
Ravi POV~
N was asleep when he had come home that night. So he and Ken, whom had already managed to get himself barricaded out of his room, quietly came inside to sleep. He noticed the confession letters N had recieved were stacked neatly with a pile of what he was sure were incredibly polite refusals sitting next to them.
N amused Ravi. Most people would just have thrown the letters away and never given them a second thought. But N was always sure to address each one kindly and personally. He was so sweet about it that it only made his stalkers love him more. But N didn't like being cruel about someone's true feelings, no matter how inconvenient they were to him.
Ken drags Ravi to bed, ending his musings about his friend, and they fall asleep quickly. Ken had decided to play tag most of the night so.Ravi was exhausted. When Ravi wakes up in the morning Ken and N are already gone. He finds a note saying they went to hang out with Hongbin.
The first full day of everyone being back was basically a free day to catch up or find your classes and get settled back into life in the dorms. Ravi yawns and stretches as he gets ready and goes off to meet up with his boyfriend and N. He was actually surprised that Hongbin had let Ken back into their room already. Ken was lucky N was great at persuasion.
As Ravi goes to leave the dorm he notices N's stack of rejection letters were gone. He had probably delivered them on his way to see Hongbin. Ravi wondered if maybe N was too polite. Though a part of him also wished N would give up on Leo and find himself a real boyfriend.
Ken POV~
"Jaehwan stop playing with that." Hongbin rolls his eyes as Ken plays with a bronze statue Hongbin had bought while overseas for vacation.
"It's metal. Not even I could destroy it. I'm not a mutant." Ken laughs but as Hongbin goes into the bathroom the little arm on the statue pops off in Ken's hand. "Holy poop on a popsicle! I'm Superman!"
"JAEHWAN!" Hongbin yells from the bathroom as Ken shoves the broken statue at N.
"Hakyeon did it!"
"You have got to be kidding me..." N looks at Ken in disbelief.
"Please. He'll chew on my head like a rabid wombat. I don't want to be rabid Hongbat food." Ken begs, giving his best sad puppy face without making him look like he has to use the bathroom, which sometimes happened when he tried to hard to achieve the sad puppy look.
"Oh fine." N sighs and yells. "Sorry Binnie! I was taking it from Jaehwan and dropped it!"
"Damn it Hakyeon!" Hongbin storms back into the room, angry. "Nothing I love is safe! Next thing I know, the two of you will have accidentally murdered Sanghyuk!"
"We would not!" Ken argues. "Hyukkie runs too fast!"
"I'll have someone taking shop class fix it tomorrow okay? I'm sure I can ask someone in the class for a favor." N glares at Ken and Ken just smiles. He's glad he managed to avoid Hongbin's wrath this time.
Hongbin POV~
"Yeah. Thanks." Hongbin takes the cute little statue and puts it on the shelf carefully. He sort of doubted N broke it. It seemed like something only Ken could have managed. But he didn't feel like fighting over it.
"Let's get ice cream!" Ken decides excitedly as Ravi let himself into the room.
"Ice cream for breakfast?" Ravi raises his eyebrows at his insane boyfriend. Hongbin didn't know how Ravi could stand dating the destructive moron.
"Well it is technically the last day of vacation so why not break some boundaries." N supports Ken's suggestion, smiling happily. It was always hard to say no to N.
"Alright. I'll text Sanghyuk." Hongbin grabs his phone and starts texting his boyfriend. He supposed that ice cream for breakfast might be fun after all.
Hyuk POV~ He woke up to a text from Hongbin asking if he wanted to go out for ice cream with the group. He says yes and gets dressed. Leo is already awake and reading. He almost felt bad ditching him.
"Hey." Hyuk goes over and taps Leo on the shoulder. "My friends and I are apparently going to be rebels today and have ice cream for breakfast. Want to come with?"
"I..." Leo stares at him for a while like he thinks Hyuk is going to suddenly retract his offer. "Okay. That might be fun." He closes his book and stands. Hyuk held back a smile. N was going to die when Leo showed up with him.
"Hakyeon will be there." Hyuk tells him as they start to walk. He notices Leo stiffen slightly but keeps walking. Hyuk thinks he may see a little blush on Leo's cheek.
"Oh. Is he still...?" Leo didn't seem to know what he wanted to ask.
"Unnaturally tan for a Korean?" Hyuk questioned, trying to be helpful as he holds back laughter. Leo was so awkward about N that it was sort of cute.
Leo POV~
He had wanted to ask if N was still clingy and feminine but had almost said cute instead. He was mentally kicking himself. N was not cute. N was a boy. Leo did not find other guys attractive.
He walks to the ice cream shop with Hyuk to see Hyuk's group of friends already sharing a giant sundae. Ken accidentally flings a spoon of icecream at Hongbin. Leo watches as Hongbin tries to reach across the table to assault him but Ravi managed to stop the violence by handing Hongbin a wet napkin.
N had a spoon hanging out of his mouth as he tried not to giggle. The way the spoon parted N's luscious lips was appealing. Leo shook his head and tried to rid his mind of those thoughts as he and Hyuk approached the table.
"Taekwoon?! You came too?!" N jumped up quickly, letting the spoon fall from his lips as he smiled at Leo. Leo noticed N's outfit. It was cute. Feminine without being too girly. Just a cute, long, red shirt that fell to the middle of his thighs and tight black jeans. He looked really good.
"Yeah. He's my roommate so I invited him along." Hyuk pats Leo's shoulder, briging Leo back to reality. What was he thinking?! N was not in any way cute!
He was shocked when Hyuk walked in with Leo. He was jealous when he found out Hyuk got to room with him. It wasn't fair. N would kill for the chance to be in Hyuk's position.
Leo sits as far away from N as he can, which makes N pout a little. He wouldn't even get the chance to properly talk to Leo at this rate. It wasn't fair. His life .
"So Hakyeon." Ravi snaps his fingers in front of N's face, making him jump. "Did you by chance reply to those love notes today?"
"Oh. Yeah." N blushes and smiles. "Each of them has a polite rejection letter in their mailboxes. Even the ones that came while you were out last night."
"Love notes?" Leo questions. N notices Leo watching him. It made him feel self conscious to have the object of his affections staring him down like that.
"Ugh. It's the worst." Ken rolls his eyes. "I had to deal with it last year. This constant stream of confessions from our classmates for how much they just love love love Hakyeon. They never seem to get the hint. Hakyeon's hopelessly in love with someone already. They don't stand a chance unless they go through, like, millions worth of surgery to change their face and body and voice and even their personality. Just basically every single part of them is sub par in comparison. Like house cats competing with a lion. Or squirrels competing with a... a... a lobster!"
"He's just too nice about turning them down." Hongbin chimes in. "And Ken... A lobster? Just kind of gave up on your last metaphor didn't you?" N notices Leo frowning, a thoughtful look on his face. But then Leo's phone rings. Leo answers it and walks away.
"He seems pretty interested in N's life." Hyuk smiles and takes a big bite of icecream. N just wondered who Leo was talking to. Leo came back only long enough to apologize for having to leave so suddenly before he took off.
N was disappointed. The ice cream wasn't so fun anymore. Who had pulled Leo away from him so quickly? The fact Leo could so willingly walk away from him at all upset N. But he wasn't going to give up. He was bound to have some classes with Leo. And he would win Leo over one way or another. If it was the last thing he did.
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DubufulKoala #1
Chapter 5: This is very nice to read
TheCrazy15 #2
Love this story soo much! Finished literally in one day, even if i went to sleep super late, it was worth it~
Velzonly #3
Chapter 29: Author nim~ i know im so late omg forgive me but this story oh my god! So beautiful, perfect and well written woah the ending and the bonus chapters wow daebak! I read this in one go~ The most interesting and beautiful story of vixx that i've ever read *four thumbs up for you* thankyou for writing this master piece ^^~
sinclair04 #4
Chapter 3: ohhh.. i'm getting hooked with your story.. VERY Nice plot.
Chapter 29: I read this from the top till the end. o/

I have a question though! How did Leo and N meet when they are little? Considering that N liked the boy since he was 5.
DuhFangurl #6
Chapter 23: it's a really good story! :)
What a good story