The last oeps


Chapter 25


“So mommy and daddy can make me a baby sister I can take care of, I want to have a baby sister whom I can protect just like uncle Hae does with mommy” Daehyun explained pouting making everyone spit out their drinks in shock.


2 months later


SangMi is planning the wedding together with her mother because Super Junior has a tour for their new album, the tour will be done 2 weeks before the wedding. After the tour the boys have a month off and they can watch after Daehyun while Eunhyuk and SangMi go on their honeymoon. During one of the concert shows Eunhyuk confessed to his fans and the media that he is engaged and going to get married soon. The fans where a little bit sad but took the news well and where happy that he found someone who could take care of him in the future. The media wanted to know everything from her age to who she was to what did she do, to when the wedding was.


“Honey? Who are coming on the wedding day?” Her mother asked her. They were working on the wedding invitations.


“Super Junior?, You? uuuh who else?” SangMi asked looking at her mother.

“Media?” Her mother asked.

“Nope, media free day. Oooh right his parents will come too, it’s going to be a really small wedding, I don’t want that many people there or media, or fans it’s our day then, we’ve asked Kyuhyun to put it on video, so that the fans can see the wedding too and the media. Kyuhyun got this idea to keep the media off of them, ever since he said he was going to get married in every interview he had, had they’ve asked about it” SangMi explained to her mother.


“I can understand it must be really frustrating when you are promoting an album all they ask about is the wedding” Her mother said smiling.


“Yep, so Kyuhyun came with this idea and now they are not asking anymore” SangMi said smiling.

“He’s a good boy” He mother said smiling.

“Okay, are the cards ready?” Her mother asked her.

“Almost just put them in the envelopes, then we can go shopping” SangMi said smiling to her mother.


Another month later


It was an hour before the wedding and Eunhyuk, Daehyun and Donghae where getting ready in one room and SangMi was getting ready in another room alone. Eunhyuk was nervous and Donghae was trying to calm him down.


“Everything will be fine” Donghae said looking worried at Eunhyuk.

“But what if something will happen to SangMi while she is changing?” Eunhyuk asked.

“You want here to change here?” Donghae asked stunned.

“It makes me less worried” Eunhyuk said pleadingly.

“Fine, I’ll go and see what I can do” Donghae said and left the room.


“Come let’s get you dressed” Eunhyuk said to Daehyun.

“I want to sleep some more” Daehyun pouted.

“You can sleep, when you are dressed so get up” Eunhyuk said and got Daehyun’s suit before helping him undress and dress in his suit.


“Thank you daddy, how much time do I have left to sleep?” Daehyun asked pouting.

“25 minutes, go back to sleep, I’ll wake you up when we need to go up front” Eunhyuk said and took off his t-shirt when the door opened.


“Eunhyuk, SangMi is here although she didn’t understand why” Donghae said entering the room with SangMi following him.


“I’m sorry, I just felt like something may happen to you, I was scared” Eunhyuk confessed hugging her still shirtless.


“I can save myself but with all that has been happening, I understand how you feel” SangMi said kissing him.


“Great now get dressed and get up front in 20 minutes” Donghae said walking back to the front to look at the finishing details.


30 minutes later


 Eunhyuk and Donghae where standing with the priest waiting for SangMi. Daehyun was sitting with his grandmother and was holding a box with the wedding rings. Eunhyuk was still nervous and it became even worse when he saw SangMi enter the room in her dress which looked beautiful on her.



You can’t see the shoes because the dress reaches the ground but these are the shoes:


“Wow” Eunhyuk breathed.

“She looks beautiful” He continued. When she stood in front of him he held out an hand to her and helped her step up the three steps before turning to the priest. (I’m going to skip the long talk part of the priest sowwy)


“And now the rings please” The priest said and Daehyun stood up and gave the rings to Eunhyuk.

“SangMi now you can put the ring on Eunhyuk’s finger and Eunhyuk can put it on SangMi’s finger” The priest explained. After the rings where placed the priest pronounced them husband and wife.


“You may kiss the bride now” He said and Eunhyuk kissed SangMi. After the kiss the friend and family of both where clapping and smiling.


At the reception


After Super Junior sang the song Marry U, SangMi interrupted them and said she wanted to tell everyone something she grabbed the microphone and got a little nervous.


“Before they are going to sing the next song, I want to tell the rest a little surprise” SangMi started smiling at the crowed.


“It where a few busy months for Super Junior but for myself too, because Eunhyuk was on tour for 2 months I had to do all the wedding planning, but I think I did a good job right?” SangMi said smiling.


“Last month I went to the doctor because I didn’t feel so good, turns out I’m pregnant again” SangMi said finishing her speech smiling. Eunhyuk looked up at her stunned and so did the rest of Super Junior and their family. After the shock everyone congratulated her and Eunhyuk. After everything Eunhyuk walked to SangMi and lifted her of the stage so the rest of Super Junior could sing their other song Happiness before they would turn on the CD player.


“Why didn’t you tell me” Eunhyuk asked when he had her in his arms.

“Because I wanted to surprise you and you were really busy even when you were free these past two weeks” SangMi said looking at him.


“I’m happy Daehyun got his wish he’ll be a big brother soon” Eunhyuk said and kissed her.

“Are you only happy for him or are you happy too?” SangMi asked breaking the kiss.

“I’m soooooooo happy” He said and lifted her up before kissing her again. After that they went back to their families and talked about future plans.


5 years later


SangMi was sitting in the living room with Lucy her 5 year old daughter and Daehyun who is already 8 they were playing a board game waiting for Eunhyuk to come home from the military. He enlisted two years ago together with Donghae, they almost spoke everyday on the phone but most of the time Eunhyuk was really tired but he did the best he could since he wanted to speak to his family too.


“Mommy, when is daddy coming home?” Lucy asked looking up from the game at SangMi.

“I’m sorry I don’t know, but I hope soon I’ve missed him” SangMi said looking at her children.

“Sure and other thing right” Daehyun said smirking at his mother.

“Daehyun!, would you stop that you still have a younger sister sitting here” SangMi scolded her son.

“How is daddy coming home then?” Lucy asked.

“With the rest of Super Junior, they are going to pick him and uncle Donghae up and then they are coming here, why do you think I won’t let you play outside with this weather?” SangMi asked.


“So are we going to have a barbeque when they get here?” Daehyun asked happy and jumped from his seat.


“Yes we are, and then you can play with all 14 uncles and your daddy” SangMi said smiling.

“Honey I’m home!” Eunhyuk yelled when he entered the house and ran into the living room to kiss and hug his wife first and then his children. After they all greeted and where all welcomed back they started on the barbeque.




First: This is the final chapter

Second: it's longer :D

Third: It's really the last :(

Fourth: The part played by 2PM in this story will be continued in my other story called trust.

Fifth: <<< Link :D

I really hope you all enjoyed my story and hope you'll continue to read my other stories :D

Bye Bye and i hope i'll see everyone in one of my other stories again *wave*

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Daehyun is sucha cutie! Dude, you're truly Hyukjae's son.
Awww, such a sweet ending.
aww, such a happy ending~
leimatots #4
woooh.. it's finished .. i really love your story...<br />
great job... ^____________^<br />
but are you gonna write a sequel? =D<br />
Grace22 #5
Love it! :))))))
Tommy330 #6
good endings, and i love it :)))
Daehyun, you really are Hyukjae's son.
Grace22 #8
Aigoo! Naught Daehyun! Already wants a baby sister! XD
NEko-Chii #9
Awesome story <3 ^^ I love it! :D