
Ravi POV~
Ravi and Ken stretched out on the couch together watching Superhero movies. Ken has his head on Ravi's lap as Ravi gently his hair. Ravi had been paying more attention to Ken then the movie. N may have been his first love but he had always thought Ken was incredibly attractive and funny. Ever since they met when they were seven years old.
When Ken confessed to him last year, Ravi had been shocked but pleased. He gladly accepted Ken as his boyfriend. They hadn't even had a fight before the one on game night. Ravi thought Ken was perfect.
"Did you see that Wonshikkie!?" Ken howls with laughter as he points wildly at the tv.
"Huh? Oh. Yeah. It was great Jaehwan." Ravi smiles and rubs Ken's cheek as Ken looks up at him.
"Wonshik..." Ken frowns and pokes Ravi's cheek. "Don't lie. What were you thinking about?"
"Only about how much I love you." Ravi leans down and kisses Ken softly. "I wouldn't trade you for anything Jaehwan."
Ken POV~
Ken always liked when Ravi was all cute and mushy and loveable. But then again it always made him feel awkward and embarrassed. He bats at Ravi's cheek playfully.
"I love you too Shikkie." Ken smiles and pulls Ravi into a kiss. "And I wouldn't give you up for anything either. Except maybe a unicorn..."
"Well Unicorns are pretty awesome." Ravi laughs and wraps his arms around Ken's shoulders as they go back to watching their movie.
Ken had always loved Ravi. But he had always known that Ravi loved N. Which is why it took so long to confess to Ravi to begin with. When Ravi said yes Ken almost died of happiness. He was more than ecstatic now that N was no longer an unwilling obstacle in their relationship. Ken fell asleep to the glorious feeling of Ravi's fingers running through his hair.
Hyuk POV~
"Your underwear is over there." Hyuk points at the lamp as he and Hongbin are getting dressed. Hongbin blushes and pulls his undergarments off the light, putting them on as Hyuk smiles to himself. Hongbin was adorable when he got shy over things like Hyuk seeing his underwear. Especially after doing things like doing the horizontal nudey dance with him.
"Sanghyukkie." Hongbin pouts and flings himself on Hyuk, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's neck. "Don't look at them."
"But baby I saw them when I took them off of you." Hyuk laughs and kisses his boyfriend. "I know what they look like. Now take your pants off."
"Sanghyuk!" Hongbin gasps and blushes even more, smacking Hyuk's chest lightly.
"No no no. I meant so we can lay down and cuddle until we go to sleep." Hyuk chuckles and shakes his head. "Maybe you should stop hanging out with Jaehwan, you ert."
Hongbin POV~
"I am not." He didn't think he enjoyed his boyfriend comparing him to Ken. But when Hyuk kisses him it's hard to stay annoyed so they just end up pantsless in bed, snuggling.
"Hey Hongbin..." Hyuk whispers in his ear, making Hongbin shiver slightly and hide his face against Hyuk's chest.
"Yeah Hyukkie?" Hongbin smiles and closes his eyes sleepily
"I love you." Hyuk kisses the top of Hongbin's head gently.
"I love you too." Hongbin kisses Hyuk's shoulder as they fall asleep together. Hongbin was sure he was the luckiest person alive to have Hyuk this way.
Leo POV~
When N walked away from him he went into a mild panic attack. N wasn't going to kiss him anymore. But N liked him. He didnt know what to think or feel anymore. He just wanted N to come out of the bathroom and let Leo wrap his arms around him until his heartbeat goes back to normal.
He sits on the couch awkwardly as he listens to the shower running. He wanted badly to follow N in there. But N was right. Leo had a girlfriend. Leo had no business touching N the way he wanted to.
Finally the shower turned off and N comes out of the bathroom. His hair was wet and messy and he was only wearing his underwear and one of Leo's shirts. He looked like an angel.
"I'll just sleep on the couch." N smiles innocently as he leans against the doorway, running a hand through his soaked hair.
"Hakyeon..." Leo stood up and walked closer to him, biting his lip. "Why are you wearing my shirt?"
"Well... I sorta got my shirt all wet by accident." N gives Leo the most irresistible pouty face, making Leo want to go kiss his amazing lips again. "Sorry. I'll take it off." N starts to pull the shirt off and Leo can't help himself. He closed the gap between them quickly, kissing N as deeply as he can. N returned the kiss with what Leo felt was as much need.
"Don't. I like it." He smiles a little and kisses N again, holding onto his hips gently. But N shoves him away.
"No no no Taekwoon. No kissing. We're not dating and I'm not easy." N giggles and shakes his head, starting to the shirt of Leo's that he's wearing. "I'll just put my own shirt back on."
"Hakyeon..." Leo grabs N's hands to keep him from undoing and more buttons. Their lips meet again and Leo never wants it to end. N seems to have the same idea until he pushes Leo away yet again. Leo was getting frustrated. His body needed N. His soul needed N. Being denied something so essential to his life was causing him physical pain.
"We really shouldn't, Taekwoon." N shakes his head, grinning just a little. Leo's resolve broke. He kissed N roughly, picking him up, his hands gripping N's . N wraps his legs around Leo's waist and tangles his fingers in his hair, nipping at Leo's bottom lip. This only encouraged Leo more as he tossed N on the bed. He just couldn't make himself resist N anymore. He should. But he couldn't. He just hoped N couldn't resist him either.
After his shower, N slipped into a shirt of Leo's that he had told Hyuk to hide in the bathroom for him. Guys liked when their cute little love interests wore their clothes. He was hoping his little wardrobe change would drive Leo wild.
He hadn't really expected Leo to react so strongly though. N still hadn't managed to catch his breath after what he and Leo had just done. It had been incredible but honestly... It hurt like hell!
"Hakyeon..." Leo kisses N's cheek gently as he holds N against him. "Please don't leave me... I... I don't think I can handle that... If you ran away from me right now... Please just stay... At least for tonight... I need you..."
"Taekwoon..." N lost the ability to analyze the situation any further at the vulnerability in Leo's voice. He would just accept what happened. He could stress about his mistake in the morning. Because until the light of day ruined their fantasy, N could at least pretend Leo belonged to him. Even if this wasn't how he had wanted his first time to go.
"Goodnight..." Leo murmurs, holding N as close to him as he possibly could. "I'm sorry..." N wanted to ask what he was sorry for but Leo was asleep before he could bring up the nerve to voice the question. Did Leo regret his decision? Maybe N had made a bigger mistake than he realized...
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DubufulKoala #1
Chapter 5: This is very nice to read
TheCrazy15 #2
Love this story soo much! Finished literally in one day, even if i went to sleep super late, it was worth it~
Velzonly #3
Chapter 29: Author nim~ i know im so late omg forgive me but this story oh my god! So beautiful, perfect and well written woah the ending and the bonus chapters wow daebak! I read this in one go~ The most interesting and beautiful story of vixx that i've ever read *four thumbs up for you* thankyou for writing this master piece ^^~
sinclair04 #4
Chapter 3: ohhh.. i'm getting hooked with your story.. VERY Nice plot.
Chapter 29: I read this from the top till the end. o/

I have a question though! How did Leo and N meet when they are little? Considering that N liked the boy since he was 5.
DuhFangurl #6
Chapter 23: it's a really good story! :)
What a good story