oeps 20


Chapter 20


“I’m going after breakfast, and I hope I’ll be back before lunch” Eunhyuk said and gave her a kiss before sitting down on his seat and put some on SangMi’s plate and his too.


At Super Junior dorm


Leeteuk and Donghae where sitting at the dining table eating their breakfast and talking about the radio show and the conversation Leeteuk had with Eunhyuk.


“Did you talk to Eunhyuk?” Donghae asked looking at Leeteuk.

“Yeah I did, and it ended really weird” Leeteuk mumbled the last part.

“Weird how weird?” Donghae asked.

“He’ll tell you himself, I won’t do anything good if I would say it” Leeteuk said.

“Why? What is he planning?” Donghae asked looking up wide eyed.


“I’m back!” Eunhyuk yelled entering the dorm.

“We’re in the kitchen” Eunhyuk heard Leeteuk say back.

“Were is the rest?” Eunhyuk asked as he entered the kitchen.

“Early schedule, want something to eat?” Leeteuk asked looking up at Eunhyuk.

“No thank you, SangMi cooked breakfast this morning” Eunhyuk said smiling.


“Someone is in love” Leeteuk said smiling and stood up, then he walked to Eunhyuk.

“I have something I need to do right now too, so don’t destroy the house” Leeteuk said smiling and left the two alone in the kitchen. Donghae got up and stopped near Eunhyuk too.


“Follow me to the living room” He ordered him and then he walked out of the kitchen and into the living room with Eunhyuk following him.


“Leeteuk said you had to tell me something?” Donghae said sitting down on a chair.

“Well I want to ask you something, I want marry SangMi” Eunhyuk said. Donghae looked up shocked at his best friend.


“Why are you telling me this?” Donghae asked confused.

“Because I want your permission to propose to her” Eunhyuk said looking at Donghae.

“If you’ll make her happy I have no objections, but how are you going to tell our fans about her and Daehyun” Donghae asked looking at Eunhyuk too.


“Um, I was wondering if you and the rest could help me with that. I’m scared they will hurt them” Eunhyuk said.


“I’m sure your fans will understand, they want to see you happy too right?” Donghae asked standing up and walking to his best friend.


“So do you have the ring already?” Donghae asked chancing the subject smiling.

“Yes, I was planning on asking her after I came back with you r approval” Eunhyuk said.

“Show me?” Donghae asked cutely.

“Fine, here it is” Eunhyuk said showing him the ring. (http://site.unbeatablesale.com/img234/diva34271.gif)


“Don’t worry she’ll like it, right now even I would say yes” Donghae said and smiled at him.

“Should I take that as a compliment or something else?” Eunhyuk asked confused.

“Compliment, I still like girls thank you very much” Donghae said.

“But what should I do about telling the fans then?” Eunhyuk asked.

“I think the best thing you can do is just tell them when we have another fan meeting or a show, just make clear to them that you really love her and that she isn’t ready to face the public with you yet or something like that, she’s still my sister and I don’t want people following her all day long so she can’t do what she wants to do” Donghae explained to Eunhyuk.


“Okay, but what about Daehyun? He said he wanted to go to an amusement park as a family” Eunhyuk said looking scared at Donghae.


“And you promised him you would take him right?” Donghae asked not surprised.

“Yes, maybe not a good idea when I think about it right now, but I didn’t want him to be sad anymore he never did anything as a family so I understood his feelings” Eunhyuk explained.


“True he is a child, we’ll find a way to make that happen, but right now go and get yourself a fiancé” Donghae said smiling and pushed Eunhyuk out of the apartment.


“I guess we have to have a group meeting about letting Eunhyuk go to an amusement park with SangMi and Daehyun without the press and fans finding out” Donghae mumbled walking back to the living room and laid down on the couch.


Eunhyuk ran out of the building to back to his car to go back to his own apartment, he was nervous what if SangMi would turn him down? Will she like the ring? Will Daehyun approve? All these thoughts ran through him mind when he arrived at his apartment and entered.


“I’m home!” Eunhyuk said entering his house and walked to the living room.

“I think I’ve learned what you meant” SangMi said smiling awkwardly with a gun pointed at her head when Eunhyuk entered the living room.


“What happened?” He asked confused looking around the room for Daehyun.

“They took Daehyun and left this person here” SangMi said looking from Eunhyuk to the ground.

“Shut up and you sit over there and don’t you dare move away from that spot” The guy with the gun said pointing his gun towards Eunhyuk and pointed to the spot where he wanted him.


If I had to say something I would say it was a stupid idea of the guy with the gun to look at Eunhyuk and point the gun towards him. SangMi stood up and kicked the guy and made sure the gun was now pointed at him instead of Eunhyuk or her.


“Who do you work for?” SangMi asked him.

“Not telling you” The guy said.

“You want to lose something?” SangMi said smirking and pointed the gun downwards, Eunhyuk looked terrified and moved his hands.


“Well who order you to do this?” SangMi asked again.

“Nichkhun did” The guy answered.

“Wait the police didn’t catch him yet?” SangMi asked surprised.

“Hmm it takes a lot more to catch him you know” The guy answered smirking.

“You better stop smirking the police is on their way here and I can still pull the trigger” SangMi said smirking again.


“Mi! are you okay?” Taecyeon asked entering the apartment.

“Just take him, and put all active teams on finding my son! Nichkhun has him” SangMi said giving the gun to Taecyeon and hugged Eunhyuk crying.


“Shhh, we’ll find him” Eunhyuk said whispering in her ear and rubbing her back.

“I really hope we do” SangMi said not letting go of him.


I really had planned that he would propose in this chapter, Sorry :(

Nichkhun is still free? oeps! He has Daehyun? oeps! sorry :(

I hope Daehyun will be fine........

Wait this is my story how can i not know?

Hope you enjoyed this chapter :D

Please tell me what you think :D

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Daehyun is sucha cutie! Dude, you're truly Hyukjae's son.
Awww, such a sweet ending.
aww, such a happy ending~
leimatots #4
woooh.. it's finished .. i really love your story...<br />
great job... ^____________^<br />
but are you gonna write a sequel? =D<br />
Grace22 #5
Love it! :))))))
Tommy330 #6
good endings, and i love it :)))
Daehyun, you really are Hyukjae's son.
Grace22 #8
Aigoo! Naught Daehyun! Already wants a baby sister! XD
NEko-Chii #9
Awesome story <3 ^^ I love it! :D