oeps 2


Chapter 2


“From the shocked expression on her face I don’t think so” Donghae said looking at his sister before making a move to enter through the gate.


 When SangMi recovered from her shock Donghae was already standing in front of her with his arms crossed and with a look on his face that demanded an explanation.


“I thought you were living with our mother?” Donghae asked.

“Last month I was yes, I moved back 2 weeks ago” SangMi said.

“Moved back?”


“I have lived here for the past two years. I had a small vacation from work so I decided to go and  stay with mom for a while” SangMi explained.


“Do you work here?” Eunhyuk asked her.

“No I don’t I’m just helping the teacher as she needed some help with the children and since they are getting some visitors they asked if I could come and help her out for a short while” SangMi explained.


When SangMi was done explaining Donghae hugged her and whispered softly in her ear that he missed seeing her the last two years.


“Why didn’t you say that you moved here?” He asked when he released her from the hug.

“We could have helped you move, and visit you too” Eunhyuk said.

“Sorry, but there were some things I had to do and sort some stuff out” SangMi said looking down at the ground.


“It’s nice the both of you keep questioning her like that, but that is not the reason why we are here for remember? “Leeteuk said interrupting their reunion.


“Right, follow me inside” SangMi said turning around and walked back towards the building.


In the classroom


Daehyun got up from his seat and walked towards his teacher who was explaining something to a classmate. Daehyun tapped on her leg to get her attention.


“What is it Daehyun?” She asked.

“Where is mommy going?” He asked.

“Don’t worry, she’ll be right back” The teacher said smiling.

“Is there anything else?” The teacher asked when she saw he didn’t return to his seat.

“I need to go” Daehyun said pouting.

“Can you go alone or do I need to help?” She asked him.

“I’m a big boy I can go by myself” Daehyun said and walked out of the classroom.


Daehyun POV


 What a stupid teacher, she should know better than to believe me. I wonder if she told mommy that I have been a bad boy here, and that I never listen to what the teacher says. If mommy finds that out do you think she is going to punish me?  I really hope not, maybe I should try and be a good boy, but that teacher is really weird I don’t like her. Maybe mommy can put me in another school?


Thankfully the bathrooms are the same way as the exit door, or else I think I would have been in trouble. I walked closer to the door and saw mommy being hugged by somebody. After she was released from the hug something was said that made mommy look down to the ground.


What did they say that made mommy look down to the ground? Is she upset?  Who are those people? When something else was said mommy turned around and walked towards me with those people following her. When she was close enough at the door she froze for a second as she looked straight at me and then she continued walking closer.


When they were close enough to the door I could see who those people where, to my shock I saw my daddy and uncle walking behind my mommy and the rest of Super Junior. Not knowing what to do I turned around and walked back to the classroom.


End of POV  


SangMi opened the door and walked inside with Super Junior following her. Once everyone was inside SangMi walked back to the door and put the lock on, the guys looked at her and asked why she locked the door.


“ Because there are some children who might run way, this daycare had that before so for the safety of not losing a child and getting angry parents, they have put a few safety locks on the door” SangMi explained.


“What are the ages of the children here then?” Eunhyuk asked.

“This is a daycare so they go from 9 months until 3 years old, but since this is a small town with not many people, the eldest turned two last July” SangMi explained.


“How many children are there here? It seems like a really small building” Yesung asked.

 “About 15, we have 5 baby’s one of them is sick so she is at home and the other four are sleeping right now and are going to be woken up around 12 so the teacher in charge of them can feed them. Then there are 10 other children from the age 1 to 3 well in this case 2. They are in the other room playing” SangMi explained.


“Sounds like you know a lot about what is going on here, are you sure you don’t work here?” Eunhyuk asked her.


“I’m sure I don’t, I just come her a lot and I help here a lot too since they can use some extra help from time to time” SangMi said smiling.


“Come, I’ll show you the way to the children” She said guiding them to the playroom.


Inside the classroom


Daehyun entered the classroom and sat back on his seat. Sara who is a few months younger than him noticed the weird expression he had on his face but decided to let it go, if he wanted to talk about it he would tell her soon enough.


“Children, can I have your attention please” The teacher said standing in front of the class and clapping her hands twice to get their attention.


“We have some special guests coming today to play with us for a while, so please welcome them” The teacher said smiling to the children.


So was this chapter good too?

I wonder what Daehyun will do, now that he knows who is coming

Will SangMi say the truth to Donghae, Eunhyuk and the rest of Super Junior?

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Daehyun is sucha cutie! Dude, you're truly Hyukjae's son.
Awww, such a sweet ending.
aww, such a happy ending~
leimatots #4
woooh.. it's finished .. i really love your story...<br />
great job... ^____________^<br />
but are you gonna write a sequel? =D<br />
Grace22 #5
Love it! :))))))
Tommy330 #6
good endings, and i love it :)))
Daehyun, you really are Hyukjae's son.
Grace22 #8
Aigoo! Naught Daehyun! Already wants a baby sister! XD
NEko-Chii #9
Awesome story <3 ^^ I love it! :D