we meet again....

Guardian of the WHAT?!

“YAH WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH THEM? ARE YOU INSANE?” the person that grabbed you shouted at you.

*omo what the hell? Who the hell is this guy?*

“aish come on let’s go, you shouldn’t be with them,” he added on and started to pull you away.

“y-y-ah let go of me…,” you said, trying to pry the guys tight grip off your wrist.

*aishh what the hell does this guy want? let’s go? pshh as if I’m going anywhere with him*

But as much as you struggled you couldn’t break out of his iron grip, just then another arm shot out and pulled you back towards everyone else.

“yah kim myungsoo, I believe she said let go,” hongki said stepping up with your wrist in his hand eyeing down myungsoo.

“tch, lee hongki you better get your hands off my girl,” myungsoo replied coldly back at hongki continuing to drag you.

“yah…who you calling your girl? Aishh let go of me,” you said irritated. You were starting to get really pissed off at this myungsoo guy, that if he tried to pull you one more time you would greet him with a great big punch.


“NOONA-AH WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THOSE GUYS!?!?,” someone shouted from behind this myungsoo guy. It was almost like magic, when 13 other guys came out from behind him and surrounded you and everyone.

“noona, what are you doing with them? hmm am I not cute enough for you that you have to go to those ageyo-less guys hmm?” that person whined again whilst doing ageyo to you.

“yah changjo who are you to call us ageyo less? huh? you ing ,” gongchan spat at him as he stepped up in front of you glaring down at the guy known as changjo. They both of them glared at eachother as if they were about ready to kill eachother.

“ohh look! Battle of the maknaes,” someone snickered.

*oh dayumm, what happened to cutie gongchan?*

“and what are you doing with my noona, s, trying to take her from us huh?” changjo snickered.

“yah, changjo enough kaja, I’ve got her now, let’s go,” myungsoo said who started to walk away with your wrist still in his grip forcing you along with him.

“WHERE ARE YOU TAKING MY TAE RI!?” sanduel shouted, running up to myungsoo to stop him from walking any further, but sanduel didn’t have to run up to you to stop myungsoo from dragging you since myungsoo stopped himself.


“bwo? what did you just call her? did you just call her tae ri?” myungsoo asked facing up to sanduel and you.

“yeah got a problem with that? That is her name idiot,” sanduel snickered, pointing to you.

Myungsoo, glanced up and down at you examning you. * tae ri? jae ri's twin? this is her? no wonder why seem she seems soo pure?*

“then….where’s….?” myungsoo said slowly releasing you before looking towards his group and back to you.

“if you’re tae ri….then where’s?” myungsoo started…but…


“yah, myungsoo oppa!” you heard a familiar voice call that distinctively  sounded exactly  like yours.

Your head immediately jerked up and started searching around, *omo...jae ri…..kim jae ri, you’re here…*

“jae ri…?” myungsoo questioned, as someone moved passed everyone to his side. You could hear gasps from everywhere and eventually one escaped yours and the person who was now standing in front of you.


*kim jae ri…..* in front of you stood your biological twin sister, everything about her resembled you, her tall silm figure was identical to yours, her light brown bambi eyes were yours, her long wavy hair was yours the only thing that was different was the black and dark aura that seemed to surround her and the black dragon birthmark she has above her left shoulder.  It was like staring into a mirror that shot out a dark side of you…

You stood there frozen on the spot, staring into the eyes of your sister in front of you who seemed to be doing the same, everything about her was the same since the last time you saw her.

*kim jae ri, my sister we finally meet again*

“kim tae ri…. …you…” jae ri started to speak, but before she could even finish her sentence, all hell broke loose……..

you were thrown back at least 20 metres before smashing your head against the hard concrete floor...



hehe yoooo! ^^

omo tae ri mett her twiin! yayy *throwns confetti*

hehe can you guess who i added to the story? infinite and teen toppp! hehehe! hope you guys don't mind themm! <3

yeahh but this is a short chappie! i'm pretty sure it'll start getting better from here since she's met tae ri! hehe

anyways thankks for readingg! do comment <3

loveee chuu readers! <3 <3

@phoebe 16, hehe he'll make hongki veryy jealous mwuahah :P



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xiaohope #1
Chapter 29: Please.update soon
can't wait please update soon
update soon author-nim!!~ ^^
alynseobie #3
Chapter 23: update soon ~
EternallyTVXQ #4
awesome story
Wahh Infinite ~ <3 and finally Jae ri!! wahh it must be freaky looking at someone who exactly looks like u! :D :S
and lol its ok jealous hongki is really CUTE!! :D <3
tnx for updating!
they're finally meet!! but , aucch!! that's must be hurt ><

.....He's on the good side or the bad side!?......
Wahhhh cliffhanger....ure so mean!! Keke j.k |•~ XD
I wanna know who he issssss!!! He's on the good side or the good side?! Oh!! he's not going to be someone who makes Hongki jealous..right?! LOL

Tnx 4 updating! Update soon!!