oeps 16


Chapter 16


“Goodnight” Donghae mumbled and turned his back towards Eunhyuk and fell asleep soon. Eunhyuk did the same and fell asleep too.


At a café


“Do you want to order something?” A waitress asked after they sat down.

“Um sure, can I have a spaghetti bolognaise with a diet coke?” SangMi asked looking up at her.

“Sure and for the two gentlemen?” She asked looking at them.

“I want to same but with a normal coke please” Wooyoung said.

“Can I have a sprite with a normal spaghetti” Taecyeon asked.

“Okay, coming right up” She said and walked away towards the kitchen.


“So what is going on why where the two of you at that party?” Wooyoung asked.

“You know he is dealing in illegal stuff right?” Taecyeon said.

“Yes, do you have enough to get him in jail because of that?” Wooyoung asked surprised.

“Not only for that, I heard that he had a few people in the bad part of the city dealing drugs for him too, so we can get him a few more years for that and a shipment of cars and weapons is coming in next week but I’m afraid he’s on to me he didn’t tell me the exact date or time so it could be a decoy or  it could be coming this week too” Taecyeon explained.


“Is victoria and all of the other people who were there in that business too?” SangMi asked.

“Victoria is doing most of the administration there and calls people up when they need to order more like in a real business, but Nichkhun is deciding what to get and how much to get” Taecyeon explained.


“You should write it down and give it to the boss as soon as possible, so he can put the secret unite on it so we have more to go on and then catch them in the act. But first let’s enjoy our dinner” Wooyoung explained when he saw the waitress coming their way with the drinks.


“Here are your drinks, the food will be coming soon too” She said smiling and placed the drinks in front of them before leaving them.


“Do you think he’ll have spies around the city?” SangMi asked.

“What makes you say that?” Wooyoung asked.

“Well I’m sure he works with a lot of men and I’m sure he can’t trust and keep an eye on everyone himself so he must have some people walking around in the city right?” SangMi explained.


“If that is true than he must know who I really am unless the people he has in the city are really stupid” Taecyeon said amazed at SangMi’s thinking.


“Will this be a problem in arresting him?” SangMi asked.

“I hope it won’t, so right now we have to move fast, but have every detail right too” Wooyoung said.

“We can’t make any mistakes because we have to work faster than usual” Taecyeon added.

“Right well, you’ll have to do that without me, I’m getting a desk job for a while until that article is out of the world and forgotten” SangMi explained.


“Yeah, won’t be good if people will use that against you or them” Wooyoung said.

“I know and I have a son to take care of too so it’s not good at all” SangMi said.

“Where is he now then?” Wooyoung asked.

“With my mother and brother and his father” SangMi said.

“So he knows that Daehyun is his son now?” Wooyoung asked surprised.

“Yeah, he found out by himself, or maybe Daehyun  helped him a little” SangMi said.

“Enjoy your food” the waitress said placing the food down in front of them and left them alone again.


Two weeks later


‘This is the news of 6pm Eunhyuk the main dancer and rapper of popular boy band Super Junior spotted with a woman entering a building together. Who is this woman and what is their relationship? We have tried to find out but got no answer, even SM Entertainment won’t give us an explanation, so I guess we have to wait until he tells us himself’ A reporter said standing in front of the new apartment complex where Eunhyuk had bought a new apartment.


“Eunhyuk, we might have a small problem” SangMi said walking from the couch to the kitchen.

“What is it?” He asked looking up from cooking.

“There is a reporter standing outside saying they saw us enter the building together” SangMi said.

“Did they saw Daehyun too?” Eunhyuk asked stopping with cooking.

“No, he ran inside really fast remember” SangMi said.

“That’s good, what do we do now?” Eunhyuk asked walking towards her.

“I don’t know, I think I’m going to call Leeteuk and Donghae maybe they can help us” SangMi said.

“I have a radio show with him tonight, why don’t you call over a friend and stay inside” Eunhyuk said hugging her.


“Why don’t you want me to call Leeteuk is this still about what happened at your birthday?” SangMi asked.


“I’m sorry, it’s just that I still can’t really trust him with you alone, I don’t want you to change your mind about me and go to him, I like you and you know that” Eunhyuk said hugging her.


“Don’t you trust me then?” SangMi asked.

“He can be very persuasive” Eunhyuk explained.  

“Fine, I’ll try calling one of my friends, but next time he’s going to come over for dinner while you’ll like it or not” SangMi said and walked back to the living room where Daehyun was playing with some toys.


With Super Junior


“Hyung!, Eunhyuk did it again, he was on the news again with SangMi” Donghae said walking into the kitchen to see that Leeteuk was busy cooking.


“When will he ever learn that people and cameras are watching his every move” Leeteuk mumbled.

“Never, I guess what are we going to do now?” Donghae asked.

“Did they see Daehyun too?” Leeteuk asked turning around facing Donghae.

“No they did not” Donghae said.

“Good, I guess I’ll have to have a talk with Eunhyuk tonight, we have a radio show together” Leeteuk explained.


“If you are going to give him a beating hit him once from me too, and tell him that if he comes on the news like that with SangMi or Daehyun with him, he’ll have to move back in here” Donghae explained angry before walking back into the living room.


what is Leeteuk going to say to Eunhyuk?

Does Donghae mean his words?

Read to find out!

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Daehyun is sucha cutie! Dude, you're truly Hyukjae's son.
Awww, such a sweet ending.
aww, such a happy ending~
leimatots #4
woooh.. it's finished .. i really love your story...<br />
great job... ^____________^<br />
but are you gonna write a sequel? =D<br />
Grace22 #5
Love it! :))))))
Tommy330 #6
good endings, and i love it :)))
Daehyun, you really are Hyukjae's son.
Grace22 #8
Aigoo! Naught Daehyun! Already wants a baby sister! XD
NEko-Chii #9
Awesome story <3 ^^ I love it! :D