
Leo POV~
Leo still couldn't believe his father was gay. It blew his mind. But now that he knew this information, a lot of things made sense. His dad never looked at women. He always commented on the attractiveness of male stars. He jad a sewing room... Leo suddenly felt foolish for not noticing.
His mother ignored him and N the whole rest of the time they were there but his father spent a lot of time with them. Leo was happy that, in either of his parents approved, it was his father. His father had always been a much better parent than his mother anyway.
His dad even brought them back to school in time for classes the next morning. N's friends all seemed to be excited when the walked into the class. They sat together and chatted until lunch. Leo told N he would meet him at the cafe and went to his locker.
He pulls out the blue dress N had made that had been ripped by Byoungjun. Leo had fixed it while N had been ignoring him. As he closes the locker and turns to head to the cafe, his ex girfriend was in front of him. She looked like she had been crying. Leo almost felt bad.
"Taekwoon can we talk?" She sniffles back tears and Leo looks over her shoulder at the cafe door, wanting to get back to N as quickly as possible.
"I can't. Hakyeon is waiting for me." He shakes his head and tries to step around her but she blocks him. "I don't want to upset my boyfriend."
"Boyfriend?!" She yells. He could see her starting to shake from anger. "You left me for a boy?!"
"I'm sorry. I love him." Leo sighs. "Find someone who can really like you for you. That person isn't me. I love Hakyeon."
"My Hakyeon?" The voice behind him sent a shiver of anger through him. He turns to face Byoungjun. So he was back at school... Lovely.
"My Hakyeon. The one I'm dating." Leo says coldly, glaring at Byoungjun. "The one you better stay away from." He turns and shoves past his ex to go to the cafe and eat with N. He wasn't going to explain himself to people who didn't deserve it. He loved N. N was his. That's all they needed to know. It's all that mattered anway.
"Taekwoon!" N calls happily when Leo finally entered the cafe. He saw something blue in his hands that looked awfully familiar. "What's that?"
"This?" Leo gives him a playful smile but doesn't show him.
"Yes that." N pouts, reaching out for the object in Leo's hands.
"Just a little something I patched up for you." Leo unfolds N's dress and holds it out to him.
"It's perfect!" N grabs it and hugs it to his chest. "Oh dress. I have missed you so much."
"Holy crap! You can sew!" Ken yells and N laughs.
"Oh. So that's what you've been doing." Hyuk was smiling. "I was wondering why you kept it. I was worried you were just creepy."
"Oh gee. Thanks." Leo rolls his eyes. N stands up and kisses his boyfriend.
"I'll be right back. I'm going to go put it on!" He runs out of the cafe and right into Byoungjun. Fear began to build up inside of him as he remembered the last time he had seen him.
"So you're dating Taekwoon now?" He looked angry. N was contemplating running back into the cafe. As if Byoungjun could sense this, he grabbed N's wrist and put his hand over N's mouth. N was starting to have a full on panic attack.
"Ew. He's not even that attractive. His skin is so dark and his eyes are weird." A girl steps out from behind Byoungjun. N recognizes her as the girl Leo had been dating.
"Shut up." Byoungjun ordered her. "Come Hakyeon. We're going to set things right." He keeps his hand tight over N's mouth so he can't scream as he drags him into an empty classroom. N was terrified.
"Taekwoon belongs to me!" The girl yells as Byoungjun shoves N against a wall in the classroom. N hears the click of the door lock. His father had designed the school to have nearly soundproof classrooms to keep one class from distracting another. If he screamed... nobody would hear him.
"You should be mine..." Byoungjun whispers in N's ear before hitting him in the stomach. N screamed in pain, desperately hoping for someone to save him.
Ken POV~
N never came back for lunch. Ravi told them that he had probably gotten distracted playing dress up and would show up to class. But he never came to Home Economics either. Ken was starting to get worried. He tried to text him but got nothing in return.
When class let out he texted his friends to let them know of N's absence. They all decide to skip the rest of their classes to figure out where N was. Ravi was the only one that didn't show up.
"Where's Wonshik?" Hongbin questions as they all gather in N's dorm. "He isn't missing too is he?"
"No." Ken shrugs. "He said he had to check something and would meet up as soon as he could." Leo was looking around the room like he was Sherlock tracking down some clues.
"What's up Taekwoon?" Hyuk questions as Leo glares at the door.
"Hakyeon was never here." Leo explains. "He said he was going to change but I can't find his uniform." N never made it to his dorm? What happened to him?
Ravi POV~
He goes into Byougjun's welding class and grabs him by the shirt, slamming him against a work bench. Byoungjun tried to push him away but Ravi refused to let him. He knew that bastard had something to do with whatever happened to N.
"Where is he?! Where's Hakyeon!" He shouts, slamming Byoungjun again. Everyone stops to watch. A murmur of concern for N begins in the crowd.
"Did you know he's dating Taekwoon? Taekwoon over me." Byoungjun smirks and Ravi punches him as hard as he can in the face, breaking his nose.
"What did you do to him!?" Ravi slammed him against the bench again.
"Taekwoon's wench and I took him to an empty classroom and gave that little what he deserved." Byoungjun was smirking as the blood from his nose ran down his face and dripped on the floor. Yells of outrage erupt from all of N's fanboys.
As much as Ravi would have liked to destroy Byoungjun, he knew he had to find N. So he left him at the mercy of the angry swarm, calling Ken to tell him what Byoungjun had said. He started his search immediately.
Hongbin POV~
They got Ravi's call and instantly went to search all the classrooms that weren't being used today. They had to find N quickly. Who knew what those monsters had done to him.
He and Hyuk went down the hall nearest to the cafe, checking every classroom. It didn't actually take long to find him. But when they did, Hyuk had wished someone else would have been the one to discover the horror.
Hyuk POV~ N was covered in blood and bruises. It was horrifying. Hongbin stood in the doorway in shock as Hyuk ran to their friend, checking his pulse. Good. He was alive, just unconscious.
"Hongbin call an ambulance!" Hyuk snaps at his frozen boyfriend. "Now!"
"O-okay..." Hongbin leaves the room to call for help as Hyuk does what he can to save his friend before the ambulance manages to get there.
N was really hurt. Maybe even a few broken bones. It looked like he had been beaten and left slumped against the wall. No. The red streak trailing down the wall told Hyuk tht he had apparently slid down the wall when he passed out. How could anyone do this to him?
The ambulance came quickly. Their friends gathered when they heard the siren. Leo faught with a paramedic until he was allowed to ride to the hospital with N. The others follwed in N's car. N had better be okay...
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DubufulKoala #1
Chapter 5: This is very nice to read
TheCrazy15 #2
Love this story soo much! Finished literally in one day, even if i went to sleep super late, it was worth it~
Velzonly #3
Chapter 29: Author nim~ i know im so late omg forgive me but this story oh my god! So beautiful, perfect and well written woah the ending and the bonus chapters wow daebak! I read this in one go~ The most interesting and beautiful story of vixx that i've ever read *four thumbs up for you* thankyou for writing this master piece ^^~
sinclair04 #4
Chapter 3: ohhh.. i'm getting hooked with your story.. VERY Nice plot.
Chapter 29: I read this from the top till the end. o/

I have a question though! How did Leo and N meet when they are little? Considering that N liked the boy since he was 5.
DuhFangurl #6
Chapter 23: it's a really good story! :)
What a good story