
Leo POV~
He had been relieved when his girlfriend called and asked him to meet her to watch a movie. He needed to get away from that confusing N. Why did he have to be so cute? It was disgusting. And why had Leo cared so much when he found out how many love confessions N got? And who was N in love with?!
He had to stop thinking about N! Leo went to bed before Hyuk made it back to the dorm from his outing with his friends. He felt bad for running out when Hyuk had been nice enough to invite him along. He was a little disappointed that he probably wouldn't be invited along anymore. But at least it would help him stay away from N.
He gets up and leaves before Hyuk does, going to his first class fifteen minutes early. He took his seat in the back of the room and opens his book. Only a few pages in though and he hears laughter. He looks up to see N, Ken, and Hongbin walk in.
He surpresses a groan as N sees him and waves happily. He had seriously been hoping he could avoid having classes with the cute boy. But luck just wasn't on his side.
N and his friends sat near Leo. He wanted to get up and just walk out but he hadn't missed a day of school in his whole life and wasn't planning on it now.
N kept glancing at him and smiling and waving during the teacher's lecture. It was so distracting that Leo almost hadn't heard the teacher say that Leo's project partner for the whole year was N. Almost. But he still managed to take in the awful news. He had to work closely, one on one, with N? Suddenly Leo wished he had walked out before class started...
He had been ecstatic when he walked into his main class and found Leo sitting there. When their teacher paired them up N almost died from happiness. He literally HAD to spend time with Leo. Leo couldn't just avoid him! For the whole year!
Hongbin looked like he might kill himself though, after getting paired up with Ken. N didn't care though. Because he was going to get to make dates with Leo. Sure they were homework dates but nobody ever said that couldn't lead to real dates. Real dates with Leo.
After the partnering was revealed they had the rest of the class period to just talk and get comfortable with the person they'd spend all year working with. Hongbin and Ken were already arguing so N bounced over to Leo, sitting on the edge of his desk, putting his hand in front of Leo's book playfully.
"Hey partner." N smiles as Leo slowly puts down his book and looks up at him. "Don't you know I'm the best book at this school? Your eyes should be on me. Not this tattered old thing."
"Hey..." Leo didn't sound as peppy as N felt. It was a little disappointing to hear. It was even more depressing that Leo completely ignored N's pick up line.
"I promise to work my hardest for you Taekwoon. I'll do anything you ask me to." N pokes Leo in the forehead, smirking playfully as he crosses one leg over the other slowly. Leo watches his legs and then stands up quickly, running out of the room without another word. How rude... He wasn't going to get out of working with him that easily.
Hongbin POV~
No. Just no. That idiot was going to make him fail. He was going to fail because his teacher hated him. Couldn't he just kill Ken and do his own work... alone?
"This is going to be awesome!" Ken was babbling as he sketched some random pictures on his notebook. "Our dorm can be like a secret base for homework! We can be like homework super heros!"
"I'm not wearing a cape, Jaehwan." Hongbin rolls his eyes and then smiles a little. At least Ken was lively and fun. N's partner literally glares at everything and just ran away from him. Hongbin was lucky. Even if he did have to spend all year working with the school moron.
"But capes are cool, Hongbin!" Ken pouts and Hongbin can feel his eye twitch in irritation. Capes were tacky and went with none of Hongbin's outfits. He wasn't Dracula. He was not wearing a cape.
"Does Spiderman wear a cape?" Hongbin tries to reason with Ken. He really didn't want to lounge around his room in a cape... He'd end up hanging himself with it.
"You're right!" Ken exclaims ecstatically as he stands up quickly. "We need full body unitards!" Oh god... What did Hongbin just get himself into? He wondered if it was too late to revisit the cape idea...
Ken POV~
Working with Hongbin was going to be awesome! Hongbin was smart and Ken was creative. Together they could win everything! You won prizes if you got an A right? Ken wouldn't know. He usually managed a C grade.
That wasn't the point though. The point was that they were going to win everything and that they were going to have the coolest dorm room ever. Ken promptly went to work designing their outfits.
He'd put a lot of flowers onto Hongbin's outfit to thank him. As for his own outfit? Ken was going to be a human mosquito. knowledge one book at a time.
Ravi POV~
He had been staring out the classroom door absentmindedly as his and Hyuk's teacher babbled on and on about what they should expect to be doing in the coming year. It was pretty boring. He noticed Hyuk playing a video game under the table. Lucky jerk.
As Ravi's mind wanders and he wonders if Ken's behaving himself wherever he is, he notices Leo passing his classroom. He seemed upset. Hyuk noticed too and asked permission to go to the bathroom, leaving to follow Leo. Ravi did not envy Hyuk. Having to deal with Leo during class so his time in his room was as unawkward as possible. It seemed like a lot of work.
Ravi was glad he had to room with N. N was dramatic and lovesick but at least he was also cute and fun. N was always good for a laugh or some affection. Leo just seemed like an emotionless cyborg. Ravi didn't get what N saw in him. N could do so much better.
Ravi gets pelted with a piece of chalk by his teacher and has to turn his attention back to his classwork. Maybe Hyuk was lucky. Having to do Leo damage control had to be better than algebra.
Hyuk POV~
He finally caught up to Leo, hanging onto his roommate's shoulder so he couldn't run off as Hyuk tried to catch his breath. Sure, Hyuk and Leo had never really hung out before but he liked Leo. He was shy and nice and misunderstood. So when Hyuk saw something was bothering him, he wanted to help.
"Wh-what's going on?" Hyuk pants as he lets go of Leo and fixes his clothes that had gotten rumpled while running.
"Sanghyuk?" Leo looked confused for a second but then shook his head. "Nothing. Thanks for checking." He gave Hyuk a small smile but Hyuk wasn't convinced.
"Any time you need to talk, I'm here okay?" He informs Leo. Leo just nods and starts to walk away.
"Wait..." Leo stopped for a second and looks over at Hyuk. "You're good friends with Cha Hakyeon?"
"Yeah. For as long as I can remember. We're all pretty close. N's the one that helped me win over Hongbin." Hyuk smiles as he thinks about his boyfriend.
"So does he really get a lot of confessions from classmates." Leo looks away from Hyuk. Hyuk didn't know what to make of this line of questioning but figured it didn't hurt to answer.
"Yeah. Like ten a day every year for about four years. Even Wonshik tried a couple years back." Hyuk laughs a little. "Too bad he's only had his heart set on one person since he was around five years old."
"So he really is in love with someone?" Hyuk thought he saw Leo's shoulders stiffen with tension.
"Hopelessly in love with him. But sadly Hakyeon isn't exactly this guy's type. He's got the wrong... parts?" Hyuk tries to hint to Leo that he's the object of N's affection but he doesn't seem to get it.
"." Leo mutters and continues down the hall, leaving a very confused Hyuk to travel alone back to his classroom to wait for Lunch break to come so he could ask his friends what they made of Leo's behavior. If he could manage to do it without N around. He didn't need N getting the wrong impression and pestering an already on edge Leo worse than he already planned to. Nobody deserved the full force of N with an expanded ego.
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DubufulKoala #1
Chapter 5: This is very nice to read
TheCrazy15 #2
Love this story soo much! Finished literally in one day, even if i went to sleep super late, it was worth it~
Velzonly #3
Chapter 29: Author nim~ i know im so late omg forgive me but this story oh my god! So beautiful, perfect and well written woah the ending and the bonus chapters wow daebak! I read this in one go~ The most interesting and beautiful story of vixx that i've ever read *four thumbs up for you* thankyou for writing this master piece ^^~
sinclair04 #4
Chapter 3: ohhh.. i'm getting hooked with your story.. VERY Nice plot.
Chapter 29: I read this from the top till the end. o/

I have a question though! How did Leo and N meet when they are little? Considering that N liked the boy since he was 5.
DuhFangurl #6
Chapter 23: it's a really good story! :)
What a good story