channelling? or power overload?

Guardian of the WHAT?!

“umm where are we going?” you whispered to sandeul.

“ahh, you’ll know soon it’s just a little further,” he replied to you while smiling.

*dayum why does ever place they lead me to seem to take forever to get there? T_T*


After around 5 more minutes, you guys finally arrived.

“we’re here!” minhwan shouted while throwing his bag on the ground and running around. Everyone did the same except none of the started screaming instead they all started stretching. You were absolutely amazed at the place they led you, it was perfect for guardian training. There was a massive stream at one end for the ones who specialized in water, heaps and heaps of trees for those who specialized in earth, a massive field for those who specialized in fire and another field with nothing except for grass for those who specialized in air.


“oh wow, this place is awesome!!,” you said while unlinking your arms with sanduel and yosoeb before placing your bag down and running to the centre of the field.

“haha yeapp we designed and sorta made it ourselves,” hyunseung said to you.

“wait what?! You made it yourself?!” you asked shocked.

“yupp you see we all used our powers to create this place,” he replied to you while pointing to everyone.

*tt, these guys are strong as, only elite guardians have the power to do that. wait? don't tell me they're all elites.* you thought to yourself.

“um can I ask you guys something?” you said shyly while looking at everyone.

“shoot,” jonghun replied.

“um are you guys by any chance elite guardians?” you asked.

Everyone looked at each other before nodding signalling that it was alright to tell you.

“yeah, all of us here are elites.” Hongki said to you.

You took a glance at all of them, and suddenly they weren’t the cute dorky guardians you once thought they were, they were the powerful, protective, smart elite guardians.  You didn’t realize how long you were staring at them for until someone clicked their fingers in front of your place.

*click click*

“Tae Ri are you alright?” Hongki asked you.

You broke out of your tranced blinked a few times and replied, “oh yeah um sorry yeah I’m fine,” you said while giving him a ohk sign. He smilied cutely back at you before returning to everyone else who were still stretching.

“tae ri ahhh,” yoseob yelled while attacking you with a back hug.

“ahh!” you screamed a little since he lifted you off the ground. “yahh, what was that for?” you asked while pouting.

“aishh you’re too cutee, that was for unlinking arms with me before,” he replied while sticking his tongue out. “anyways are you practicing with us?” he asked.

“um sure thing? What do you practice anyways?” you asked curiously.

“everything, that a guardian needs to know,” he replied.

“ahh I see,” you said while nodding cutely.

“come on let’s join the others,” he said while dragging you to everyone else.


You followed him, and began stretching yourself. Everyone was quiet while they were stretching. *they’re channelling * (channelling is where they absorb powers from the elements. For example if they’re a water guardian then they focus all there power at the water, and in return they receive the waters power, this helps them build up power that the need.) You thought to yourself, you were surprised at the level they were on. You didn’t want to be left out so you started channelling yourself, since you didn’t specialize in anything and could use all the elements, you started absorbing the powers of everything in sight. The water, trees, clouds, air even the sun. You didn’t realize that you were absorbing so much power at once, and that everyone had already stopped and had their eyes focused on you. You were so into it that you didn’t even hear them talking.


“aye guys can you feel that?” jinyoung asked everyone.

“yeah it’s coming from her,” doojoon replied while pointing at you. around you a rush of power was building up.

“maybe we should get her to stop, building up to much power isn’t very good,” jaejin suggested.

Everyone nodded in unison and tried to stop you.

“Tae Ri-ah you can stop now,”junhyung said to you, but you didn’t respond. Everyone tried speaking to you but nothing seemed to stop you.

“yah hyung push her over, it’ll stop her,”seunghyun said to hongki.

“eh what? Push her? No I’m not going to do that I’ll hurt her if I do,” hongki replied while shaking his head.

“no don’t push her sanduel and I will attack her with our hugs,” yoseob said while smirking at sanduel.

“1…2…..3 now!,” he said, just then you felt two people knock you over a little and you immediately stopped and opened your eyes. As soon as you stopped everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

“something wrong?” you asked.

“ girl, you’ve got heaps of power don’t you?” baro asked.

“ahaha not really…” you replied while looking down.

“um tae ri-ssi what do you specialize in?” CNU asked you.

“huh? Um…um” you were stunned at the question and didn’t know how to reply.

Everyone was slient and they all stared at you waiting for an answer.




keheh cliffhanger? anyways hows the story? hope you guys like it ^^

thanks for readinnng :D


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xiaohope #1
Chapter 29: Please.update soon
can't wait please update soon
update soon author-nim!!~ ^^
alynseobie #3
Chapter 23: update soon ~
EternallyTVXQ #4
awesome story
Wahh Infinite ~ <3 and finally Jae ri!! wahh it must be freaky looking at someone who exactly looks like u! :D :S
and lol its ok jealous hongki is really CUTE!! :D <3
tnx for updating!
they're finally meet!! but , aucch!! that's must be hurt ><

.....He's on the good side or the bad side!?......
Wahhhh cliffhanger....ure so mean!! Keke j.k |•~ XD
I wanna know who he issssss!!! He's on the good side or the good side?! Oh!! he's not going to be someone who makes Hongki jealous..right?! LOL

Tnx 4 updating! Update soon!!