oeps 7


Chapter 7


 “Let’s just say that everything will be ready 5 minutes before he gets home” Leeteuk said smiling softly at her.


“Where is the rest of Super Junior?” SangMi asked while washing her hands.

“Kyuhyun Ryeowook and Yesung are buying the decoration right now, and Sungmin, Shindong and Siwon are buying drinks and a few snacks” Leeteuk explained.


“Can I ask something?” SangMi asked grabbing a few strawberries.

“Sure what is bothering you?” Leeteuk asked smiling.

“Should we tell him about Daehyun?” SangMi asked cutting the strawberries.

“Who Eunhyuk? That is something you have to decide yourself we can’t make that decision for you” Leeteuk said smiling softly at her.


“I know, but I don’t know him like you do. Can I trust him with Daehyun alone?” SangMi asked looking up from cutting a strawberry.


“He played with Daehyun last week right? What did Daehyun thought of that?” Leeteuk asked her.

“He loved it, that’s why I called Donghae because he wanted to play with him again. Is he really that stupid that he doesn’t know or is he just pretending to not know. Why do I have to ask you so many questions only about him OUCH” SangMi suddenly yelled in her question rant and looked at her hand which was bleeding.


“What is it?” Leeteuk asked getting startled by the yell.

“I cut myself because I wasn’t paying attention to the cutting” SangMi said putting her finger under the water. Leeteuk grabbed the emergency kid and took out a bandage to put on the wound.


“SangMi are you okay?” Leeteuk asked guiding her to the chair and sat her down.

“I’m fine this isn’t the first time I’ve cut myself, only this time it’s by accident” SangMi muttered looking at the table with tears in her eyes.


“What do you mean? Does Donghae know of this?” Leeteuk asked shocked.

“Last year, it was going really bad, I lost my job the babysitter quit her job, we had no money to pay the rent. I wasn’t thinking at that time, I wasn’t thinking of Daehyun I wasn’t thinking about what it would do to him. I woke up in the hospital and my mother said that when I get my life back I would get Daehyun back, she took him away from me because I was a danger to myself. But I’ve learned my lesson, so please don’t tell Donghae or Eunhyuk about this, I want to keep this in the past please” SangMi spoke softly with tears running down her face. Leeteuk sat down on the chair next to her and pulled her onto his lap and just let her cry on his shoulder while hugging her.


With Donghae and Daehyun


Donghae and Daehyun where playing a board game on the floor of the living room, when the doorbell rang.


“I’ll get it” Donghae said getting up from the ground and walked towards the door. When he opened it Kyuhyun rushed passed him and Ryeowook and Yesung followed him afterwards.


“Come let’s put this up before he gets here” Kyuhyun muttered walking to the kitchen, when he was about to enter the doorbell rang again and he skipped the kitchen and opened the door so the other three could enter with the food and drinks.


Ryeowook put the decoration down and walked towards Shindong who was carrying the food together with Sungmin they brought the food to the kitchen only to be greeted with a crying SangMi on their leaders lap.


“Just get to work” Leeteuk said to the both of them and went back to comforting SangMi.

“Let’s finish the cake, Ryeowook could you give me the strawberries with the knife and the plank?” SangMi asked quietly.


“Sure, here you go” Ryeowook said placing it on the table.

“Thank you” She said smiling and moved herself of Leeteuk’s lap and back onto the chair she was sitting on.


“When you are done cutting the strawberries you should wash your face unless you want everyone to know you cried” Sungmin said slowly.


“I’m sorry for what you saw earlier” SangMi apologized.

“No need to, just go wash your face now before Eunhyuk gets back here or Donghae and Daehyun see you like this, come I’ll show you the way to the bathroom” Leeteuk said standing up and holding out a hand for her to grab. SangMi grabbed his hand and followed him to the bathroom.


“Hyung do you think Leeteuk is going to do something?” Ryeowook asked softly looking down.

“He better not, Eunhyuk wanted to confirm the feelings he had for her when he saw he again, if Leeteuk does something now and Eunhyuk sees that I don’t want to know what is going to happen next” Sungmin said shuddering when he got a bad feeling about it.


Two hours later


SangMi was back to herself helping Leeteuk, Sungmin and Ryeowook in the kitchen cleaning with all the mess they made the last two hours. Donghae was helping the guys put up the decorations in the house while Kyuhyun was talking with Daehyun in a corner about random stuff.


“SangMi can I speak to you for a minute?” Leeteuk asked when they were done cleaning.

“Sure what is it?” She asked smiling.

“In private I mean” Leeteuk said softly and looking down.

“Uhm sure, lead the way” SangMi said looking at him weirdly.


Leeteuk’s room


“What is it you wanted to talk about?” SangMi asked sitting down on the bed facing Leeteuk who stood with his back to his open bedroom door.


“I I I have liked you for a long time, and I don’t know what to do anymore” Leeteuk said slowly moving closer to her.


“W What? Does the rest know this?”SangMi asked getting a little scared and stood up from the bed which was a bad move because when she did he moved closer and kissed her.


A minute earlier the doorbell rang and Donghae opened the door to reveal Eunhyuk and let him in. When they were about to walk into the living room they saw Leeteuk their leader kiss SangMi.


Poor Eunhyuk what will he do now?

What will Donghae do to their leader?

What will SangMi do?

please tell me what you think

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Daehyun is sucha cutie! Dude, you're truly Hyukjae's son.
Awww, such a sweet ending.
aww, such a happy ending~
leimatots #4
woooh.. it's finished .. i really love your story...<br />
great job... ^____________^<br />
but are you gonna write a sequel? =D<br />
Grace22 #5
Love it! :))))))
Tommy330 #6
good endings, and i love it :)))
Daehyun, you really are Hyukjae's son.
Grace22 #8
Aigoo! Naught Daehyun! Already wants a baby sister! XD
NEko-Chii #9
Awesome story <3 ^^ I love it! :D