oeps 17


Chapter 17


“If you are going to give him a beating hit him once from me too, and tell him that if he comes on the news like that with SangMi or Daehyun with him, he’ll have to move back in here” Donghae explained angry before walking back into the living room.


At the radio show


“Eunhyuk, I want to say something to you” Leeteuk said as he walked into the dressing room and saw him sitting.


“It’s about the news right?” Eunhyuk asked looking up at him through the mirror. 

“Yup, how many times do we have to tell you, to be careful, people and cameras are watching you” Leeteuk said.


“I know and I’m sorry I’ll be more careful I promise” Eunhyuk said.

“You better, or Donghae is going to be really angry, he wants you to move back with us if you ever make the news like this again without anyone of us knowing” Leeteuk explained.


“Hyung, what will Donghae say if I propose to her?” Eunhyuk asked turning around and looking Leeteuk in his eyes.


“You want to tell the rest of the world about SangMi trough a proposal?” Leeteuk asked shocked.

“And Daehyun too” Eunhyuk said.

“What will the fans think of SangMi when they find out that she hid Daehyun from you for almost three years?” Leeteuk explained looking at Eunhyuk.


“Okay, not a good idea” Eunhyuk said looking  down at the ground.

“What if you leave that part out? And say you visited her together with Donghae when he went to his home town to visit his mother, nobody knows she was here instead of there but us. Like I said you have to think this trough and does SangMi want to marry you?” Leeteuk explained to him.


“If she says yes, you can always ask me and Donghae for more advise and I think SangMi is smart enough to help too with thinking, but she has to say yes first” Leeteuk continued.


“But I think you can better ask Donghae first before you ask her, or he might get mad again” Leeteuk finished.


“Anything else you want to say?” Eunhyuk asked looking back up from the ground.

“No not right now, let’s do the show now” Leeteuk said smiling.


With SangMi


She got her phone and called Taecyeon to see what they were up too.

‘This is Taecyeon how can I help you?’ He answered the phone.

“Heyy, what are you doing?” SangMi said when he picked up.

‘Working, we have everything we need to arrest Nichkhun and Victoria’ Taecyeon explained.

“Sorry for disturbing you then, why don’t you call me back when you are done, or if you need some outside help” SangMi proposed to him.


‘you have your laptop from work at home?’ Taecyeon asked her.

“Yeah I do why?” SangMi asked.

‘Okay, grab it and login with the username and password I’ll send you from out there you can see us and speak to us, and maybe do something with the camera’s and security system of this place’ Taecyeon instructed.


“Okay, give me three minutes maximum” SangMi said and put her phone away before walking to her room to grab the laptop and sat back down on the couch.


“Mommy what are you doing?” Daehyun asked looking up from the cartoon on the TV.

“Work, want to watch what uncle Taecyeon is doing?” SangMi asked looking at her son.

“You mean the big uncle?” Daehyun asked.

“It’s not big but tall okay” SangMi explained.

“Can I watch?” Daehyun asked.

“Yes you can, but I need to login first so wait a little then I can lift you up on the couch okay” SangMi explained.


She logged in and saw a few police camera’s and other camera’s, she saw the police planning the attack, on the other camera’s she saw a few snipers of the other team trying to take a shot at the police.


“Taecyeon, there are a few snipers aiming their guns at you, two behind you and the other two on the left and right side of you” SangMi spoke before lifting Daehyun up so he could watch with her.


“Don’t say anything okay” SangMi whispered to Daehyun he nodded and looked at the screen.

“And don’t tell daddy either, promise?” SangMi asked looking at him.

“Okay mommy, but he’ll find out anyway” Daehyun spoke before looking back at the screen.

‘Thanks Mi, can you try to find out how they knew?’ Taecyeon asked.

“Sure, it might take some time and I don’t know when Eunhyuk will come back home” SangMi explained.

‘Take your time, but hurry up and be careful’ Taecyeon spoke.

“Yeah I know, you have to watch your own back now,  or I can’t find out how they knew so be careful” SangMi spoke before clicking and typing in something on the laptop.


“What are you doing now?” Daehyun asked.

“Looking for something that can tell me how the bad people knew they were there, and I’m trying to find a way so I can watch what is going on inside the house, can you please move next to me, so I can work a little faster?” SangMi explained to Daehyun.


“Wow, that is a lot of information” Daehyun said smiling and moved from her lap.

“Yeah, you better not tell daddy about this or anyone else” SangMi said.

“I promise mommy” Daehyun said looking at his mommy who was working really hard.


“Mommy what are you going to do when daddy comes home?” Daehyun asked.

“Don’t know yet, is he home yet then?” SangMi asked.

“Nope but was just a question” Daehyun said.


SangMi got into the security system and turned it off for Taecyeon and his team, then she transferred the camera’s from inside the house to the team who was outside with Taecyeon and moved back to that screen.


“Okay, you received the inside camera’s?” SangMi asked.

‘We did thank you, security system is off too?’ Taecyeon asked.

“Yes, but you better move fast, you see the camera, right below, they are moving something, I can’t stop them from here, or it might give my position away and endanger my child” SangMi explained.


‘We understand, thank you for helping us so far’ Taecyeon said.

“I’ll stay with you for as long as I can, without Eunhyuk finding out, but I’ll stay on the background in case they’ll do an IP search, so they can’t find me” SangMi explained.


‘Thank Mi, we are going in now wish us luck’ Taecyeon said.

“Good luck and be careful” SangMi said and moved the screen to the background, to keep an eye on the boys .


“Mommy, why don’t you want daddy to find out?” Daehyun asked.


Why doesn't SangMi for Eunhyuk to find out what work she does?

When will Daehyun ever stop with being so smart...

And look more like his father?

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Daehyun is sucha cutie! Dude, you're truly Hyukjae's son.
Awww, such a sweet ending.
aww, such a happy ending~
leimatots #4
woooh.. it's finished .. i really love your story...<br />
great job... ^____________^<br />
but are you gonna write a sequel? =D<br />
Grace22 #5
Love it! :))))))
Tommy330 #6
good endings, and i love it :)))
Daehyun, you really are Hyukjae's son.
Grace22 #8
Aigoo! Naught Daehyun! Already wants a baby sister! XD
NEko-Chii #9
Awesome story <3 ^^ I love it! :D