they're here.....

Guardian of the WHAT?!

“alright hurry up come this way quick!” Mr Lee said while ushering everyone through this tunnel.

“where does this lead to?”hyunseung asked while running a little.

“shhh, kepp your voices down and try to not make too much noise!” Mr Lee replied.

“what? Why?” hyunseung whispered back.

“I’ll tell you all later, right now we just gotta to get tae ri and the rest of you guys out from here.”


“heey tae ri, do you know where were going?” hongki whispered to you, while running with you in his arms.

“no, I’ve…never been down here before,” you replied.

*where is he taking us?* Your uncle was never the type to hide things from you, especially guardian related things, but this time you knew that something was different something had changed within him. You didn’t want to think anymore since you were so much pain, so instead you tightened your arms around hongki’s neck and laid your head against his chest and closed your eyes. Little did you know, you drifted off into a dream that you never ever wanted to ever step foot in….


Hongki’s POV:

*mm wonder where were going* Just then I felt something light hit my chest, I looked down and saw tae ri’s head leaning against me. 


“yah hyung are you okay?” minhwan whispered to me softly.

“huh what? Yeah I’m fine why?” I replied.

“your cheeks are soooo red….is it too it in here or something?” he said.

 “oh um yeah…it’s a little warm down here….hehe” I said back while fanning myself a little with a free hand. I realised that I was  blushing like hardcoreeeee!

“well here do you want some water?” minhwan asked.

“oh um nah it’s alright I’m sure we’ll be out of here soon anyways and plus I can’t really drink anything at the moment,” I said while looking towards tae ri. Minhwan followed my gaze and saw tae ri in my arms.

“ohh, yeahh maybe later……poor girl she looks like she’s in sooo much pain,” he said while pouting a little.

“yeahh I know,” I said as adjusted tae ri in my arms and looked down at her.

“anyway I’m gonna go on ahead, just let us know if you need anything.” Minhwan said.

“yeahh thanks minhwan-ah,” I replied with that he ran back to everyone else.


I started to fasten my pace to catch up with everyone else, we ran for another 2 minutes but all of a sudden there was this massive bang.




“what the hell was that? “ baro asked with a face like this --->O_O

“shiittt they’re here already?!” Mr lee cursed.

“what? Whos’ here?” jinyoung asked impatiently.

“the dark guardians,” he replied

“wait who? The dark guardians? What the ? Why are they here?” jonghun practically shouted.

“shooshhh keep it quiet they're gonna find us! aishh I have no time to explain right now we need to get out of here before they find us, up ahead there’s a chamber that cuts off your guardian presences it’ll help us stay hidden.” He said and looked over to me.  “hongki-ah wake tae ri up she needs to be awake for this, when she sleeps her guardian presences become stronger,and they'll find us faster wake her up now!” he ordered me.

“wait I can’t do that that's wrong” I said

“just do it! They’ll find us faster if she’s asleep.” He snapped at me.

I hesitated a little but did as he said, I slowly brought my hand up to her cheek and gently smacked it a little. But before I could she jolted up and screamed as if she just woke up from a bad nightmare.


Everyone turned and looked at her, Mr lee quickly made his way through all of us and went to tae ri.

“yah gwenchana? What happened?” he asked her.

“uh….uh….don’t worry…” she whispered softly, while dripping in a cold sweat.

“can you stand?” I asked her softly. She looked up at me and I was immediately taken back, her eyes were filled with absolute fear I’ve never seen her so scared before, her whole body was shaking.

“umm…yeah..i’m so sorry,” she said to me, as I gently put her down.

“uhh yeah don’t worry about are you okay?” I asked her.

“uh..yeah..” she replied.




Everyone flinched at the sound.

“Run!” Mr lee said while ushering us all to run.

“they’re…they’re here?” tae ri asked.

Mr lee nodded at her and continued to run, it was like she already knew what was going on.


I didn’t bother to question anymore since the ‘boom!’ was getting closer instead I started running and grabbed on to tae ri’s hand and ran with her.

She looked up at me in slight confusion.

“what? You looked like you needed some help,” I joked with her.

As I said that I saw the smallest smile creep up onto her face.

*she’s so cute when she smiles……yeah lee hongki what the hell is wrong with you?!*

With that we all ran to the direction of the chamber that Mr lee was leading us to.



omgg sorrryyyy it's beeennn soo long, i've beeen sooo busssy these few weeks! mianhaeee ><"!

anyways sorry about the delay i just got back from sydney.....did any of you guys go to the kpop fest in sydneyy?

omggg it was soooooo goooood! b2st and everyone are sooo goood liveeee!! <3 <3

haha anyways sorry, i'll update soon sorry if this chapter isn't as good, but the next few should be i got a pretty good idea on what to write next soo stayy tuneddd xD

kehehe thanks for readdingg <3 comment and subscribee :3

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xiaohope #1
Chapter 29: Please.update soon
can't wait please update soon
update soon author-nim!!~ ^^
alynseobie #3
Chapter 23: update soon ~
EternallyTVXQ #4
awesome story
Wahh Infinite ~ <3 and finally Jae ri!! wahh it must be freaky looking at someone who exactly looks like u! :D :S
and lol its ok jealous hongki is really CUTE!! :D <3
tnx for updating!
they're finally meet!! but , aucch!! that's must be hurt ><

.....He's on the good side or the bad side!?......
Wahhhh cliffhanger....ure so mean!! Keke j.k |•~ XD
I wanna know who he issssss!!! He's on the good side or the good side?! Oh!! he's not going to be someone who makes Hongki jealous..right?! LOL

Tnx 4 updating! Update soon!!