oeps 5


Chapter 5



 “What is it?” He asked putting down what he was playing with and stood up.

“There is a forest behind this school we could split up in two teams and look who gets the most chestnuts, at least the children get some time outside too” SangMi said.


“Children I’m back!” The teacher said entering the classroom again.

“Never mind then” SangMi whispered to Leeteuk.

“SangMi everything okay in here while I was away?” The teacher asked.

“Yes everything is fine with them, you know you can trust these boy’s” SangMi explained.

“Well….” She never could finish her sentence because the door rudely opened.


“Teacher Kim, why do I have to hear that you have left this daycare?” An angry woman said entering the classroom with more following her. The members of Super Junior slowly backed out to the emergency exit and took the children outside with them to the play ground.


“SangMi did you call the parents of these children?” The teacher asked her angry.

“She has nothing to do with this, I saw you walking with a guy in the park while I was walking with my dog” Another woman yelled at her.


“I’m sure you can handle this right teacher Kim? I’m going to check on the children” SangMi said walking to the exit smiling.


“Where are they now?” A mother asked.

“Don’t worry Super Junior is with them playing outside” SangMi said smiling at the mothers.

“Okay, make sure the children don’t come in” One of the mothers said friendly.

“No problem” SangMi said leaving the classroom.


A week later


“Donghae, how is your sister doing?” Eunhyuk asked sitting next to him.

“Fine why?”Donghae asked looking at him.

“I suddenly want to see her” Eunhyuk said shyly.

“Why do you want to see her? I’m sure she is busy with Daehyun” Donghae said.

“Since I last saw her my heart skipped a beat, now I can’t stop thinking about her” Eunhyuk said blushing.

“So that is why your dancing was really bad this week” Shindong said walking past them.


With SangMi and Daehyun


“Daehyun, I know you love to dance but could you please stop right now and finish your dinner” SangMi said looking at her son who was dancing to Super Junior in front of the TV again. Super Junior had a concert and it was aired on TV so Daehyun was dancing to almost every song they sang that night.


“Mommy, come look at this” Daehyun said pointing to the screen.

“What is it” She said coming closer to the screen.

“The timing of daddy’s dancing is off, is he going to be in trouble?” Daehyun said pointing to the screen.

“How can you see that? even I don’t notice that” SangMi said looking closely at the screen.

“I like them so I would know and I know the dance too” Daehyun said pouting.

“Go and eat your dinner and the TV can stay on if not I’ll turn it off” SangMi said.

“Fine!” He said still pouting.


SangMi sat down quietly at the table and finished eating. In the end she thought about what her son just said. Eunhyuk normally dances better than the rest of the group, why was he a little off right now then? He was suppose to focus, did anyone else notice this? And why am I thinking about it. I’m not suppose to care right? He is my brothers best friend, he is the father of my child yet he is too stupid to find out Daehyun is his son.


“Mommy what are you thinking about? Are you thinking of daddy?” Daehyun asked looking at his mommy making different faces every second or so.  


“What? How did you know?” SangMi said coming out of her trance in shocked and looked at her son.

“It was a guess, and you made complicated faces, so it must have been about daddy” Daehyun said.

“Why can’t you be more like other 2 year olds, playing with toys and less talking” SangMi said.

“Hmmm, don’t want too, and can I want to be a dancer just like daddy” Daehyun said pouting.

“Just make sure you’ll finish school first and when you are ten years older than you are now we can talk about this again okay?” SangMi proposed to her son.


“I want to see daddy again and play with him can we go?” Daehyun asked changing the subject.

“Finish your food first, and I’ll call uncle Donghae after everything is cleaned up in here” SangMi said looking at her son.


SangMi POV


I don’t want him unhappy so I’ll make that phone call. He looked really happy playing with Eunhyuk the last time, but doesn’t Donghae want to play with him too? The last time Daehyun was only focused on Eunhyuk. I’ll go and make that phone call now. I walked into the kitchen and called my brother.


End of POV


“Hey it’s me can you talk?” SangMi asked.

‘Yeah what is it?’ Donghae asked.

“It’s Daehyun” SangMi started.

‘Is everything okay with him?’Donghae asked concerned.

“He is fine but he wants to see his father, he wants to see him today” SangMi said.

‘He clearly knows when he wants something doesn’t he?’ Donghae asked.

“Yes he does, but the only thing I want to know is if we can come today” SangMi asked softly.

‘I’m home in a hour and he will be home about three hours later he has another schedule he has to go to. But you can come so we can talk a little too’ Donghae explained.

“Okay, then we’ll be there in about a hour?” SangMi asked.

‘I’ll make sure I’m home, and I’ll text you the address, but I really need to go now, we are leaving now’ Donghae said.

“I’ll see you soon then” SangMi said smiling.

‘See you soon’ Donghae said ending the conversation.


“Mommy are we going?” Daehyun asked walking into the kitchen.

“Yes, did you finish your food?” She asked him.

“Yes mommy, but mommy isn’t it daddy’s birthday today? Shouldn’t we buy something for him?” Daehyun asked when he saw the calendar hanging on the fridge.


‘I forgot that, what should we get him?’ SangMi thought getting the dishes and started to clean while thinking of what to buy for Eunhyuk.


What is going to happen next?

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Daehyun is sucha cutie! Dude, you're truly Hyukjae's son.
Awww, such a sweet ending.
aww, such a happy ending~
leimatots #4
woooh.. it's finished .. i really love your story...<br />
great job... ^____________^<br />
but are you gonna write a sequel? =D<br />
Grace22 #5
Love it! :))))))
Tommy330 #6
good endings, and i love it :)))
Daehyun, you really are Hyukjae's son.
Grace22 #8
Aigoo! Naught Daehyun! Already wants a baby sister! XD
NEko-Chii #9
Awesome story <3 ^^ I love it! :D