My Sweet Bear


"Love never matter how long....time separates you away from the one you love...

it would be very hard to forget them....

This story is about a girl named Allyn whose Eli's childhood friend...

They fell in love with each other but both of them don't know they feel the same way....

And time goes by....

Love binds their relationship tighter without realizing it...

But time separates them away from each other...

Will their love survive now that they are miles apart?"


To those who will read "My Sweet Bear" hope you guys will enjoy it....

I'll try my very best not to bore you down with my story....

Forgive me for my grammar because im really not good at it....




Allyn - comes from the name "Alexander - AL" and "Kclyn - LYN" = "ALLYN" :p


"This story is about a girl named Allyn whose Eli's childhood best friend....

They are so close with each other....

As time pass by their friendship grows into love without realizing it....

But they were separated for a long time...

After 7 long years they meet again.....

Will their love survive now that their lives a far apart?

And will Eli be able to recognize Allyn now that he is a superstar?"


Cute but Romantic.....


Please enjoy reading....



~the writer


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SEQUEL <3333 keke a love triangle? how about between yong junhyung & eli
ForeverFive #2
Okaaay, i really don't know where or what to start. But seriously, i do love your story. Yes and i love the bear idea, and the whole story thing. And the best part also is the one they went to the resort? When eli sing his every part in the song. Maaan, i could feel that it was for Allyn. You know, i was craving looking for eli story, and it was a worth reading youuuurs! I really love your story for sure. I know this is not the only thing i wanna say, there's alot on my mind! You're are one of the best author! I ammm so happy i found your story though i was a bit late?. Hehe sorry bout it. Please tell me if you have another ukiss story. :) i wanna read them. annyeong! Once again, nice job!
kclyn09UKISS #3
ouch! I lost another subscriber!<br />
kclyn09UKISS #4
thanks unnie^^<br />
omg it was so sweet!!!!!!!!!!! i loved it kclyn!!!!
kclyn09UKISS #6
im the one who should thank you guys...<br />
kamsahamnida for reading it!!!!!^^<br />
<br />
poor thing i lost a subscriber....<br />
Omgosh, I love the ending. It was sooo sweet.<3 (: Thank you so much for this great story you wrote<3.
yay!!!! i love the ending. it was worth the wait. i love the bear idea. Thank you for an awesome story
kclyn09UKISS #9
the final chapters...<br />
part 1 and 2 are already posted...<br />
please enjoy^^
awww it was so sweet but poor ELI