Meeting Her

Guardian Angel

Minwoo and you rushed through the hospital doors. You raced through the hospital and stopped in front of a room. Minwoo peered in through the curtain. He looked terrified.

Suddenly, a nurse tapped him on the shoulder. "Umm, you are No Minwoo-ssi right?" She asked. Minwoo turned towards her and nodded stiffly. "Your mother is in the emergency room right now and Haneul-ssi is also in there. I'd like to ask you to wait in the waiting room." She walked away and Minwoo sank to his knees.

You quickly pulled him up and onto the closest chair you could find. Once he was sitting in the chair, he held his head in his hands. You watched him with concern and rubbed circles in his back in a comforting way. After a few more minutes of silence, you spoke up. "What happened to your mother? And who is Haneul-ssi?" You asked.

"My mother suddenly went into a critical state and had to have immediate surgery. Haneul is the girl I like. She also went into a critical state." Minwoo said in an empty voice. You had never seen Minwoo so sad before, it made you sad too.

The two of you sat together in silence until the doors to the emergency room opened. Minwoo and you immediately shot up out of your seats and went towards the person on the bed.

She was the most beautiful girl you had ever seen. Her skin was flawless, she had perfect facial features. Her hair was long and beautiful.

The two of you followed the doctors into the room Minwoo had peered into before. The doctors said that she would be alright if she rested. They left you and Minwoo alone in the room. Minwoo walked over to the girl and her cheek lovingly. You watched as he stared at her with so much love. You felt your heart breaking but you shook it off.

Minwoo had sat down next to Haneul's bed and seemed to completely forget about your existence. Something made him remember you as he called for you to sit down. You sat down a little ways away from the two. Minwoo was holding her hand while you were left in your own thoughts.


You felt yourself being shaken and your eyes sprung open. You blinked a few times before you realized that Minwoo was staring at you with a light smile on his face. You must've fallen asleep. You rubbed the sleep from your eyes as Minwoo called you to come over. You walked over to him and stood next to Haneul's bed. Thats when you realized that she was awake.

You quickly bowed and introduced yourself, "Hello, my name is _____. I'm Minwoo's friend. It's a pleasure to meet you. Minwoo talks about you a lot." You said. Haneul smiled and spoke in an angelic voice, "My name is Haneul. It's good that Minwoo met such a nice person like you. He talked about you a lot whenever he visited. You're very pretty." You blushed and thanked her. Then you looked at how pale and fragile she seemed.

She was hooked up to so many machines and your heart sank. How could such a beautiful and pure person have to have such a fate. Minwoo began talking to Haneul. You could see that she meant the world to him. You would definitely find a way to cure her.

You were about to leave when the doctors burst in the door. All three of you looked up. The doctors put up a professional posture and spoke in a sympathetic voice to Minwoo. "We're very sorry to tell you the your mother has passed away Minwoo-ssi." Minwoo froze. You could see his heart shattering. You were about to go comfort him but Haneul beat you to it.

She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly as he began to sob. They looked perfect for each other. You watched, heartbroken, wishing that you could be the one to hold him. You immediately scolded yourself for thinking like that. You weren't meant to love him. You would only leave him someday.

Confused and shaken, you ran out from the room and as far away from the hospital that your legs could take you. You didn't stop running until you collapsed on the ground, out of breath. Tears overcame you. You pulled your knees up to your chest as you sat under a tree. It was raining and you didn't care that you were getting soaked. You shook from the sobs. You knew that you should've stayed and comforted Minwoo but you couldn't stand seeing him in another girls arms.

You hated yourself for being like this, crying over a broken heart while Minwoo just lost his mom. You were sure that he wouldn't want to see you again after you ran off like that. You began to cry even harder. You lost all of those that were close to you now. Kwangmin wasn't even there to comfort you and hold you like he always did.


Minwoo stopped crying and took a deep breath. He knew that his mom was in a better place now and that she was done suffering. He had to smile for her and try to live a happy life for her. Haneul had helped him realize that. Minwoo looked up and stared into Haneul's eyes. He got lost in them for a second. Being with her made him feel like that was all he needed in the world.

Then he glanced around and realized you were gone. He started panicking and was about to leave but he looked back at Haneul. She looked even paler than before. He remembered that Haneul loved his mom just as much as he did. She was hurt too but she didn't show it for his sake. He felt so horrible. He went over to her and held her. She silently let out her tears.

The two of them fell asleep holding each others hands.


You stumbled into your apartment. You were soaking wet but you didn't care. You lost everything.

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Haneul0907 #1
Chapter 27: Great story this one
kwangminshypika #2
I cant believe I cried when she dissapered ㅠㅠ
Poor taemin :( his left all alone ;_;
imzxierawr06 #4
This story is daebak!! ^^ I really love it. If I have 10 thumbs, I would give you 10 thumbs up!! XD
Awwwh! I cried so hard when ____ was about to dissapear! TT___TT But then smiled like an idiot at the ending!~ :DD