
N drags his bags to his assigned dorm room. He was excited and nervous to find out who he was sharing a room with. He severely hoped it was one of his friends. But more than anything he wanted it to be a certain someone who N thought probably didn't even know he existed.
He gets to the door of his room and sees two names above the mail slot on the door. Cha Hakyeon and Kim Wonshik. N was disappointed that he wasn't going to be rooming with who he had wanted to be Ravi was a pretty good option.
"You're stuck with the bottom bed." Ravi announces as N opens the door and drops his bags on the floor.
"I'm okay with that." N shrugs and walks over to flop onto his stomach on his bed. "I would have ended up sleeping in bed with you in the middle of the night if I didn't. Stairs are too complicated when I'm half asleep." N laughs.
"Shoot. I should have taken the bottom bed." Ravi fake pouts and starts to unpack his clothes.
"I'm not sure Jaehwan would approve of that." N reminds Ravi and sits up quickly as the sound of paper being shoved into the mail slot is heard.
"It's already starting." Ravi chuckles and picks up the papers, shuffling through them.
"Anything from Taekwoon?" N asks hopefully. He seriously got at least ten love confessions every day but never from the one he was waiting for. Maybe this year he should just confess to Leo. Even though he hadn't exactly been subtle for the past few years about how he felt for him. Maybe Leo was dense.
Ravi POV~
Ken had warned Ravi that N would have their mailbox filling up quickly. Ravi wasn't surprised. He was just impressed that the fanboys were working so quickly on the first day, trying to win N's heart before anyone else could. Too bad for them that N was hopelessly in love with the most heteroual guy on campus.
"Nope. Nothing." Ravi sits the confessions on the desk and goes back to unpacking.
"Damn." N stretches and gets up to do the same. "Meeting up with Mister Flaily tonight?"
"As soon as I finish unpacking." Ravi grins as he thinks about his boyfriend Ken. "He's rooming with Hongbin so I'll have to keep him out of his room as much as possible so he doesn't annoy him and get murdered."
"Those two. I swear secretly they're best friends." N giggles and then starts to look through his letters. "Man. I'm getting sick of having to kindly turn down my stalkers."
"Stop being so adorable then." Ravi shrugs and finishes getting ready for his date with Ken.
"But then Taekwoon will never love me!" N wails as Ravi laughs and walks out of the dorm, shaking his head. Poor N would never give up his futile quest.
Ken POV~
Ken had already annoyed Hongbin to the point where Hongbin was giving him one of the scariest looks Ken had seen in a while. But how was Ken supposed to know that when he dropped his bag it cracked his waterbottle? Or that Ken had put his waterbottle on a shelf above Hongbin's favorite band's signed photobook?
"I can't believe you Jaehwan!" Hongbin was frantically trying to dry the book as Ken stood as far away from him as he could to keep from being murdered. His waterbottle was further destroyed and sitting in the bathroom sink.
"I didn't know! Why didn't you check on it sooner!?" Ken yells and Hongbin throws a dictionary at him.
"You idiot! You're as dumb as a...a rock!" Hongbin screams, going back to trying to salvage his book.
"Oh yeah? You're as dumb as a hamster with... with brain damage!" Ken shouts back.
"Idiot! That wasn't even a good insult! It would have been just as easy to say I have brain damage!" Hongbin glares and Ken covers his eyes so he doesn't have to see whatever punishment Hongbin was going to put him through. Luckily Ravi showed up for their date, dragging him off to safety.
Hongbin POV~
Of all the people he had to be stuck with for a whole year, why did it have to be Ken? He looks down at his booklet and groans. It better not have been destroyed by that moron.
Hongbin sighs and texts his boyfriend to tell him about his unfortunate sleeping arrangement. Only seconds later Hyuk texts back with his own roommate sorrows. Well at least Hongbin wasn't sharing a room with angsty Leo.
Hyuk POV~
He almost died of disappointment when the name above his on the door was Leo's. He didn't really have anything against Leo particularly. Honestly they were almost friends. But Leo was just so quiet and seemed so distant and Hyuk loved to play and have fun. He wasn't sure how well they'd get along. Especially since, as soon as N found out who Hyuk's roommate was, Leo would be bombarded with his biggest stalker. In his room.
Hyuk almost felt like apologizing to Leo in advance but didn't want their strange arrangements to be any more awkward than it probably already would be.
Leo POV~
Leo was glad Hyuk was his roommate. He was one of the more tolerable people at the school. He reminded Leo of a puppy and Leo loved puppies. It might be fun to have Hyuk and his friends around. Even that weird N that seemed to always super glue himself to Leo.
N wasn't so bad though. He was girl-pretty and funny and sweet. Not that Leo cared as more than a friend perspective... Because Leo liked girls. As girly as N was, he wasn't one.
Actually Leo had spent a lot of time avoiding N last year because he wasn't sure how to handle him... Maybe this year, now that he had a girlfriend, it would be easier.
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DubufulKoala #1
Chapter 5: This is very nice to read
TheCrazy15 #2
Love this story soo much! Finished literally in one day, even if i went to sleep super late, it was worth it~
Velzonly #3
Chapter 29: Author nim~ i know im so late omg forgive me but this story oh my god! So beautiful, perfect and well written woah the ending and the bonus chapters wow daebak! I read this in one go~ The most interesting and beautiful story of vixx that i've ever read *four thumbs up for you* thankyou for writing this master piece ^^~
sinclair04 #4
Chapter 3: ohhh.. i'm getting hooked with your story.. VERY Nice plot.
Chapter 29: I read this from the top till the end. o/

I have a question though! How did Leo and N meet when they are little? Considering that N liked the boy since he was 5.
DuhFangurl #6
Chapter 23: it's a really good story! :)
What a good story