banana milk and melon bread! :D

Guardian of the WHAT?!

Around 15 minutes later you stepped out of the shower, dressed yourself and tied your hair up. *tae ri you gotta be strong alright? Appa and umma don’t wanna see you weak, be strong* you kept saying to yourself. You took a quick look at yourself in the mirror before walking out of the bathroom, your eyes weren’t as puffy anymore but they were still a little red, your cheeks and lips regained their rosie colour back. You made your way back to the room that jinyoung had lead you out of, in a few seconds you found it and stepped in.

“ahhh,” you squealed before shielding your eyes, from the half- bodies that were in front of you.

“ah ah,” yoseob screamed a little before covering his body and stumbling on the ground since he was the closest one to you, “uh guys hurry up put your shirts on, tae ri’s here!” he said quickly while putting his shirt on, everyone did the same. You could feel your face becoming redder by the instant, so you tried to walk out of the room with your hands on your eyes shielding your view from the guys. Little did you know, you walked straight into a wall and landed on your .

“omo, tae ri gwenchana?” sanduel said while running over to you and helping you up. You kept your eyes closed afraid that you’ll see him shirtless again.

“ahh thanks,”you replied while regaining your balance.

“uh tae ri, you can open your eyes now,” he said to you while chuckling a little.

“really? Do you all have shirts on?” you asked while turning around to the direction that they were all in.

“yes,” everyone replied to you while stifling a laugh. You slowly brought your hands down from your eyes, and slowly opened one eye. You saw that they all had shirts on before you opened both your eyes.  You let out a little sigh, before looking at hongki.

“um…thanks for the uniform it uh fits perfectly,” you said while titling your head a little and smiling.

“oh, um yeah you’re welcome,” hongki said in reply while smiling back.

“aishh guys 8:15am we are gonna be soooo late if we don’t go to school now!,” minhwan said while getting a little jumpy.

“oh yeah, let’s go,” hongki said while grabbing his and your bag. Everyone did the same, and got their bags before heading to the door.

“oh here, your bag before we left your place last night I grabbed it just in case,” hongki said while handing over your bag to you.

“oh gomawo,” you said while kindly taking you bag from him.

The both of you made your way to the front door where everyone was waiting. You all made your way out to the streets while doojoon was locking the door, you took a glance at the house before standing on the curve waiting for doojoon. *dayumm that’s one big house*

“alright all done, let’s go,” doojoon said while shaking the keys in his hands. As usual sanduel and yoseob quickly linked arms with you and took off.

“ahh hyung, I’m hungry can we get something to eat pleaseeee?” minhwan whined while rubbing his stomach. Jonghun looked at his watch before replying.

“aishh, uh alright be we have to be quick,” jonghun said.

“yeshhh!” minhwan said while fist pumping the air. You guys quickly made you way to the convience store that was up the street and bought a few things.

“oh I want this, and this….oh look theres chicken over there,” minhwan exclaimed while placing various foods into a basket that was instantly getting full by the minute. The others just went around the store looking for something to eat.

“tae ri-ah do you want something to eat?” sanduel asked you.

“ah no it’s alright I’m not hungry,” you replied cutely.

“aishh how can you not eat in the morning? Breakfast is the most important meal.” Yoseob said while shaking his head. “mm here eat and drink this, if you don’t I’m going to pinch your cheeks off,” he threatened you cutely. He handed you a small bottle of banana milk and a piece of melon bread  before giving you a cute smile.

“um thanks, but really I’m fine I’m use to not eating breakfast,” you said while giving him back the bread and milk.

“yah do I really have to pinch those cheeks off?” he said while trying to act tough.

“haha I guess you’re gonna have to, really I’m fine,” you replied while laughing.

“yah sanduel, get over here,” yoseob said while gesturing sanduel to come over. Sanduel unlinked his arms with yours and made his way over to yoseob. Yoseob quickly whispered something into his ear before the both of the turned around to face you. * oh crap, what are they planning?*

“alright, 1….2….3…!,” yoseob said, before sanduel and him burst out doing all sorts of ageyo infront of you.

“aww tae ri, pleaseee eatt this,” sanduel said while doing the cutest pout you’ve ever seen.

“yeahh pwleasee,” yoseob said in a baby voice while scrunching up his nose.

*oh my god, HOW CUTEEEEEEE!!!!*

You squealed a little at their cuteness before giving in.

“aishh alright alright I’ll eat the melon bread and banana milk alright? Please stop you’re gonna kill me with your cutenesss!” you replied while pouting.

“hehe yess!” sanduel said while hi-fiving yoseob. You couldn’t help but chuckle at their dorkiness.

“yah you guys done over there? We’re paying now.” Baro sorta screamed out.

“oh yeah, we’ll be right there,” sanduel replied to him. You guys made your way over before placing our items onto the checkout counter.

“oh wow, you guys actually eat this for breakfast?” you asked while you were pointing at the piles of snacks.

“no we eat these,” junhyung said while pointing to the pile of melon bread and banana milk, “they eat those anytime they want,” he said while pointing to minhwan, seunghyun, dongwoon, baro, gongchan, yoseob and sanduel.

“hehe hyung we need sugars to help us grow xD” gongchan said.

Junhyung just rolled his eyes before attacking his dongseng with a hug. After a little while later you guys finished your breakfast shopping and made your way out.

“kamsahamnida ajumma,” hongki said before bowing. You couldn’t help but admire his manners.

*mm what a gentlemen, aishh tae ri what is wrong with you* you thought before mentally slapping yourself. You took out the banana milk and melon bread that yoseob had gotten you and started munching on it.

“omo yummmmm!” you squealed in delight, everyone turned to look at you, “oh um sorry…it’s um really nice…” you said while looking down in embarrassment.

“hahaha don’t worry about, this stores melon bread is the best,” ki kwang reassured you.

You gave him a smile before continuing to eat your melon bread, after a bit you finally finished it.

“mm that was sooo good, I’m full!” you exclaimed, before smiling to yourself. Upon doing that you didn’t realize everyone was smiling at you.

“haha tae ri, you have some of the melon your lips,” jinyoung whispered to you.

*oh…..shoot ><”* you quickly wiped it off your lips and gave him smile before continuing to walk.


After walking around for another 10 minutes, you guys reached the schools entrance. As soon as you stepped into the school grounds you could immediately feel jealous death glares being shot at you from every single girl that was there. You started to feel a little uneasy, *geez why are these girls giving me this stare, it’s making me feel so uncomfortable*. The others seemed to noticed your uneasiness and quickly grabbed you and dragged you to the classroom. All around you could hear whispers.


“omg, did you see? Hongki grabbed her hand!”

“that , why is she always with the kingkas? Didn’t she just come here?”

“I know right, she’s not even that pretty, I mean seriously I’m way prettier.”

“aishh if she steals any of them I’m gonna make her life a living hell,”

A group of girls said while giving you one last death stare before walking off in frustration.


“don’t worry about those girls, there just a nuisance,” jaejin said to you.

“ah yeah..” you replied awkwardly, with that you all walked to your lockers which were surprisingly all next to each other. You all grabbed your books and things before rushing to class before Mr Lee got there.



hehe i want melong bread and banana milk nowww! ><"

kehe how's this chapter? bit better?

i'll updatee sooon, thanks for readingg comment and subscribee! :)

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xiaohope #1
Chapter 29: Please.update soon
can't wait please update soon
update soon author-nim!!~ ^^
alynseobie #3
Chapter 23: update soon ~
EternallyTVXQ #4
awesome story
Wahh Infinite ~ <3 and finally Jae ri!! wahh it must be freaky looking at someone who exactly looks like u! :D :S
and lol its ok jealous hongki is really CUTE!! :D <3
tnx for updating!
they're finally meet!! but , aucch!! that's must be hurt ><

.....He's on the good side or the bad side!?......
Wahhhh cliffhanger....ure so mean!! Keke j.k |•~ XD
I wanna know who he issssss!!! He's on the good side or the good side?! Oh!! he's not going to be someone who makes Hongki jealous..right?! LOL

Tnx 4 updating! Update soon!!