
Ravi POV~
They sat in the waiting room, all five of them, while they waited for news on N's condition. Ravi watches Leo. You can tell a lot about how a person feels for another person by the way they act in the face of possible devastation. Leo couldn't keep still. He couldn't stop looking in the direction of N's hospital room.
Good. Maybe N really was more than just some fling to him. Ravi was glad because if N recovered, he deserved to be loved forever by the one he loved. When. Ravi reminded himself. When N recovered.
He just desperately wanted to hunt Byoungjun down and beat him to death. But apparently that was no longer an option. One of Ravi's friends in Byoungjun's class called Ravi and said that after Byoungjun confessed to hurting N a lot of N's followers had beat him and kept him cornered while they called the police and waited for them to arrive. With Byoungjun behind bars, and probably Leo's ex too, they were regretfully out of Ravi's reach for his personal justice. How unfortunate.
Ken and Hongbin were crying. Ravi rubs Ken's back as he tries to calm him down, kissing his cheek. Honestly he was surprised that he wasn't crying to. The thought of a losing N was the most heartbreaking thing in the world.
Ken POV~
N was in the hospital. Right now he was in a room getting stitches or surgery or a blood transfusion or molested. Ken didn't know what doctors did when you were unconscious. Maybe one or two were weird erts.
He was so scared. What was going to happen to N? Was he going to die? Was he going to be deformed and have to wear a mask and live in the sewers? His anxiety was really getting the best of him. All he knew for sure is that he wanted N to be okay. He wanted N to continue being happy, healthy N.
He leans against Ravi, wiping at his tears. It wasn't fair. Why N? Why their precious little N? If Byoungjun hadn't been arrested then Ken would have forced his boyfriend to do to him what he did to N.
Or maybe Ken would go all 'SpiderKen' and tie Byoungjun up and hang him off a street lamp for the police to find. Or go all 'SuperKen' and... and... Well Ken wasn't really sure what Superman would do but he was sure it was awesome. Anything to avenge N.
Hyuk POV~
He held his sobbing boyfriend close as he waited for a nurse, a doctor, anyone, to come tell them N's condition. He tried to stay calm, looking around the room at the others. Hongbin looked terrified. Ken was a strange mix of crying hysterically and random giggles, like his brain was trying to distract himself with weird thoughts. Ravi was so angry his hands were twitching, clearly begging to hit the person responsible. Leo just looked like his soul had been hacked to pieces.
Hyuk wishes he could do more to help besides just holding his boyfriend. N meant a lot to a lot of people and Hyuk loved him like a brother. If N died... He didn't know if anyone could handle it. Not even himself.
Finally the nurse came out. She said N had some broken ribs and his stomach had been bleeding from repetitive trauma but he was in the clear. He was recovering and would be waking up soon. They could go in to be there when he woke up. N was going to be okay.
Hongbin POV~
They all wanted to go in there and see N but Hyuk figured N would want to wake up only to Leo. Hongbin had to agree. If he were in N's shoes, he would want Hyuk to be the first thing he saw too. So they let Leo in alone.
N's dad showed up after a few more minutes. He looked scared to death. He had wanted to get there instantly but with the police at his school, he had been too busy. N and his father had always been close so Hongbin knew the delay in getting here had been destroying N's dad.
He calmed down when Hongbin told him N was in recovery. After that they all waited in silence for N to open his eyes. Hongbin was so relieved that he would be.
Leo POV~
He sat in the chair by N's bed, holding his hand and his hair gently. N was going to be okay. His N was going to live. He pressed his forehead against his unconscious boyfriend's, closing his eyes and finally let his tears fall. He had been so scared. He knew if he had cried before he would have shattered, but in his relief, he was letting all those fears out.
"Taek..." A voice mumbles sleepily. "I love you but please stop trying to drown me with your tears."
"Hakyeon?" Leo opened his eyes and smiles at N, wiping his tears off of N's face. "Sorry."
"It's okay Taekwoon." Reaches out and pulls him into a kiss, wincing as he sits up. "Sorry. I guess I got myself into trouble."
"How are you feeling?" Leo questions, adjusting the hospital bed to help N sit up without pain.
"Like an elephant tap danced on my stomach." He shrugs and smiles. Even though he had almost died, his N was as vibrant and happy as ever. Despite how much Leo had always tried to avoid N in the past he had always been amazed at his personality. His ability to bounce back from any bad situation. N was amazing.
"Hakyeon I love you so much." Leo whispers and kisses him deeply, pressing the palm of his hand against N's cheek, gently rubbing it with his thumb. "Please never do anything like that to me again. My heart can't take losing you."
"Taekwoon... I love you too. I promise not to put you through that again." N kisses him back and wraps his arms around Leo's neck. Leo was so happy. N was okay. N wasn't going to leave him. Leo was relieved. He couldn't survive a single day without N now that he had finally allowed him into his heart.
After a few minutes of alone time, N finally decided to allow the rest of the people waiting into the room. His friends and even his father and Leo's father brought in a staggering amount of flowers and stuffed animals and candy. N was actually kind of shocked to see so many gifts.
"Kids from school kept coming and dropping stuff off for you." Hyuk explains as they sit stuff down on any available surface they could.
"Jaehwan ate like half of the candy though." Hongbin smiles and kisses N's cheek. "Don't worry. I smacked his hand like a bad child."
"Hakyeon." N's father was hugging him tightly, making N wince from the added pressure to his broken ribs and stomach bruses. "You had me so worried."
"Sorry." N felt bad for upsetting so many people. He should have been more careful and then Byoungjun and that girl wouldn't have done this to him.
"Okay. Okay." Leo's dad puts his hand on N's dad's shoulder, smiling. "Let's give the kids some alone time. What do you say? We can go get coffee or something. Maybe see a movie." N's dad smiles and nods at him. N has to hold back a grin. He could tell that his dad was smitten with Leo's adorable father.
"That sounds good." N's dad kisses N's forehead and goes to the door, waiting for Leo's dad to follow.
"Dad!" Leo glares at him. "What did I tell you?"
"Oh Taekwoonie. Daddy will bring you back coffee. No need for a case of the angries." His dad grabs his cheeks and shakes his head playfully, giggling as he runs off with N's dad, clearly ignoring what Leo had been warning him about. N couldn't help it. He started laughing.
"It isn't funny Hakyeon. We could end up related." Leo was pouting.
"Come here and give your future brother a kiss Taekwoonie." N giggles and holds his arms out to Leo. Leo rolls his eyes and then kisses N.
"I love you, creep." Leo smiles and picks up a stuffed bear, making it kiss the tip of N's nose.
"I love you too, weirdo." N blushes and smiles. Leo was so sweet when he wasn't being angsty or hungry or bored. Sometimes it was hard to tell what he was thinking. He really only had three expressions. Murder, happy, and everything else.
"Oh gag me." Ravi rolls his eyes and smiles as he reminds N and Leo that there are still other people in the room.
"So much mushy love stuff!" Ken giggles, eating another piece of N's chocolate. Hongbin smacked his hand and moved the candy away from him.
"Isn't it the cutest?" Hongbin takes two stuffed animals and makes them kiss, making Leo blush a deep red.
"It's weird. I think that Taekwoon might be sick." Hyuk laughs, feeling his forehead. Leo promptly threw the stuffed bear he was holding at their group of friends, making N giggle. Despite being in the hospital, N was happy. He was lucky. This group of people were his whole life and he couldn't ask for a better group to be a part of.
A/N: Dude. Guys I totally almost died last night lol My brother's cat bit me so hard I have a half inch deep hole in my wrist literally touching the side of vein in my wist. I almost couldn't keep writing for all of you. *Sigh of relief* But I dodged death and finished my chapter for today like a pro. I love all of you.
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DubufulKoala #1
Chapter 5: This is very nice to read
TheCrazy15 #2
Love this story soo much! Finished literally in one day, even if i went to sleep super late, it was worth it~
Velzonly #3
Chapter 29: Author nim~ i know im so late omg forgive me but this story oh my god! So beautiful, perfect and well written woah the ending and the bonus chapters wow daebak! I read this in one go~ The most interesting and beautiful story of vixx that i've ever read *four thumbs up for you* thankyou for writing this master piece ^^~
sinclair04 #4
Chapter 3: ohhh.. i'm getting hooked with your story.. VERY Nice plot.
Chapter 29: I read this from the top till the end. o/

I have a question though! How did Leo and N meet when they are little? Considering that N liked the boy since he was 5.
DuhFangurl #6
Chapter 23: it's a really good story! :)
What a good story