a big giant pit?

Guardian of the WHAT?!

“are we nearly there yet?” minhwan asked cutely.

“ermm…”you looked ahead and spotted the street that your uncle lived in, “nearly there, it’s just up ahead,” you said while pointing ahead. You guys had been walking for around 20 minutes when you finally approached your uncles street, the whole time you all got stares from strangers that walked past you since all you guys were like full on acting like dorks the whole the time. Everyone time someone would give you guys that stare, you hid your face against everyone’s back since you were stuck in the middle of the, to hide your embarrassment.

*aishh, even those these guys are so fun to mess around with, they’re soo embarrassing sometimes ><*

Around two more minutes, you finally reached the outside of your uncle’s place.

“mm, this is it,” you said while pointing to the gate. Just then your arm with your birthmark started burning up again, but this time it felt if someone was stabbing your arm repeatedly with a heated knife. You quickly clutched your arm and bit your lip trying not to make it obvious that you were in pain as well as stopping yourself from screaming.

*don’t scream tae ri, breath through the pain, just breathe it’ll go away soon, just fight it!*

 “should we ring the bell or something?” doojoon asked, while walking towards the bell, just as he was about to press it, you yelled out at him.

“OPPA DON’T PRE….” You shouted throughout your pain, but before you could even finish your sentence he already pressed the bell. Just then the ground beneath doojoon gave way, which created a massive pit that made him fall right into it.

*boooom* (sounds something like that?)

Ignoring the pain in your arm again, you ran over to the pit that he fell into, “yahh oppa gwencha?” you asked while looking down the pit.

“ermm yeah im fine....i think.... but what the hell just happened? And why can’t I get out?” he replied, in a confused voice.

“aishh it’s been 4 years and he hasn’t changed one bit,” you mumbled, “doojoon-ah just wait a second alright I’ll get you out of there,” you said while moving towards the bell.

“dayuum, how do I do this again…?” you said to yourself as you started to fumble around the bell. “ahh that’s right,” You remembered that your uncle once told you that if someone was to get out if the pit, then a guardian would have to use their powers to unlock the seal hidden within the bell. You quickly tried to channel some power from the trees nearby and focused it on the bell, but like before you couldn’t feel any connection.

“dayum!” you screamed out in fustration and punched the wall around the bell.

“what? What’s wrong? Can I get out of this or not?” doojoon asked in a concerned voice from the bottom of the pit.

“uhh yeahh but we need someones powers, I can’t use mine they're gone...remeber , someone else needs to do it,” you replied in a disappointed voice.

“well someone hurry pleaseee!, I don’t know what’s with this pit but I can feel my powers being drained away hurry up!” doojoon said.

You looked over to everyone else, “um one of you guys has to do it, I can’t…..do it,” you said. 

“I’ll do it,” CNU said while stepping forward. You nodded in agreement and instructed him how to do it.

“alright first, you need to channel as much power as you can, once you’ve channelled all you can, focus it on the bell. Somewhere within the bell there’s a seal you need to aim all you’re power at it,” you explained to him.

He gave you a small nod before proceeding to start channelling his power. You stepped back a giving him some space. From CNU’s body the green glow around him appeared.

“good now focus and aim,” you said.

As soon as you said that CNU released all his power and aimed it at the bell,

“good keep going!” you encouraged him, just then a massive as click came from the bell, “bingoooo you got it” you said in delight. “doojoon-ah brace yourself!”

“what? Why? For what?”he asked, but before he could the pit he was in started grumbling and shot him all the way up.

“AHHH WHAT THE HELL!” he screamed, seconds later he was back up on the surface and the ground below him closed up again.

“I told you to brace yourself,” you said smiling a little.

“shoosh you! ><”” he replied with a mehrong.

“what was that about?” seunghyun asked.

“uh don’t worry about it, i’ll tell you later,” just as you said that, the pain in your arm doubled which made you clutch at it harder and lean against the wall for balance. You tried to make it not obvious that you were in pain, by trying to act normal. But obviously everyone saw right through you.

“yah tae-ri gwenchana?” yoseob asked while walking over to you.

“ohh yeah sure, I’m fine,” you replied while giving him a small smile and nod.

“uhh no you aren’t, look at your arm,” he replied in concern while picking up your arm. You took a glance at your arm, and was immediately surprised. The black and purple fumes from before wrapped around your arms like a tattoo extending from your shoulder all the way to your fingertips. You didn't just suprise yourself, everyone was shocked as hell as well.

“what the hell is that?” jinyoung asked in shock.

“i…I don’t know…but it hurts like hell,” you replied and bit your lip.

Just then, someone opened the door from the outside and walked out.

“yah what are you all doing here?” Mr Lee asked, while walking towards everyone. Everyone moved aside revealing you with hongki, yoseob and sandeul supporting you and your arm.

“oh….my….god…what happened? Your..arm..” he said in shock.

You couldn’t even speak properly though the pain so you merely just shook your head.

“oh…my hurry up get inside we’ll take a better look,” mr lee said while directing everyone to walk inside. Before you could even start walking, someone  lifted you up and carried you inside. (bridal style)

“omo…yahh…what are you doing?” you said in partial shock.

“you can barely stand let alone walk, let me help you,” hongki replied.

“but….but..” you tried to protest but you couldn’t even get another word in cause of the pain.

“it’s alright, let’s just say you owe my one,” he replied and walked towards the door.

Everyone followed and entered Mr Lee’s house.



annyeongg! sorry i haven't updated for a whileee, i'm studying for my stupid examms ><"

but anyways thanks for readinngg, i'm sorry if it's gotten a little boring or something i'll do my besst to make it better i promisee!

i'll update soon as well, anyways thanls for reading comment and subsribee :)

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xiaohope #1
Chapter 29: Please.update soon
can't wait please update soon
update soon author-nim!!~ ^^
alynseobie #3
Chapter 23: update soon ~
EternallyTVXQ #4
awesome story
Wahh Infinite ~ <3 and finally Jae ri!! wahh it must be freaky looking at someone who exactly looks like u! :D :S
and lol its ok jealous hongki is really CUTE!! :D <3
tnx for updating!
they're finally meet!! but , aucch!! that's must be hurt ><

.....He's on the good side or the bad side!?......
Wahhhh cliffhanger....ure so mean!! Keke j.k |•~ XD
I wanna know who he issssss!!! He's on the good side or the good side?! Oh!! he's not going to be someone who makes Hongki jealous..right?! LOL

Tnx 4 updating! Update soon!!