bed, dropping him on the mattress.
Ken POV~
"Are we safe here?" Ken questions, grabbing Ravi by the shirt and dragging him down to the bed with him.
"This is my secret fortress." Ravi explains. "Nobody will find us here."
"How can I ever repay you SpiderWonshik?" Ken smiles and wraps his arms around Ravi's neck.
"I can think of something..." Ravi chuckles and pulls off his mask, kissing Ken deeply.
"I approve of this payment." Ken giggles and wraps his arms around Ravi's neck, beginning a pretty heated make out session.
Ravi POV~
"Does it hurt?" Ravi questions a while later, as he touches Ken's swollen bottom lip. He must have bitten it too hard during their rough kisses. Ken smiles and pats Ravi's cheek, kissing him.
"Yeah. But I kinda like it. Is that weird?" Ken giggles and snuggles against Ravi.
"Maybe but that makes you even more amazing to me." Ravi grins and kisses the top of his boyfriend's head. "I love you."
"I love you too." Ken reaches over to hold Ravi's hand and Ravi laces their fingers together happily. Ken starts giggling suddenly.
"Hm?" Ravi opens one eye. He hadn't realized he was starting to drift off to sleep.
"Hongbin is going to kill us." Ken pulls the sheet out from under him a little to show massive holes from where he had been ripping at it. "This is his bed... And he had this sheet custom made in Paris..." There was a long pause before both of them burst into hysterical laughter.
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DubufulKoala #1
Chapter 5: This is very nice to read
TheCrazy15 #2
Love this story soo much! Finished literally in one day, even if i went to sleep super late, it was worth it~
Velzonly #3
Chapter 29: Author nim~ i know im so late omg forgive me but this story oh my god! So beautiful, perfect and well written woah the ending and the bonus chapters wow daebak! I read this in one go~ The most interesting and beautiful story of vixx that i've ever read *four thumbs up for you* thankyou for writing this master piece ^^~
sinclair04 #4
Chapter 3: ohhh.. i'm getting hooked with your story.. VERY Nice plot.
Chapter 29: I read this from the top till the end. o/

I have a question though! How did Leo and N meet when they are little? Considering that N liked the boy since he was 5.
DuhFangurl #6
Chapter 23: it's a really good story! :)
What a good story