oeps 15


Chapter 15


Taecyeon whispered from behind her making her jump and turn around to see Taecyeon standing there with a goofy smile and Nichkhun approaching them.


“SangMi have you seen Victoria?” Nichkhun asked appearing next to Taecyeon.

“In that room over there, some men came and she walked towards them leading them into that room” SangMi said pointing at the room.


“Thank you” Nichkhun said before walking to that room.

“So, how did the conversation go?” SangMi asked Taecyeon.

“Why don’t the two of you come with me then I can explain what’s going on. You know as well as I do you can’t do that here” Taecyeon suggested.


“I came here with my own car so I will follow you is that okay too?” Wooyoung asked.

“Sure, but let’s leave this place it’s giving me the creeps” SangMi said linking arms with Taecyeon and leaving the building.


With the family


When they arrived at home Eunhyuk put Daehyun to sleep first before walking back downstairs to Donghae who was sitting on the couch with his mother.


“He’s asleep, did the devil call yet?” Eunhyuk asked entering the living room and sat down next to Donghae.


“Be a little nicer to your leader, and I was just about to get some drinks and a snack do the two of you want something too?” Donghae’s mother asked.


“Do you have cola too Mrs. Lee?” Eunhyuk asked looking up at her.

“Yes I do, but please call me Lydia or mom” Lydia said smiling.

“Can I have a cola too mom?” Donghae asked her.

“Sure, I’ll be right back” Lydia said and walked into the kitchen to get a few snacks and drinks for the boys.


After a few minutes of silence Donghae’s phone rang he picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID showing it was Leeteuk calling them.


‘Good you’re not avoiding my calls’ Leeteuk said as soon as Donghae answered the phone.

“Why would I do that? You are my favorite hyung after all” Donghae said smiling.

‘What about me?’ Eunhyuk mouthed to him.

‘That’s good, your manager is angry at you and our president too and I was too, you are so lucky you have nice sister, or else I would be yelling at you too’ Leeteuk started.


“I have to thank my sister then” Donghae said.

‘You really should, but back to topic you should have been more careful’ Leeteuk said.

“How can we know she stood there waiting outside of the bathroom it was just weird so we ran away and quick, I hope I’ll never see her again” Donghae said.


‘Let’s hope so, is our irresponsible father their too?’ Leeteuk asked.

“Yes he is want to speak to him?” Donghae asked.

‘Yes pass the phone to him’ Leeteuk ordered Donghae.

“It’s Leeteuk, he wants to speak to you” Donghae said handing him the phone.

“Good evening hyung how are you?” Eunhyuk said when he received the phone.

‘I’m fine but you do know that some people are angry right?’ Leeteuk said.

“Yes I can imagine, but she stood in front of the bathroom when we came out, what do you want us to do then? Have a nice talk and explain everything to them? And SangMi already gave us already a good yelling” Eunhyuk explained to his leader.


‘She told me in a text message and told me not to be too harsh on the two of when I would call’ Leeteuk explained.


“That is nice of her, is there anything else you would like to say?” Eunhyuk asked.

‘Yeah if you do go outside this week with Daehyun and his grandma, wear a hoody, sunglasses or hide yourself really good from the eyes of the media and fans, we don’t want them to know that Daehyun is your son yet it would be really bad for Super Junior understand?’ Leeteuk explained and asked.


“Yes hyung we will be careful don’t worry about that, have a nice evening hyung” Eunhyuk said ending the conversation and gave the phone back to Donghae.


“What did he say?” Donghae asked.

“I think the same as he did to you, that we should be more careful” Eunhyuk said.

“Here you go boys enjoy the rest of the evening, I’m going to bed too I’m getting old” Donghae’s mother said walking back into the living room with a tray of snacks and their drinks and put it on the table.


“Can you please put this in the kitchen when you go to bed and keep it quiet okay?” She said leaving them alone in the living room.


“Oh and since Daehyun is using SangMi’s room the two of you will have to share Donghae’s room, that’ll not be a problem right?” She asked already standing in the doorway.


“No not a problem at all goodnight” Eunhyuk said smiling at her.

“Goodnight mom” Donghae said too.

“So what are we going to do now?” Eunhyuk asked when Donghae’s mother left.

“We could do a movie night?” Donghae said holding up two Halloween movies.

“Great idea which first?” Eunhyuk asked smirking.

“Don’t know, you pick” Donghae said holding both DVD’s out to Eunhyuk to see.

“Let’s put in that one” Eunhyuk said pointing to right one.


Two hours later the movie was finished and both Donghae and Eunhyuk where hugging each other because they were scared. Eunhyuk got off from the couch and got the DVD out and put it back into its case.


“Let’s go and clean this up then we can go to bed too” Eunhyuk said and started to clean up the table with Donghae. When everything was clean they turned off the lights and walked up the stairs to Donghae’s room.


“You don’t mind sharing the bed right? We can work out something different tomorrow” Donghae said pointing at his double bed.


“As long as you won’t kiss me goodnight I don’t mind” Eunhyuk said getting dressed into his pajama’s. Donghae put his on too and laid down in his bed.


“Goodnight” Eunhyuk said and turned off the light and walked to the bed to get in too.

“Goodnight” Donghae mumbled and turned his back towards Eunhyuk and fell asleep soon. Eunhyuk did the same and fell asleep too.


Updated ^^

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Daehyun is sucha cutie! Dude, you're truly Hyukjae's son.
Awww, such a sweet ending.
aww, such a happy ending~
leimatots #4
woooh.. it's finished .. i really love your story...<br />
great job... ^____________^<br />
but are you gonna write a sequel? =D<br />
Grace22 #5
Love it! :))))))
Tommy330 #6
good endings, and i love it :)))
Daehyun, you really are Hyukjae's son.
Grace22 #8
Aigoo! Naught Daehyun! Already wants a baby sister! XD
NEko-Chii #9
Awesome story <3 ^^ I love it! :D