oeps 24


Chapter 24


“Sorry baby, mommy has something to tell you, me and daddy are getting married in July” SangMi said smiling and hugged her son who was cheering loudly too.


“When are we going to tell uncle Hae?” Daehyun asked smiling.

“Soon, but sit down first so we can eat” SangMi said smiling.

“I’ll call them now, want to call with me?” Eunhyuk asked looking at Daehyun smiling.

“Yes” Daehyun said and jumped into his father’s embrace.

 “Remember we are only telling them we are coming we are going to tell them when we arrive there okay” Eunhyuk pointed out to Daehyun.


“Okay, mommy go make breakfast, I’m hungry” Daehyun ordered his mother when he walked to the living room with his daddy to call Donghae.


“Yep, he really is Eunhyuk’s son as long as he won’t order me around like that all the time I’ll be fine. I hope” SangMi said to herself and started on making a few toasts and serial with it.


“While you are calling them, call my mom and tell her to come too, or let Donghae call her” SangMi yelled from the kitchen to the boys.


“We will do” Eunhyuk yelled back.

“Mommy, les talking more breakfast making” Daehyun yelled to his mommy.

“Will the two of you stop yelling, and if you want to tell me something just walk to the kitchen” SangMi said standing in the doorway looking at the two boy’s on the couch.


“Fine, but I’m hungry too, and why can’t I find Donghae’s number in my phone?” Eunhyuk mumbled.

“It’s the first number in your contact list” SangMi mumbled and walked back to the kitchen to make breakfast.


3 hours later


“Where are they? They said they would be here an hour ago” Donghae said walking rounds through the living room.


“There could’ve been a traffic jam or something like that, stop worrying already, they’ll be fine” Leeteuk said and pushed Donghae in a chair so he would sit down.


“Don’t start fighting boy’s I’m sure they’ll be fine” Donghae’s mother said coming back from the kitchen with a tray with drinks and put it on the table so they boys could grab it themselves and sat back down on another chair.


“Mother, why are you here again?” Donghae asked looking at his mother.

“Eunhyuk called me and asked me to come here since he and SangMi wanted to tell us something” She explained.


“We are here” Eunhyuk yelled from the front door and entered the room with Daehyun running in and hugging Donghae as soon as he saw him sitting on the chair. Then he entered the living room with SangMi following him.


“Uncle Hae!” Daehyun yelled smiling and hugged him.

“I’ve missed you too baby, are your mommy and daddy treading you right?” Donghae asked hugging him back.


“Yes we are, don’t worry about that” Eunhyuk said glaring to Donghae.

“They are hugging and kissing each other when I enter the kitchen” Daehyun pouted.

“You are the one who choose to enter at that moment” Eunhyuk said.

“Boy’s, boy’s don’t fight, you do this enough already” SangMi said glaring at both.

“Are they always like this?” Her mother asked her.

“Only around other people” SangMi said smiling before hugging her mother.


“So why call all of us here?” Leeteuk asked chancing the subject.

“Ooh, right we have something to tell you” Eunhyuk started.

“And that is?” Leeteuk asked.

“Can I tell them?” Daehyun asked jumping on Donghae’s lap.

“Of course you can, but please stop jumping on your uncle first” SangMi said smiling at her son.

“Mommy and daddy are…… mommy what was the big word again?” Daehyun asked stopping midsentence.


“Getting?” SangMi asked.

“Yes that one” Daehyun said and started over again.

“Mommy and daddy are getin married” Daehyun said jumping of Donghae and into his mother arms.

“Was this good?” He asked him mother.

“Yes it was” SangMi said smiling.


“What? Are you serious?” Her mother asked overjoyed.

“Yes, we are serious”

“When?” She asked smiling.

“Somewhere in July we are not sure yet” SangMi said smiling.

“Me and you are going shopping soon then, I want to see you in a really nice dress” Her mother asked dreaming.


“Keep on dreaming, we still have three months, I just want to make sure Super Junior has a day of on that day so they can all come, in the army or not” SangMi said looking at the boy’s and her mother.


“If you get us the date, we are free” Leeteuk said smiling at her.

“That’s great, Eunhyuk will tell you the date as soon as we have it along with the other details. And then we can go shopping to mother” SangMi said smiling at the boy’s and her mother.


“Let’s celebrate this now then!” Donghae yelled and ran to the kitchen to grab some beer and wine bottles and something without alcohol for Daehyun and his mother.


“One or two drinks, I don’t want another drunk night” SangMi said and sat down between Leeteuk and Eunhyuk on the couch.


“Mommy, can I sleep over here?” Daehyun asked looking at SangMi.

“Ask Donghae and Leeteuk first okay?” SangMi said looking at her son.

“Uncle Teukie and Hae can I sleep over here tonight?” Daehyun asked pouting at them.

“I’m sorry baby, but both of us have to work early in the morning, why do you want to sleep over here then?” Donghae asked looking at him.


“So mommy and daddy can make me a baby sister I can take care of, I want to have a baby sister whom I can protect just like uncle Hae does with mommy” Daehyun explained pouting making everyone spit out their drinks in shock.


My 4th update today :O

So the wedding is in the next chapter :D

And a little surprise too :d

Will Daehyun ever stop saying something shocking?

Hmmm will he get a baby sister?

Tell me what you think

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Daehyun is sucha cutie! Dude, you're truly Hyukjae's son.
Awww, such a sweet ending.
aww, such a happy ending~
leimatots #4
woooh.. it's finished .. i really love your story...<br />
great job... ^____________^<br />
but are you gonna write a sequel? =D<br />
Grace22 #5
Love it! :))))))
Tommy330 #6
good endings, and i love it :)))
Daehyun, you really are Hyukjae's son.
Grace22 #8
Aigoo! Naught Daehyun! Already wants a baby sister! XD
NEko-Chii #9
Awesome story <3 ^^ I love it! :D