
Hyuk POV~
Leo had been edgy all week. Hyuk had been trying to get him to talk about it but he refused. He's had enough of the harsh atmosphere in his dorm though. It was stressing him out.
"Hey Taekwoon. We're hosting a movie night with my friends since we don't have classes tomorrow and can sleep in." Hyuk decides. Leo suddenly looked very panicked. "No use getting out of it either. I know your girlfriend is visiting family this weekend. Do you're stuck with us"
"Fine." Leo sighs and looks up at Hyuk from where he was sitting on his bed. "Will Hakyeon be here?"
"I don't think he'd miss this for the world." Hyuk shrugs and notices Leo biting his lip nervously. "Hey. Do you really hate him?"
"That isn't it." Leo shakes his head quickly. "I... I don't even know..."
"Sorry. But you'll have to deal with him sometimes." Hyuk sighs, not wanting to make Leo uncomfortable but not wanting to leave his friend out either. "But if he gets too overwhelming I can have Wonshik take him back to their dorm and put him in time out."
"No!" Leo yells suddenly, jumping up. "I... I mean..." Hyuk had to fight back a smile at how red Leo's face had gotten. "Um... I can handle it... Just... You said Wonshik confessed to him once... Does he still feel that way for him?"
"Well..." Hyuk thinks about all the interactions between N and Ravi and then shrugs. "It seems like it. But he really does care about Jaehwan. They're dating. Now Wonshik is just sort of like Hakyeon's gaurd dog."
"Oh." Leo looks like he's contemplating something. Hyuk didn't have time to decipher the meaning behind their conversation. He needed to get everything started for their movie night.
Hongbin POV~
He gets a text from Hyuk as he's arguing with Ken for the trillionth time over his superhero obsession spilling over into real life. Ken had been playing with a music box Hyuk had bought Hongbin. Hongbin takes the ceramic box from Ken and sits it back on his desk as he reads the text.
"We're not calling our dorm that, Jaehwan. Now get ready. We're watching movies in Hyuk's dorm." Hongbin shakes his head as he walks into the bathroom to get ready for movie night. "We're in charge of getting the movies." As Hongbin brushes his hair he hears a loud crash. "JAEHWAN!"
"It wasn't me! A giant dog ran in and shoved it off the desk then ran out!" Ken yells back. Hongbin walks out of the bathroom and looks down at the shattered music box.
"Jaehwan... I hate you." He sighs and goes back into the bathroom. "Go tell Wonshik and Hakyeon that you three are now in charge of snacks and movies since I have to clean up your mess. Bring it all the Sanghyuk's dorm."
"Aye aye Captain Butterfly!" Ken calls back. Hongbin groans at the nickname.
"That is not my Superhero name!" Hongbin shouts but Ken's already closing the dorm door behind him. Crap. Hongbin was going to end up having to strangle his friend.
When Ken ran into their dorm room and told them that they were having a movie night at Hyuk's dorm N bolted into the bathroom to prepare. If there was even a little chance that Leo would be there then N had to look perfect. After a week of Leo avoiding him, N wanted to be sure he was the center of attention.
He put on one of his cutest outfits and a little makeup, fixing his hair before going out to let Ravi and Ken get ready. Both claimed to be fine with what they were wearing and after Ravi finished a string of compliments about N's outfit they went out to get their supplies.
They got a bunch of snacks and drinks and each picked out a movie. Ravi chose a horror movie, Ken insisted on Superheros and N decided on a romantic comedy. He sincerely hoped Leo would watch this and think of N. Maybe N should invite someone along to flirt with and make him jealous... Unfortunately there wasn't enough time to find anyone. Though he could probably semi-borrow Ravi...
Ken dropped an entire bag of groceries in the street on the walk back to the dorm where a car promptly ran over half of their drinks. N then insisted they get a lot of blended ice coffees to make up for it. So when they got to Hyuk's dorm they had everything they needed for a successful movie night, including sufficient caffeine.
When they walked into the room Leo instantly started staring at N. Good. His plan was working. But then Leo whispered something to Hyuk and Hyuk got Leo one of the coffees. Leo smiled one of his rare, gorgeous smiles that melted N's heart as he took a sip of the cold drink. N might not have been what he was looking at but at least he was the reason for Leo's happiness at the moment. That made him pretty happy.
Everyone sat down on the couch, facing the TV. N wanted to sit near Leo but not so near that Leo would think he was interested. He was going to play it cool tonight. He notices Leo watching him as he thinks about where to sit so N pulls the straw out of his coffee and the whipped cream off of the length of it as he sat down next to Ravi on the floor. With any luck, Leo would be hooked on him by the middle of the second movie.
Leo POV~
He had watched N his straw and had to look away quickly to keep his pants from getting uncomfortable. When he glanced back at N, he was sitting on the floor as far away from Leo as he could. Ravi was sitting between N and Ken, who was in front of Leo. Leo wanted to trade seats with Hongbin so he could be close to N. But then he also wanted to run out of the dorm for thinking such thoughts.
Hyuk handed out food and drinks as Ravi put in a scary movie and turned off the lights, returning to sit next to a smiling N. Leo watched as N leaned against Ravi and Ravi put an arm around him, doing the same with Ken. Leo kind of wanted to hit him for touching the pretty, tan boy.
When the movie starts N begins getting freaked out and hides his face against Ravi's neck. Leo didn't like the look Ravi gave N as he his hair and back. He needed to get his eyes off of N and onto his boyfriend, whom was laughing loudly at the exaggerated violence.
But it wasn't like Leo could do anything about it. He shouldn't even want to. N annoyed him. He was overwhelming and made Leo feel things he didn't want to feel. Leo was pretty sure he hated him. But if he hated N so much, why did he feel so irritated by seeing the tan boy in Ravi's arms? And why did he always forget about his girlfriend when N was around?
Ravi POV~
He loved watching horror flicks with N. Even though N was the most easily frightened person Ravi knew, he also knew that N loved being scared by movies. Not to mention that N cuddled when he was scared. So scary movies and N were one of Ravi's favorite combinations.
He felt eyes on him and turned to see Leo glowering at him as the movie ended. Ravi glared back as N sat up and grabbed a box of chocolate pocky, the tip of one absentmindedly. Ravi turned his attention away from that punk Leo and watched N with the pocky stick as he stood to change movies.
"Behave yourself Hakyeon." He laughs and shoves N playfully with his foot on N's . N laughs and bites the pocky, scrunching his nose up at Ravi. It was too adorable.
"Put in the superhero movie!" Ken demends and Hongbin reaches over to smack the back of Ken's head.
"No!" Hongbin smacks at Ken again. Ravi hugs his boyfriend and laughs.
"Don't worry Jaehwan. We'll watch it in my dorm tonight." Ravi shakes his head and kisses Ken's cheek. "I think Hongbin needs a break anyway." Ravi knew Ken's love for being a superhero could get tiresome. Especially since Ken had showed Ravi his plans for Hongbin and his dorm room. He almost felt bad for Hongbin. Ken was determined to make them unitards with capes.
N puts in the romantic comedy and heads back to his seat, on a pocky stick. Ravi frowned when he noticed N looking at Leo, giving his best shot at silent flirting. Leo was watching N closely. Ravi didn't like it. Leo was straight. Ravi didn't appreciate the moody teen doing anything to get N's hopes up. If he hurt N, Ravi would destroy him.
When N sat next to Ravi again, Ravi took a pocky stick and fed it to N. He noticed Leo's expression darken. He just smiled at him. He wanted it to be clear to Leo. N was not some game for a bored straight guy who felt like experimenting with his uality just because N was pretty and they didn't get to see girls often during the school year. It meant something to N. And Ravi refused to see N's heart broken.
Ken POV~
Halfway through the movie Ken noticed that Hyuk and Hongbin were making out and N had fallen asleep with his head on Ravi's lap. He really wanted to go watch the superhero movie with his boyfriend. It had looked so excited. And he knew Ravi would play hero and villian with him when it was over.
"Wonshik!" Ken tugs at his sleeve. "Let's go watch my movie. Please." He couldn't wait for all the action and then the corresponding wrestling match that usually took place afterwards.
"Oh. Yeah. Okay." Ravi smiles and looks down at N. "Yo Hongbin. We're going to watch it in your room so that we won't wake Hakyeon up."
"Just don't let Jaehwan touch my stuff." Hongbin informs Ravi as he breaks away from Hyuk for air.
"I told you! It was a giant dog!" Ken pouts and Ravi laughs. He needed to come up with better excuses... Clearly nobody believed him. But he had really thought that the dog excuse had been a good one...
"Hongbin can stay over so he doesn't end up killing Jaehwan over a freshly fueled superhero addiction." Hyuk decides and Ken sighs in relief. He didn't understand why nobody else enjoyed superheroes as much as he did. They were heroes that were also super. The name kind of said it all. How could you not love them?
"Okay. Let's go." Ravi slowly picks up N so he doesn't wake him up. "We'll.drop Hakyeon off at our dorm on the way. Get him in his pajamas and tucked into bed. Then it's just you and me baby."
"No." Leo stood up suddenly and took N from Ravi. "I'll take him. I dont want to watch these two make out anyway." Ravi seemed annoyed but Ken and Hongbin shared a look that said 'oh my god he likes him!' Ken knew that he and Hongbin would end up doing some plotting. Maybe operation 'Hook N up with Leo' would be their first superhero mission!
Leo left quickly with N and Ken excitedly gathered up snacks and drinks and the movie, dragging Ravi all the way to Ken's dorm. A superhero movie alone with his boyfriend? N being looked after by Leo? The night had suddenly become awesome. Now if only Spiderman would show up...
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DubufulKoala #1
Chapter 5: This is very nice to read
TheCrazy15 #2
Love this story soo much! Finished literally in one day, even if i went to sleep super late, it was worth it~
Velzonly #3
Chapter 29: Author nim~ i know im so late omg forgive me but this story oh my god! So beautiful, perfect and well written woah the ending and the bonus chapters wow daebak! I read this in one go~ The most interesting and beautiful story of vixx that i've ever read *four thumbs up for you* thankyou for writing this master piece ^^~
sinclair04 #4
Chapter 3: ohhh.. i'm getting hooked with your story.. VERY Nice plot.
Chapter 29: I read this from the top till the end. o/

I have a question though! How did Leo and N meet when they are little? Considering that N liked the boy since he was 5.
DuhFangurl #6
Chapter 23: it's a really good story! :)
What a good story