oeps 10


Chapter 10


“I kissed SangMi” Leeteuk confessed.


“Look everyone I thought we had a birthday boy here today, and don’t worry Leeteuk just get over it you knew this was coming and Donghae forgive the man, you know how he can get and your sister can take care of herself and if she can’t, well she does have Eunhyuk now! I wonder if he can do much to save her but okay, he’s even scared of needles” Shindong yelled at both of them and muttered the last part to Kyuhyun who burst out in laughing.


“Let’s just celebrate Eunhyuk’s birthday now” Sungmin said annoyed at the behavior of Shindong and Kyuhyun. When walking to Eunhyuk he gave both Shindong and Kyuhyun a hit on their head and walked further to give his present to Eunhyuk.


After 30 minutes all presents were unpacked and they got some games to play which they got from the fans as gifts. Since Daehyun was there too they couldn’t do any weird games or drink too much alcohol.


After two hours Daehyun fell asleep on Eunhyuk’s lap. He picked him up and walked to his bedroom to lay him down on his bed.


“I think it’s better that I leave now, it’s getting pretty late” SangMi started after checking the time.

“That is something you should have said before I put him on bed” Eunhyuk said when he came back.

“I know, but I have to be somewhere tomorrow so I can’t stay any longer” SangMi said.

“Can Daehyun stay here for the night then?” Eunhyuk asked her.

“I’m sorry, but he has to come with me tomorrow so he can’t, maybe some other time” SangMi said smiling softly.


“Then I’ll go and get Daehyun, I’ll walk with you” Eunhyuk said smiling softly.

“Okay” SangMi said smiling softly and walked towards her brother and gave him a hug.

“Call me when you miss me okay?” SangMi said.

“Sure, just stay out of trouble, I don’t know what you are going to do tomorrow, but be careful I have a bad feeling about this” Donghae said.


“Don’t worry, I can take care of myself, you know that too” SangMi said breaking the hug.

“Are you ready to leave?” Eunhyuk asked coming back into the living room with a sleeping Daehyun in his arms.


“Almost, Donghae where did you put his shoes?” SangMi asked looking at her brother.

“I’ll grab them, I’ll be right back” He said leaving the living room.

“It was nice seeing the rest of you again too” SangMi said giving a short hug to the rest of the Super Junior members. At the end of the line stood Leeteuk.


“You don’t have to” He said softly.

“Don’t worry it’s only a goodbye hug” SangMi said smiling at him softly before giving him a hug too.

“I’m really sorry, but I can’t accept your feelings it wouldn’t be fair to Daehyun and Eunhyuk, I really hope you’ll understand this and move on, don’t let this get between the group and you” SangMi mumbled so only Leeteuk heard her.


“Thank you I’ll try my best, be careful I have a bad feeling that something is going to happen” Leeteuk said softly to her.


“I found his shoes” Donghae said walking back in the living room with Daehyun’s shoes. He stopped walking when he saw his sister was still hugging Leeteuk. Leeteuk let go of her first and muttered an quick apology to Donghae and SangMi.


“Donghae behave, I can’t believe my brother can be this stubborn, please forgive him do it for me, okay” SangMi said walking towards Donghae pinching his cheeks before grabbing Daehyun’s shoes and giving her brother one last hug before walking out with Eunhyuk following her to her car.


“Here put him in his chair” SangMi said opening one of the back door letting Eunhyuk put Daehyun in his seat and strap him in his safety belts. He softly closed the door and faced SangMi.


“When do you plan on moving in with me?” Eunhyuk asked moving closer to her.

“Do you have the apartment ready then?” SangMi whispered softly.

“Not yet but it can be ready in two weeks, so what do you say?” Eunhyuk said smiling softly pulling her in his arms.


“Then I need to pack up everything in my apartment in two weeks, and I have so much to do already” SangMi said looking him in the eyes.


“I can help you pack and the rest of Super Junior can help you pack when we have free time” Eunhyuk said smiling softly at her.


“That would be nice, but I really need to go now” SangMi said looking down at the ground.

“I understand, drive safely” Eunhyuk said kissing her softly before letting her go.

“I’ll no problem” She said smiling before giving him a small kiss before entering the car and with a small wave towards him she started the engine and drove towards her own apartment.


When she arrived at her apartment she parked the car and took Daehyun out of his seat and closed the door after that she locked the car and walked towards the entrance of the building. After she got to her floor she walked to her apartment and unlocked the door with the key code and walked in.


She changed Daehyun into his pajamas and tucked him into his bed giving him a good night kiss. She walked out of the room and turned off the lights and closed the door. SangMi finally gets to the couch and sits down sighing.


‘This is going to be a long week’ SangMi thought.

‘This is going to be a really long week’ SangMi thought getting up from the couch and walked towards the ringing phone.


“Hello?” SangMi asked tired.

‘Are you ready?’ A voice asked.

“Almost, give me two weeks then I have one problem less to worry about” SangMi said.

‘Good, you are coming tomorrow right?’ the voice asked again.

“Yes, if you let me get to bed now I’ll” SangMi said.

‘See you tomorrow’ The voice said ending the conversation.


Parking lot


“These pictures are great” A voice said looking at the camera.

“I would love to see their faces when they receive the morning paper tomorrow” An other voice said smirking.


Oeps? What is going to happen now?

What pictures are they talking about?

Who was SangMi talking too?

Hmm guess you'll have to wait for the next chapter :)

Tell me what you think!!  I mean it !!

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Daehyun is sucha cutie! Dude, you're truly Hyukjae's son.
Awww, such a sweet ending.
aww, such a happy ending~
leimatots #4
woooh.. it's finished .. i really love your story...<br />
great job... ^____________^<br />
but are you gonna write a sequel? =D<br />
Grace22 #5
Love it! :))))))
Tommy330 #6
good endings, and i love it :)))
Daehyun, you really are Hyukjae's son.
Grace22 #8
Aigoo! Naught Daehyun! Already wants a baby sister! XD
NEko-Chii #9
Awesome story <3 ^^ I love it! :D