
Ravi POV~
"Here's what we're going to do." N had told them. "Tomorrow my lovely friends are all going to schedule intimate slumber parties that will leave me locked out of my dorm and Hongbin's dorm. Sanghyuk will tell me this at lunch and then suggest I stay in Taek's dorm for the night. I will loudly disagree and say I would rather sleep on a bench outside before storming out. Hyukkie will later that night, text Taekwoon and ask if I ended up in the dorm, which I won't be and say that I left my jacket in my dorm and it seems cold outside. Taek will become concerned and find me outside on the bench and insist I come inside and then I'll give him just a little of what he wants before pushing him away. Repeat until he gives in. Tadah!"
"You are a criminal mastermind." Ravi shakes his head, laughing. "I'm impressed."
Now it was lunch and time to put his diabolical little friend's plan into action. He and Hyuk had filled in their boyfriends the night before. Now it was time to fake break it to N that he had nowhere to sleep tonight.
"Hakyeon. Um. Jaehwan and I need the dorm tonight." Ravi starts and Ken claps happily.
"Yes! I can't wait baby!" He attacks Ravi's lips with his own and then looks at N. "Oh. I'm sure you can sleep over with Hongbin tonight. Unless Hongbin wants to join Wonshikkie and I."
"Ew. Gross Jaehwan." Hongbin rolls his eyes. "Actually Hyukkie and I will be using our dorm."
"Then where am I going to sleep?" N pouts and stirs his coffee with his straw.
"Hold on. Yo Taekwoon!" Hyuk looks over at Leo who looks away from N for a moment. "Can Hakyeon sleep in our room tonight? Wonshik and I will be preoccupying the other dorms and he doesn't have anywhere else to sleep."
Ken POV~
"No!" N stands up suddenly, spilling his coffee all over the table. "I would rather sleep outside on a bench like a dog." N storms off in true diva fashion, slamming the cafe door behind him, not even giving Leo a glance as he leaves.
Ken watches Leo as Leo watches the door, slowly standing and then sitting back down, sighing. Leo didn't seem to know what to do with himself. He just kept fidgeting and checking the door to see if N was coming back. Ken feels a drop of liquid on his pants and looks down at the puddle of coffee.
"That bastard left us to clean up his mess..." Ken growls and grabs some napkins, helping Hyuk and Ravi mop up the mess.
"I should go check on Hakyeon!" Hongbin jumps up and runs off. Of course he would avoid helping them clean... Prissy brat.
Hongbin POV~
He had filled N in on how Leo had watched him leave and look of sadness on Leo's face after he followed him into the hall. N seemed excited for night to come and his plan to start full force. Hongbin thought his enthusiasim was adorable.
That night he and Hyuk were watching a movie in Hongbin's dorm, waiting for it to be late enough for Hyuk to text Leo. Finally Hongbin gets a text from N saying he had been outside long enough for his skin to feel chilled so Leo would have thought he was out there all night. Hongbin gladly told his boyfriend, more than ready to make the most of their evening together. It wasn't often that they got alone bedroom time. Hongbin was ready to do alone bedroom type things.
Hyuk POV~
He sent out the text to Leo asking if N had went to the dorm and that Ravi said N had left his coat and that it seemed cold outside and Byoungjun was still on campus. Leo texted back quickly saying that he would find N. With Hyuk's job finished he was finally free to spend a relaxing night with his boyfriend.
"So what should we do tonight?" Hyuk questions as he tosses his phone on Hongbin's nightstand.
"Guess..." Hongbin smiles his cute little dimpled smile and straddles Hyuk, kissing him deeply. Hyuk loved his erted little boyfriend.
Leo POV~
He had been worried about N since school let out. Was he really so upset with Leo that N would literally sleep outside. He had contemplated going out to check on him but wasn't sure if he had decided to stay with one of his admirers. Not that Leo thought that was a better alternative.
When Hyuk texted him to ask if N had decided to show up Leo's worry grew. Especially when Hyuk brought up that it was cold tonight and Byoungjun could easily find N. Leo had no choice but to drag N back to the dorm wether he liked it or not.
He left the dorms and started to search all the benches on the grounds. Finally he saw someone laying on a bench and ran to them. N was staring up at the sky with his arms outstretched like he was trying to catch stars. It was the cutest thing Leo had ever seen.
"Hakyeon let's go inside." Leo says quietly, holding his hand out for N.
"Go away Taekwoon. Go visit your girlfriend. I'm fine out here." N smacks Leo's hand away. Leo winces and frowns. N's words hurt worse than his slap.
"Fine Hakyeon. Freeze out here." Leo turns to leave but hears N sit up on the bench.
"You'd like that wouldn't you Taekwoon?" N whispers. The pain in N's voice broke Leo's heart. Without thinking, Leo turns quickly and grabs N's cheeks gently, dragging him into a heated kiss.
"Never say that ever again..." Leo murmurs before pulling N into another kiss. He feels N's arms going around his neck as he picks him up and starts to carry N back to his dorm. "You don't know what I'm feeling Hakyeon. Just know that losing you would crush me."
Leo's kisses always left him feeling weak. It was going to be hard to push him away again in a few minutes. But N would do it anyway, for the sake of their future relationship.
"Taekwoon..." N blushes as the dorm door closes behind them and Leo keeps kissing him. It was basically a dream come true. N was a little sad he had to stop it from continuing.
"Your skin is ice cold. We need to warm you up." Leo speaks with his lips pressed against N's, trying to take N's shirt off.
"Stop..." N slaps at Leo's hands and pulls his shirt back down. "This isn't you, Taekwoon. You have a girlfriend and the Taekwoon I know isn't a cheater. And I really like the Taekwoon I know... Even if he's a Taekwoon I can't have." N doesn't let Leo reply, he kisses him gently, running one hand slowly down Leo's chest before he goes into the bathroom and locks the door. He was a little worried that his last speech could backfire but he chose to trust that it was going according to planned as he gets in the shower, preparing for the next phase of his mission.
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DubufulKoala #1
Chapter 5: This is very nice to read
TheCrazy15 #2
Love this story soo much! Finished literally in one day, even if i went to sleep super late, it was worth it~
Velzonly #3
Chapter 29: Author nim~ i know im so late omg forgive me but this story oh my god! So beautiful, perfect and well written woah the ending and the bonus chapters wow daebak! I read this in one go~ The most interesting and beautiful story of vixx that i've ever read *four thumbs up for you* thankyou for writing this master piece ^^~
sinclair04 #4
Chapter 3: ohhh.. i'm getting hooked with your story.. VERY Nice plot.
Chapter 29: I read this from the top till the end. o/

I have a question though! How did Leo and N meet when they are little? Considering that N liked the boy since he was 5.
DuhFangurl #6
Chapter 23: it's a really good story! :)
What a good story