Vacation at the Beach

Guardian Angel 

Summer was coming to an end soon and Donghyun decided that all of you should go to the beach one last time. He closed up the cafe. Everyone was putting their stuff into the back of the van. You were very excited for this trip. You hadn't gone to the beach in a long time. The night before you were so excited that you couldn't fall asleep.

Once everything was in the van you all piled in. This time you sat in front with Donghyun. He grinned happily while the others complained. It took a few hours to get to the beach so you slept throughout most of the ride.

Right when Donghyun parked in front of the beach house he had rented everyone burst out of the car and ran towards the beach. Everyone was already wearing their swimming suits. The guys just threw off their shirts and dashed into the water. You took of the sun dress you were wearing revealing your bikini. The guys gawked at your gorgeous body. You blushed and quickly ran into the water, causing water to splash on everyone. This caused a splashing war.

Soon you were all drenched and tired but you didn't feel like getting out of the water yet. It was too much fun. Youngmin decided that you all should play Marco Polo. "Whose it then?" You asked. Youngmin thoughtfully tapped his chin and pointed to Donghyun. "What! Why me?!" Donghyun yelled. Everyone laughed at him and quickly swam away.

Donghyun closed his eyes and the game began. He was starting to get closer to you but you quickly swam out of reach. After another minute, Donghyun finally managed to tag Minwoo. Minwoo then closed his eyes. You were quietly sneaking around him but he felt the water move and he jumped at you and wrapped his arms around your waist. The two of you fell into the water. You came up seconds later, laughing.

It was getting dark so the 7 of you decided to go in and see the beach house. You were about to grab your bag when Kwangmin came and swept it out of your hands. You looked at him, bewildered. But then you smiled thankfully at him. All 7 of you ran in and immediately you all went to call which room was yours. You dashed into room after room looking for the perfect one. Jeongmin had found the room he wanted and you peered in to see what it looked like. Seeing that it was nothing special you kept searching.

Finally you found the perfect one. However there was an obstacle standing in your way. You and Hyunseong glared at each other for a second. Then you quickly shoved him out of the way and literally threw yourself into the room. Luckily the bed wasnt too far from the door so you landed on it. "Aww, _______! I saw the room first." Hyunseong pouted. "Well your stuff isn't in it. So haha." You retorted. Kwangmin had to dash around following you while carrying his bags and yours. He had dropped your bag on the ground and walked back out picking a random room to drop his stuff in. Hyunseong huffed and walked away. He came back a few seconds later. His bags were in another room. He slowly approached you as you lay on the soft bed.

You felt the bed sink under an extra weight. You opened one eye and saw Hyunseong looking at you with an evil smirk on his face. You quickly got up and tried to escape but he was too fast. He grabbed your waist and pulled you began. He then began tickling you and you squirmed to get out while laughing. You were very sensitive to tickling. Once he felt you had been 'punished' enough, Hyunseong let you go.

"Hey you rotten kids! Come help me make dinner!" Donghyun yelled from the kitchen. He was angry because he was the last to pick a room so he was left with the worst one. You and Hyunseong walked out of your room and went downstairs. Everyone else soon followed. Donghyun was busy making different dishes. Everything smelled so yummy that your mouth was watering. Minwoo and Kwangmin quickly began to help. Donghyun snapped at Youngmin for trying to steal some of the fried rice he made.

Since you were hopeless at cooking, you began to set the table. Jeongmin came over and helped you. All the food was soon ready and the table was set. You all sat down and dug in. "Mmm, Donghyun this is really tasty. You're an awesome cook! You'd make a great husband." You said through a mouthful of food. Donghyun smirked, "Then maybe you should marry me. You'd get this food everyday then." You giggled. All the other guys were glaring at Donghyun now.

"We should play some video games after dinner!" Minwoo happily sang. Everyone nodded in agreement. Their was a Wii connected to the TV and you were all excited to try it out. Throughout the dinner Kwangmin felt insecure. He had a feeling that someone was watching them. He brushed off the thought and tried to enjoy himself.

However he didn't know that his feeling was right. Someone was watching them from one of the windows. He quickly hid when Kwangmin turned his head towards the window. The man was trained in being stealthy. He also could detect that Kwangmin and Youngmin were full angels, while you were not. He had been observing you the entire day, looking for any weaknesses that could help in his leaders plans.

You and Minwoo were playing boxing together on the Wii. You threw out a couple punches while he blocked them. Soon he sent his own volley of attacks at you. You were ready and swiftly countered it. You knocked him out and won. All the guys were slightly shocked however their thoughts went back to the amusement park and how you won the 'Test of Strength'. They all gulped and thought of what would happen if they got on your bad side.

While Donghyun and Jeongmin were boxing you yawned but quickly covered your mouth, hoping that no one had noticed. Kwangmin saw you however and told you to go to bed. You refused. He then got up and picked you up bridal style. You blushed furiously and hid your face in his chest. "Hey Kwangmin! Where are you taking ______? And how come you get to carry her like that?" Youngmin said. You could hear that he was pouting and you giggled. Kwangmin didn't answer him and just brought you up to your room. He gently laid you down in your bed.

"______, be careful. I have a feeling that something bad is going to happen." He said. Then he left your room after closing the door. You were laying there, puzzled. Be careful? You thought that it was just Kwangmin being paranoid so you ignored it. You went up to the sliding door of your room and stepped onto the balcony. A cool ocean breeze blew by and you felt refreshed.

You stared out at the ocean that was glowing from the moonlight. It was absolutely breathaking how beautiful the view was. From the corner of your eye you noticed someon waving to you. You looked down at them and shyly waved back. They gestured for you to come down.

Curious, you snuck downstairs and went outside. You walked over to where the guy was standing. You saw his back and went up to him. He turned around and you were taken aback by how good looking he was.













"Hi! My name is Sandeul. Nice to meet you! What's your name?" He said. "M-my name is _____." You replied. You mentally face palmed yourself for stuttering. "______, that's a pretty name for a pretty girl." He flashed you a breathtaking smile. But little did you know that behind that angelic smile was the face of a demon.


Oh! whats gonna happen next!? lol you'll see in the next chapter. ;-)

And yes the winner of the bad guy poll was B1A4. :-)

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Haneul0907 #1
Chapter 27: Great story this one
kwangminshypika #2
I cant believe I cried when she dissapered ㅠㅠ
Poor taemin :( his left all alone ;_;
imzxierawr06 #4
This story is daebak!! ^^ I really love it. If I have 10 thumbs, I would give you 10 thumbs up!! XD
Awwwh! I cried so hard when ____ was about to dissapear! TT___TT But then smiled like an idiot at the ending!~ :DD