oeps 19


Chapter 19


“After I come back from checking up on our son you and me are going to have a serious talk, and I want to know everything” Eunhyuk ordered.


Eunhyuk walked to their bedroom and saw that Daehyun was asleep on their bed just like SangMi had said to him, he lifted him up and put him under the blankets. He was thank full Daehyun was safe. Eunhyuk walked out of the bedroom and back into the living room.


“Sit down on the couch so we can talk” Eunhyuk ordered and sat down in a chair opposite of the couch.

“Where do you want me to start?” SangMi asked.

“Uhm, how do you know the cop?” Eunhyuk asked.

“He’s a colleague of mine” SangMi answered him.

“So what kind of work do you do?” Eunhyuk asked her.

“Right now I work in the office of the detective bureau in Seoul, before i was a field agent too but I stopped because of Daehyun I didn’t want to endanger him” SangMi confessed.


“Yet you almost did tonight” Eunhyuk almost yelled.

“Even if they wanted to enter the room I would have stopped them, I won’t let them near my child ever I’m willing to sacrifice my life for him and for you too. I would never endanger the both of you” SangMi said looking at the ground.


“But you did” Eunhyuk said looking at her.

“The police was there fast enough too” SangMi reasoned.

“Yeah, but what would have happened if they did not arrive that fast? What would have happened if they walked into that room and pulled out Daehyun with a gun against his head? What would have happened if Daehyun walked out of the room? Where would we have been if something like that would have happened?” Eunhyuk yelled at her.


“Mommy? Daddy? Why are you yelling?” Daehyun asked walking out of the bedroom rubbing his eyes.

“Sorry kiddo please forgive daddy for waking you up” Eunhyuk said and pulled Daehyun into his arms and sat him down on his lap when he sat back down in the chair.


“Mommy? Are you crying?” Daehyun asked looking at his mother.

“Hm? No sweetie I’m not” SangMi said not looking at them.

“Mommy lying is not good” Daehyun said yawning.

“Why don’t you go back to bed, you look pretty tired. I promise to take care of your mommy okay” Eunhyuk said and put him back on the ground.   


“Okay” Daehyun yawned and walked back to the bedroom. Eunhyuk stood up from the chair and sat down next to SangMi and pulled her against his chest.


“I’m sorry for yelling at you I didn’t mean it, I was just so worried something would have happened, can’t you just quit your job at all? Please? I make enough money to take care of all three of us” Eunhyuk whispered in her ear.


“Then what am I to do when Daehyun goes to school? I need to do something too I can’t sit still” SangMi explained to him.


“You can still think two years about that, but please anything but this I don’t want something like this to happen again when I get back home from work” Eunhyuk said hugging her closer to him.


“So we’re fine now right?” SangMi asked looking up at him.

“Yes we are” Eunhyuk said and kissed her.

“Please don’t say anything to Donghae, he’ll kill me” SangMi said breaking the kiss.

“Don’t worry about that I won’t tell him” Eunhyuk said and kissed her again and laid her down on the couch before laying on top of her.


“Did Daehyun go to his own room?” SangMi asked breaking the kiss again.

“Yes he did, now would you stop ruining the moment” Eunhyuk said and lifted her up from the couch and walked to their bedroom and placed her on the bed and turned off the lights in the living room and closed the bedroom door.


He walked back towards the bed where SangMi was now sitting up and crawled on the bed towards her, he pushed her back down and crawled over her before kissing her again.


“I’m so glad you weren’t hurt by them so glad” Eunhyuk whispered against her neck.

“I had to stop ruining the mood but now you are doing the same” SangMi said moving her head so he had better access.


The next morning


Eunhyuk woke up and found himself in an empty bed. He got out and put on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt before walking into the living room and then the kitchen where he saw SangMi cooking breakfast he silently entered the kitchen and put his arms around her waist when he was standing behind her.


“Daddy! Not now it’s only 8am please spare my eyes this” Daehyun said when he entered the kitchen and saw his daddy hugging his mommy.


“Daddy can we do something together as a family today?” Daehyun asked as he walked towards his daddy lifting his arms so Eunhyuk could lift him up.


“I’m sorry Daehyun, but daddy needs to do something today but I promise I’ll be back soon and then we can play some games” Eunhyuk said to Daehyun.


“But I want to go to an amusement park with mommy and daddy like everyone else” Daehyun said pouting.


“I promise I’ll take the both of you to an amusement park, but Leeteuk and Donghae are both mad at me that I’ve been caught with mommy on a camera. The people would want to know who mommy is and why she was entering the building with me, what do you think will happen when they see me with the both of you? Leeteuk and Donghae will be angry at me again and fans might hurt the both of you and I care to much about both of you to let that happen” Eunhyuk explained.


“Why don’t we eat breakfast first” SangMi said and placed breakfast on the table then she put some plates on the table, one glass and two cups. Eunhyuk put Daehyun down in his seat and placed his plate near him and put some breakfast on it and then he gave him his fork. Then he gave him a half glass of milk and placed it next to his plate.


“When do you have to go?” SangMi asked as she put some coffee in both their cups.

“I’m going after breakfast, and I hope I’ll be back before lunch” Eunhyuk said and gave her a kiss before sitting down on his seat and put some on SangMi’s plate and his too.


What is Eunhyuk going to do after breakfast?

Will they be going to an amusment park?

Or did Eunhyuk lie to them?

Read to find out  ^^

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Daehyun is sucha cutie! Dude, you're truly Hyukjae's son.
Awww, such a sweet ending.
aww, such a happy ending~
leimatots #4
woooh.. it's finished .. i really love your story...<br />
great job... ^____________^<br />
but are you gonna write a sequel? =D<br />
Grace22 #5
Love it! :))))))
Tommy330 #6
good endings, and i love it :)))
Daehyun, you really are Hyukjae's son.
Grace22 #8
Aigoo! Naught Daehyun! Already wants a baby sister! XD
NEko-Chii #9
Awesome story <3 ^^ I love it! :D