class outside :)

Guardian of the WHAT?!

“yeshhh his not here yet!” baro said hi fiving ki kwang while doing a little happy dance. You giggled and made your way to your seat while settling your things down.

“man are you guys that happy his no here yet?” dongwoon said chuckling.

“chyeahhhs man, means I don’t have to do any work,” baro replied smirking

“since when did you ever do work?” jaejin butted it.

“yah hyung….i..i always do it..” baro pouted and made his way to his seat.

You guys had gotten to class a little late, but Mr Lee wasn’t in yet, *hmm not here yet, meh*

There really wasn’t much to do, but wait the guys had all split themselves around the classroom occupying themselves with things…

To your left you saw that the maknaes were havings small battles against each other using their respective powers, to your right you saw junhyung collapsed on the table sleeping and in front of you the others were engaging themselves in conversations and stuff. Feeling a little bored, you decided to play with your powers, a couple days earlier you had developed the element of gravity and you were still trying to get the hang of it and its uses.


Focusing your mind and power behind the shelf the maknaes who were battling, you raised your arm and concentrated on your power and that you could bring down one book. Then in one swift movement you brought your arm down and waited for the results.




“omo...” you rushed towards the maknaes and immediately knelt down in front of gongchan. Instead of moving any books down, you ended up increasing the gravity around gongchan which made him smash into the ground face first.

“omo miahnaee gongchan I didn’t mean to hurt you, gwenchana?” you asked examining his body for any signs of injury.

“ahh noonaaa, what was that?” gongchan pouted rubbing his sore head. (a/n oh I think I forgot to mention that gongchan calls tae ri ‘noona ‘ even though she’s younger than him, hehe, just a little change so she won't have to call everyone 'oppa')

The loud ‘bang’ had caught everyones attention and by now they were all surrounding you and gongchan on the ground.

“hehe…mianhae…it wasn’t supposed to turn out like this..” you said helping yourself and gongchan up, “I’m still trying to control this element….,” you sheepishly rubbed the back of your neck

*aishh, guess gravity isn’t going to be easy to control…T_T*

“element? You can control another one now?” kikwang asked surprised.

“oh, hehe yeahh….except that I can’t exactly control it very well…..”you replied.

“noona, what element is it suppose to be? It’s so destructive…” gongchan asked dusting himself off.

“erm gravity….or well that’s what I think it’s supposed to be…” you replied, unsure.


Just then someone entered the classroom.

“yahh what are you guys doing?” Mr Lee asked eyeing you all.

“ermm…..” you mumbled.

“we were playing cards,” hongki quickly butted in, showing a deck of cards in his hands.

*oh what the ? Where did those cards come from?* O_O

“alright then….you guys better not have used your powers....,” Mr Lee said suspiciously before walking to his desk, you all were about to take your seats where all of a sudden you were stopped.

“ahh, don’t sit,  class will be held outdoors today, we’ll be having a ‘special elite’ class today.” Mr lee added on.

“special elite class?” you questioned looking at the others who all seemed to have all confused expressions plastered on their faces.

“wait…does this class, involve training?” jinyoung asked.

“bingo, today’s class as well as the next few: guardian training” Mr Lee replied.

“awhh hell yeahhhh!” baro beamed hi fiving everyone that was near him, unfortunately for yoseob who’s reaction was delayed got hit in the face….

“ahh…yah…you,” yoseob snarled lightly reaching for baro.

“hehe mianhaee hyung, ain’t my fault you have delayed reflexes hehe,” baro said running across the room soo yoseob wouldn’t hit him.

“aishh you…yah i’ll get you later for that,” he said pointing to baro.

“yah yah, settle down now, we’ve got a lot to get through first things first you guys need to change out of your uniform,” Mr lee said.

“what? wae,” doojoon asked.

“three reasons: 1 we don’t want anyone to know that you guys are high school students, 2 we don’t want to risk anyone finding tae ri, if you’re dressed in something else you'll blend more, and 3 we don’t want those uniforms to get dirty,” Mr Lee replied.

“ahh yeahh…”

“alright, we’ll quickly run back to your home so you guys can get changed araso?” Mr lee said.

“ne~” you all beamed and made your way to the parking lot to get the cars.


While you guys were walking down the halls, you could see the other students peering from the windows of the classrooms.

“yah samchon, won’t we get in trouble for this or something?” you asked him.

“why would we get in trouble?”

“because, it’s not school related stuff we’re doing, that we’re all gone for most of the day?”

“ahh my little niece, no need to worry about that, all you need is a little compulsion,” he replied.

“oh my god….you didn’t?” you said eyeing him.

“oh I did,” he winked at you, walking ahead.

You scoffed and continued to walk. Your uncle had the very amazing elements or compulsion, telepathy and telekinesis which all belonged within the physical elements of the guardian world, only few guardians in the world posses such elements, surprisingly your uncle was one of them.


~20 minutes later~

“alright go get changed, something that’s easy to work in and that’s comfortable you’ll be training hard today,” Mr lee said entering the house which now was yours.

“ne~” you all said, walking into your respective rooms to change.

*alright….how do I change with a guy in the room….?*

“um tae ri, you can change in the room, I’ll change in the bathroom,” hongki said smiling at you.

It was like as if he knew what you were thinking when he said that, “oh um t..thanks,” you replied and gave him a smile before he left with his clothes to the bathroom.

*such a gentlemen….yah kim tae ri what the hell?*

You slapped your cheeks lightly before looking for something to wear.

“alright, easy to work in and comfortable,” you said as you rummaged through the big closet.

A few minutes past and you finally settled on a pair of slightly ripped denim shorts which showed off your slender legs, and a slightly oversized grey angle winged hoodie with a black tank top underneath that completed your curves well. You wore a pair of high tops that had angle wings on either side of it and you re-tied your loose wavy hair into a long pony tail and you pinned your bangs up with a small bow clip.  You quickly checked yourself in the mirror for a last time before heading downstairs.


“ahh you’re done, let’s go,” Mr Lee said hopping off the couch with everyone else behind him. Taking a glance behind your uncle, you choked on your own spit. Behind him stood 15 boys in lose fitting tank tops that showed off their well toned muscles and abs, with slightly ruffled hair that made them look like models rather than students. They ‘cute and bubbly’ image that they had on completely disappeared and was replaced with the ‘bad boy and hot’ image.

*oh dayumm, what happened to the cuties? These guys are hot……aishh kim tae ri why the hell do you think these things you pabo!*

“wahh tae ri, you look tooo cuteee with your bangs uppp!” yoseob said attacking you with a giant hug.

“uh…tha.nks..b.ut…oppa..p-lease..l-let-goo…” you managed to choke out, trying to fight for your breathe that was now getting cut off.

“oh mianha, hehe sorry,” he replied letting you go, “but tae ri how do I look? Hot yeahh?” he beamed flexing his well toned muscles in front of you.

You blushed slightly, “haha yes oppa, you look hot…” you mumbled hiding your face in your hands.

“aww look who’s shyyy, gahh why are youuu soo cuteeee?!” he said attacking you with all sorts of ageyo.

“yah yah, come on you guys, let’s go before we get cracked at again,” CNU said pushing you away from yoseob.

“oh tae ri come backkkk here let’s walk together!” yoseob said running towards you but this time with sanduel at his sides.


*dayummm, she looks so hot with those shorts and the that oversized hoodie….gah what are you thinking lee hongki?! You stupid pabo get a grip on yourself, you bishhh!*

“hyung why are you still standing there, let’s go” gongchan said.

“oh ahh yeahh let’s go,” hongki replied pulling gongchan towards the door.


After a few minutes you guys made your way to the practise grounds, by now you were on the main streets. You were starting up conversations with everyone but eventually every conversation you started ended with ageyo attacks from sanduel and yoseob.

*aishh these boys, they dress so hot yet they can’t drop there cute image like the others* you giggled. You guys stopped at the crossing light where you would cross to get park that led to the entrance of the grounds and waited patiently for it to turn green. Somehow a few of the other guys managed to pry sanduel and yoseob off you for a little while you got some ‘air’ which led you to be a the back of the group. Waiting for a couple of minutes the light finally turned green, you were about to walk when someone grabbed your wrist and spun you around.


“YAH WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THEM? ARE YOU INSANE?” the person that grabbed you shouted at you. You had no idea who this person was…..




gahhh mianhaeee for the late updatee, i got busy and my internet died.....T_T

but how's the story sooo far? aish i at writing....=='

but i left a cliffhanger, someone important will comeee up in the next chapterr! :D






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xiaohope #1
Chapter 29: Please.update soon
can't wait please update soon
update soon author-nim!!~ ^^
alynseobie #3
Chapter 23: update soon ~
EternallyTVXQ #4
awesome story
Wahh Infinite ~ <3 and finally Jae ri!! wahh it must be freaky looking at someone who exactly looks like u! :D :S
and lol its ok jealous hongki is really CUTE!! :D <3
tnx for updating!
they're finally meet!! but , aucch!! that's must be hurt ><

.....He's on the good side or the bad side!?......
Wahhhh cliffhanger....ure so mean!! Keke j.k |•~ XD
I wanna know who he issssss!!! He's on the good side or the good side?! Oh!! he's not going to be someone who makes Hongki jealous..right?! LOL

Tnx 4 updating! Update soon!!