
Ravi POV~
He had been about to assault Leo when he had stopped N from walking away. N was already crying! What more did that jerk want from him?!
But then he tells N he loves him and kisses him... Ravi had to fight a twinge of jealousy. But N had what he wanted and Ravi had what he wanted too. But if Leo didn't ditch his girlfriend and tell his parents Ravi might take N from him anyway. Well if Ken was okay with that.
He went back to Ken, who was fangirling with Hongbin over their friend's confession. He snuggles against Ken and sighs. Just because they both confessed meant nothing. It would continue to mean nothing until Leo took the final steps to make N his boyfriend.
Ken POV~
Yes! N was getting his man! Ken, Hongbin and Hyuk's mission had been a success. Ken was the best superhero ever. He should start some kind of superhero agency or something.
He, Ravi and Hongbin got sent to the car by Hyuk because Hongbin and Ken were screaming and being distracting. Ken sits in the car and pouts. He wants to know what's happening. It isn't fair that Hyuk gets to watch.
"Let's pretend we're crazy stalkers and take pictures of them on our phones!" Ken suggests with great excitement, whipping out his cellphone.
"Yes!" Hongbin high fived Ken and took out his own phone. They both started taking 'stealthy' pics of N and Leo.
"Stop it you two." Ravi sighs and.takes Ken's phone. "We don't even know if he's going to dump his girlfriend let alone tell his parents." Oh yeah... Well that kinda ...
Hyuk POV~
"Yo. Hakyeon. We had better get back to the dorms. It's getting late." Hyuk calls after he heards the idiots into the car. "You know the later it is, the scarier Jaehwan's driving gets." Hyuk's shoulder still hurt from Ken's screeching the car to a stop like some kind of action star.
"Yeah... He already tried to kill us..." N rubs his own shoulder and then looks up at Leo sadly. "I think I have to go now. Will you come back to school soon?"
"Wait." Leo hadn't made a move to let N go. "I'll get him back to school before class starts after the weekend. I promise he's safe with me. We... We need to tell my parents. And my girlfriend."
"Good. Because I think if you didn't... Wonshik was going to feed you to Byoungjun before feeding Byoungjun to a rabbid mongoose." Hyuk grins at the look of pure excitement that N was displaying.
"I would deserve that." Leo sighs and N frowns at his unhappiness and kisses him. Hyuk stuck his tongue out at the gross, mushy couple.
"Okay you sick freaks. I'm getting my boyfriend home before Jaehwan full on crosses to the dark side and kills us all on the way home." Hyuk waves and heads back to the car. "Drive Jaehwan."
"What about Hakyeon?" Ravi looks back at Hyuk and he could tell he didn't like the tought of leaving him behind.
"Hakyeon has a long day of helping Taekwoon come out tomorrow. He's staying." Hyuk smacks the back of Ken's seat. "Now drive."
Hongbin POV~
He practically kisses the ground when they finally get back to the school. Ken drove like he thought they were on a race track going for the gold. He had even been making car sound effects. For a real car.
"I think I'm going to throw up..." He hears Ravi say from the other side of the car where he was holding onto the mirror to keep himself steady.
"Oh come on you guys. It was fun." Ken laughs as he skips off toward the dorms, clearly unphased by his ill and emotionally damaged friends.
"How are we still alive?" Hyuk sounded like he was in a daze. "Maybe we aren't. Maybe he finally killed us. Hongbin are we dead? Are we in hell?"
"Hell is worse. This is probably pergatory." Ravi replies, standing up fully finally. He still looked slightly pale. Hongbin pinched Hyuk's , making him yelp in pain.
"Nope. We're still alive. Somehow." He smiles and grab's Hyuk's hand. "I'm sleeping over in your room tonight." They had been abstinent since N had fallen into despair but now that everything was better... Well they had some serious catching up to do. They quickly ditched Ken and Ravi to celebrate.
Leo POV~
N loved him. He had never been happier in his whole life. The one Hyuk had been talking about had been Leo all along. With that knowledge, Leo felt brave enough to break free of the path his parents had wanted for him.
He brings N inside quietly. Everyone else in the house was already asleep so he didn't have to worry about starting that converstation until he had a good night's sleep snuggled up to the love of his life. He let N wear one of his shirts to bed and they snuggled and held hands until they passed out.
In the morning Leo texted his girlfriend to tell her he was gay and breaking up with her before promptly shutting off his phone. After that he brought N down, dressed in Leo's clothes since he didn't have any with him, and set off to come out to his parents. Both of them seemed surprised to see Leo leading a suddenly shy boy into the dining room by the hand. N was blushing and reluctant. Leo understood his nervousness well.
"Who's this? A friend from school?" Leo's mother questions as she jabs at her breakfast, hardly looking up from her plate. Leo's mother had always seemed a little cold to him.
"This is Cha Hakyeon and he's my boyfriend." Leo blurted it out before he could change his mind. Both of his parents were staring at him now.
"Don't be rediculous Taekwoon. You have a girlfriend." His mother went back to eating like that was the end of the conversation.
"I'm gay. I never even liked her." Leo explains as N clings to him nervously. Leo held onto him gently.
"So this is what you've been hiding from all week?" Leo's dad, unlike his mom, his smiling.
"Don't encourage this." His mom sits down her utensils and glares at his dad. "He's acting out is all."
"I'm not!" Leo had enough of his mom's attitude. "I love Hakyeon! We even slept together! I'm not acting out! This is who I am! I'm done pretending for you!" His mother stands up and slaps him.
"Don't speak to me that way Taekwoon!" She fixes her hair and dress. "Until you stop this nonsense you are no longer my son." She leaves the room. Leo touched his stinging cheek and sighs. Well that's one parent that hated him...
"That !" N yelled without thinking as Leo's mom left the room. How dare she hit his Leo for being who he is. He should give that old crone a piece of his mind. Nobody hits his Leo. Nobody.
"Hakyeon did you just call my mother a ?" Taekwoon was giving him a stunned look. N just shrugged.
"I dunno. I guess so." He felt a little shy now that he remembered Leo and his father were in the room. "But she hurt you and I was just so mad that it just sort of fell out of my mouth. I'm sorry." Leo's dad starts laughing.
"Don't be." Leo's dad stands up and shakes N's hand. "She is a ." He turns to Leo and hugs him. "I'm proud of you. I wish I would have been that brave. Instead I did what I was told and married that gargoyle." He gestures toward the entryway Leo's mom had exited out of. This time it was N's turn to laugh.
"Wait..." Leo looked confused. "Dad... You're gay?"
"Gayer than rainbows." His dad was smiling brightly. He kind of reminded N of Ken. He liked Leo's dad...
"Hey. Ever want to get a divorce, my dad's pretty single." N suggests. Leo covered his mouth and shook his head.
"Dad you can get a divorce but never ever make me in any way related to my boyfriend." Leo warns. N and his father both started laughing.
"You know. Now that I know I've raised an amazing son... If that hag can't accept him and his love I may very well get a divorce." Leo's dad decides and hugs Leo again. "I'm proud of you Taekwoon." N was relieved. At least one of Leo's parents liked him. And finally. FINALLY! He got to be Leo's boyfriend. Officially and for real.
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DubufulKoala #1
Chapter 5: This is very nice to read
TheCrazy15 #2
Love this story soo much! Finished literally in one day, even if i went to sleep super late, it was worth it~
Velzonly #3
Chapter 29: Author nim~ i know im so late omg forgive me but this story oh my god! So beautiful, perfect and well written woah the ending and the bonus chapters wow daebak! I read this in one go~ The most interesting and beautiful story of vixx that i've ever read *four thumbs up for you* thankyou for writing this master piece ^^~
sinclair04 #4
Chapter 3: ohhh.. i'm getting hooked with your story.. VERY Nice plot.
Chapter 29: I read this from the top till the end. o/

I have a question though! How did Leo and N meet when they are little? Considering that N liked the boy since he was 5.
DuhFangurl #6
Chapter 23: it's a really good story! :)
What a good story