oeps 6


Chapter 6


‘I forgot that, what should we get him?’ SangMi thought getting the dishes and started to clean while thinking of what to buy for Eunhyuk.


When she was done washing the dishes she checked her phone and saw that her brother had send a text with his address, she texted back if he knew anything that the both could buy for him or what he would like since it’s his birthday. After 5 minutes she got a reply that they could buy something like a phone strap or a keychain because he would always forget where he put his keys.


SangMi texted back an ‘oke’ and walked towards the living room where Daehyun was watching the TV quietly. She walked closer and sat down next to him making him look at her.


“What is it mommy?” Daehyun asked.

“Come let’s put on your good jeans with your blouse” SangMi said to him picking him up and walking to his room. When she got there she put him down on the bed and got the pieces out of the closet and dressed him into them. After that she picked him back up and sat him down on the couch.


“Don’t sit on the ground with those clothes okay?” SangMi said looking at him.

“Okay, can I look for my good shoes too then?” Daehyun asked looking at his mother.

“Sure, I think they are with the other shoes near the door, be careful” SangMi said watching her son jump of the couch she put him on and run to the hallway. SangMi walked to her own bedroom and pulled out her black dress with black strap heels. She got dressed and walked with the shoes in her hand out of her room.


“Mommy nice dress I’m sure daddy would love it too” Daehyun said smiling at his mother.

“Thank you” SangMi said looking down blushing.


Dress (http://www.entertainmentpk.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/black-dress22.jpg )

Heels ( )


“Can you help me with my shoes?” Daehyun asked.

“Sure, give me the shoes and sit down on the couch” SangMi instructed.


When she was done putting on his shoes, she put on her own and walked towards the TV and turned it off then she turned off all the lights and walked with Daehyun to the hallway.


“Are we going?” Daehyun asked his mother when she looking for the keys.

“Yes we first need to go to the store to buy a little present for your daddy” SangMi explained.

 “Okay! Let’s go!” Daehyun yelled running out the door and to the car.


In the store


“Mommy, mommy look at this” Daehyun said running back to SangMi with a phone strap (http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs46/f/2009/234/e/7/White_Coffee_Cup_Phone_Strap_by_Cute_Creations.jpg) and a keychain (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-grM1wieOGXQ/TbkH1gLpgHI/AAAAAAAAAHs/ZiQzWKTeW7M/s1600/Key-Chain-QT-M07-.jpg) in his hands.


“What is it sweetie” SangMi said dropping down to his height to look at what he had in his hands.   

“I want this to be daddy’s present” Daehyun said holding it up for his mother to see.

“Okay” SangMi said smiling happily.

“Aaaah, how sweet, your husband must be really lucky to have the both of you” An elderly woman who stood close to them admiring the scene said smiling brightly at them.


“They must be a happy family, for you to smile that brightly, and to buy his present together” Another woman said smiling softly at them.


“Ah, thank you, sorry but we have to leave now” SangMi said blushing slightly and bowing to them. She took Daehyun by his hand and walked to the cashier to pay for the keychain and phone strap.


“Should I wrap this up?” The cashier asked them smiling.

“Please if you could” SangMi said smiling.

 “Sure, please wait a minute” She said taking the object and a piece of paper to wrap it in.


After 2 minutes it was returned to SangMi and she paid for it and left the store with Daehyun.

They got back in the car and drove to the apartment of Super Junior. When they got there SangMi send a message to Donghae that she and Daehyun where on the parking lot and where about to enter the building. She got a message back that said that he would wait for them by the elevator.

SangMi and Daehyun got out of the car and entered the building where Donghae was waiting for them.


“I missed you” Donghae said hugging his sister. After he let go of her he took a close look at her dress and shoes.


“You look pretty, did you do this for me?” Donghae said smiling.

“Really funny, but it isn’t your birthday today is it” SangMi said slapping him softly.

“And you young man look really handsome” Donghae said picking him up and pressed the button for the elevator.


In the apartment        


“Hyung’s I’m back With SangMi and Daehyun” Donghae said when he closed the door of the apartment behind them.


“SangMi, it’s nice to see you again” Leeteuk said hugging her.

“Nice to see you too oppa” SangMi said smiling.

“What are you doing?” SangMi asked looking at the kitchen.

“Cooking for Eunhyuk, it’s his birthday today” Leeteuk explained.

“Daehyun reminded me of that, he is a Super Junior fan” SangMi said laughing.

“Mommy, can I play with uncle?” Daehyun asked entering the kitchen.

“Sure, don’t rip those new jeans, or uncle Donghae is going to buy you new once” SangMi said so that Donghae heard it too.


“Don’t worry sis, I’ll be careful” Donghae said picking Daehyun up and spun him around a few times before walking with him to the living room.


“I’ll help you cook” SangMi said turning back to Leeteuk smiling.

“I’m working on the cake now, can you cut the strawberries?” Leeteuk asked her.

“Sure no problem, how long is this going to take to make?” SangMi asked.

“Let’s just say that everything will be ready 5 minutes before he gets home” Leeteuk said smiling softly at her.


That is not alot of time hope he is right then :)

Please tell me what you think ^_^


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Daehyun is sucha cutie! Dude, you're truly Hyukjae's son.
Awww, such a sweet ending.
aww, such a happy ending~
leimatots #4
woooh.. it's finished .. i really love your story...<br />
great job... ^____________^<br />
but are you gonna write a sequel? =D<br />
Grace22 #5
Love it! :))))))
Tommy330 #6
good endings, and i love it :)))
Daehyun, you really are Hyukjae's son.
Grace22 #8
Aigoo! Naught Daehyun! Already wants a baby sister! XD
NEko-Chii #9
Awesome story <3 ^^ I love it! :D