oeps 22


Chapter 22


“Nothing just let him lay over there, he’s really young we are bad people but not heartless how can we hurt a really young child” Nichkhun yelled and shot the guy who said that.


“Clean him up and make sure the blood is gone too, I don’t want the child to see the blood when he wakes up” Nichkhun instructed another man.


“Yes sir” He said and got some more men to get rid of the body and blood.

“Oppa!” A voice yelled hugging Nichkhun.

“Angela? What are you doing here?” Nichkhun asked surprised hugging her back.

“I had to give you a message from Victoria and can’t I see my own brother?” She asked releasing him.

“Tell me what?” Nichkhun asked.

“She’s pregnant, you need to get her out of there, she can lose her child if she stays there longer” Angela said.


“With my child?” Nichkhun asked surprised again.

“Yes, you need to get her out it’s for the safety of both of them please?” Angela said pouting.

“Fine, see the young boy over there?” Nichkhun asked pointing at Daehyun.

“He’s cute why is he sleeping on the floor?” Angela asked.

“Hostage, take him to a room and put him in a bed, do not get attached to him, the police is already looking for him and I’m expecting them soon. I want his mother and a cop then the child can go back to his father” Nichkhun explained.


“Why do you want his mother?” Angela asked.

“She set me up together with that cop I want” Nichkhun growled.

“Okay, just go get Victoria and I’ll get the child away from the guys before they do something to him” Angela said and walked towards Daehyun and picked him up to bring him to a room where she could lay him down on a bed.


“What kind of mother would do something like this?” Angela asked looking at Daehyun who was still sleeping.


“Then again it’s not like I’m a good younger sister either” Angela said and opened a room and placed him down on a bed before calling Taecyeon.


‘Hello?’ Taecyeon answered his phone.

“Angela here, I have the child, and Nichkhun is on his way to meet Victoria, he’s getting her out of prison because I told him that she told me she was pregnant” Angela explained.


‘Is she really?’ Taecyeon asked.

“She can’t get pregnant, but I think Nichkhun forgot that for a moment I guess he really does care about her” Angela explained.


‘Okay, I’ll get some men to get Victoria out, some other man to wait for Nichkhun and me and Wooyoung are coming your way right now and get the child back to his parents” Taecyeon explained to her.


“Why did you and his mother set him up? Why would she risk her child?” Angela asked.

‘Look she is a good mother and she is on a leave right now, she would take a bullet before anything would happen to her child, what happened today is because she was outnumbered and they had guns, they were supposed to take the mother and not the child, but the child was easy because he’s small and easier to take out than a 20 year old girl, she’s a young mother too and had to raise the child on her own for the first two years of his life, he just met his father a few months ago it’s difficult for the whole family of them right now. Look I’m not angry at you for saying all this but please just wait for me until I get there and I can take the child home to his parents” Taecyeon explained to her.


“Okay, thank you for the explanation, but there are about two men here and they all have guns I don’t know if there are some more hidden here because I just arrived” Angela said to him.


‘Thank and be careful you are in the lion’s den right now’ Taecyeon said and hung up.

‘I hope they get here fast, I really don’t feel comfortable here’ Angela thought and put a glass of water near the bed in case the boy woke up.


Daehyun woke up and looked around he was lying on a bed and he knew he didn’t get their himself. He lifted his legs back to his chest and started crying for his mommy and daddy.


With SangMi


The both of them where sleeping when they heard a phone ring. SangMi shot up in her bed and looked around for the noise she heard.


“What is it?” Eunhyuk asked getting up too.

“Where is my phone?” SangMi asked trying to find it.

“Next to you, please just answer it before the neighbors wake up” Eunhyuk said laying back down again.


 “This is SangMi” She answered.

‘Seems like you won’t have to go to the media at all, we’ve found your son and we are about to get him’ Taecyeon said.


“What?, where? I’ll be right there” SangMi said.

‘No! stay there, we’ll take him back to you, you trust me right?’ Taecyeon asked.

“But, I want to go to my son now” SangMi said.

‘Don’t worry we’ll bring him to you save please don’t do anything’ Taecyeon said and ended the conversation.


“Who was that?” Eunhyuk asked looking at her.

“Taecyeon, they’ve found Daehyun but they won’t tell me where he is. I want to go too” SangMi said looking down at the sheets.


“I’m sure they will take good care of him” Eunhyuk said and pulled her back against his chest.

“They told me to wait, that they will bring him back home” SangMi said tiredly.

“Sleep, I’ll wake you up when they arrive” Eunhyuk said rubbing her back and hugging her to sleep.


With Taecyeon


“Okay, we have to be careful they won’t hurt the child when we enter” Taecyeon started.

“Is there someone of us in there right now?” Wooyoung asked.

“Angela is there, she is Nichkhun’s younger sister” Taecyeon explained.

“What? Why didn’t she tell me” Wooyoung yelled.

“Because we knew you would react like this, be glad you are coming with me to get Daehyun back” Taecyeon said shaking his head and continued to explain the rest to the team. Leaving Wooyoung in his thoughts why Angela never told him anything like this, he thought they had a really strong and good relationship, but I guess he was wrong about that.


Jeej another update :D

I feel this story is going to come to an end XD

I've made a side story about Wooyoung and Taecyeon since they have their own problems :(

And i didn't put that in this story so i've made a side story I hope you'll read and suppord that fic too :D


I think 3 more chapters left after this one :D

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Daehyun is sucha cutie! Dude, you're truly Hyukjae's son.
Awww, such a sweet ending.
aww, such a happy ending~
leimatots #4
woooh.. it's finished .. i really love your story...<br />
great job... ^____________^<br />
but are you gonna write a sequel? =D<br />
Grace22 #5
Love it! :))))))
Tommy330 #6
good endings, and i love it :)))
Daehyun, you really are Hyukjae's son.
Grace22 #8
Aigoo! Naught Daehyun! Already wants a baby sister! XD
NEko-Chii #9
Awesome story <3 ^^ I love it! :D