oeps 13


Chapter 13


“Okay, make sure you are on your way out around that time, we’ll be waiting in front of your apartment” His mother explained to him. He gave a small reply and ended the conversation.


An hour and half later his mother stopped the car in front of the entrance of the building waiting for them to come walking out. Five minutes later they came out, Eunhyuk walked to the back seat and sat down next to Daehyun and Donghae sat down next to his mother.


“Hi mom” Donghae said when he sat down in his seat giving his mother a kiss on her cheek.

“Hi son, ready for the long ride?” She asked both of the boy’s.

“It’s not that we are not used to having to sit for a long time” Eunhyuk explained.

“That’s good, but don’t worry, I’ll stop a few times on the way so we can eat a little and stretch our legs a little too, or go to the bathroom” She said smiling.


With SangMi


“Aah, so is he a good person to work with? Trustworthy and all?” SangMi asked smiling friendly at Nichkhun.

“It’s been a year and I did work with a lot of other people too, but yes you can trust him so don’t worry about him cheating on you, though I would be careful there are a lot of people here who wouldn’t care about whether you have a boyfriend or not, after all you are a beautiful girl anyone would or could take advantage of you here so be careful” Nichkhun said moving a strand of her hair behind her ear and taking a step closer to her, he was about to lean in when Taecyeon came back from the table with two drinks for him and SangMi.


“Nichkhun what are you doing” Taecyeon said giving one of the drinks to SangMi and putting his now free hand back around her waist.


“Just telling her she should be careful of some of the guys around here” Nichkhun explained smiling.

“Including or excluding you?” Taecyeon asked glaring.

“Excluding of course, Victoria would kill me if I would try something with another girl” Nichkhun said holding his hands up in defeat.


“Okay, don’t worry I trust you, I know how scary Victoria can be when she’s angry, remember last time?” Taecyeon said laughing.


“Aah, Taecyeon I thought I heard you talking how are you doing” A female voice said from behind Nichkhun.

“I’m fine thank you, Victoria this is SangMi. SangMi this is Victoria Nichkhun’s fiancé” Taecyeon introduced them.

“Nice to meet you” SangMi said smiling and holding out a hand to Victoria.

“Nice to meet you too, you must be special Taecyeon never brings a girl here” Victoria said shaking her hand.


“Nichkhun, your other guests are waiting for you so are you coming?” Victoria said.

“I’ll be there in a minute I promise” He said giving her a kiss.

“You better be. And the two of you enjoy the party okay?” Victoria said smiling at them before leaving them alone.


“SangMi it was nice meeting you, and Taecyeon I’ll see you soon again we need to discuss something” Nichkhun said before following Victoria.


“That was weird, so what do we do now?” SangMi asked taking a sip of her drink.

“We wait, I need to know what he is talking about before we can do anything right now” Taecyeon started taking a sip of his drink too.


“The time that I have to speak with Nichkhun, you have to be careful of some of the guys here some won’t take no for an answer that easy” Taecyeon explained to her.


“So he wasn’t joking?” SangMi asked shocked.

“Sorry, we are here in the lion’s den remember, I’ve been here undercover for a long time already, so I know most of the people and how dangerous they are so be careful” Taecyeon explained to her.


“I can take care of myself pretty well” SangMi stated.

“Yes you can, that’s why Daehyun is with your mother right now” Taecyeon said looking at her.

“That was one mistake I’m trying my best to put right, but you know as well as I do that that will take time and you know that he doesn’t have a lot of free time and even if he does he needs to be careful while going outside and with who” SangMi said.


‘This is the latest show news Eunhyuk and Donghae of Super Junior are spotted with an elderly woman and a young boy at a rest place next to the high way, we asked them where they were going and who they were with, but they wouldn’t answer our questions in front of the camera’ A reporter spoke.    


The TV behind Taecyeon and SangMi was on so when they heard the following news she got scared and didn’t know what to do next. She asked Taecyeon the way to the bathroom and got her phone from her pocked and called her brother.


‘Hello?’ Donghae answered the phone.

“What do the two of you think you are doing?” SangMi asked in reply.

‘What do you mean?’ Donghae asked confused.

“You, Eunhyuk, our mother and Daehyun at a rest stop, and a reporter spotted the four of you” SangMi said a little angry.


‘Sorry little sis, mother asked if we wanted to come with them, she said there would be some stops on the way. She is getting older too and I don’t want to say to her she can’t drive anymore or let Daehyun starve in the backseat, you know as well as I do it’s a long trip towards our house’ Donghae said.


“That’s not the problem, the problem is that you were spotted, and with Daehyun that is the worse part what if they would find out that Eunhyuk is his father, he would be in trouble there would be a lot of gossip too and don’t forget the damage of his image and all, you need to be careful when you are out with Daehyun or our mother” SangMi explained.


‘Don’t worry too much little sis, nobody is following us and we are being more careful now, Eunhyuk is being scolded by the president again and I wouldn’t be surprised if Leeteuk will call us this evening and yell at us’ Donghae said confident.


“I need to go now, but if anything happens and I do mean anything call me cause if you don’t I know how scary Leeteuk can be when he’s mad. I’ll let him lose on the both of you, just so you know” SangMi explained to him.


‘I got it, don’t worry we’ll be fine, see you next week little sis’ Donghae said ending the conversation.


So this is the next one :D

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Daehyun is sucha cutie! Dude, you're truly Hyukjae's son.
Awww, such a sweet ending.
aww, such a happy ending~
leimatots #4
woooh.. it's finished .. i really love your story...<br />
great job... ^____________^<br />
but are you gonna write a sequel? =D<br />
Grace22 #5
Love it! :))))))
Tommy330 #6
good endings, and i love it :)))
Daehyun, you really are Hyukjae's son.
Grace22 #8
Aigoo! Naught Daehyun! Already wants a baby sister! XD
NEko-Chii #9
Awesome story <3 ^^ I love it! :D