
Guardian Angel  


After that day you guys came home from the beach, Jeongmin had become more distant. He stopped hanging out with you guys. He quit his job at the cafe. He didn't even try to flirt with you anymore.

You were getting very worried about him. You thought that he was angry at you or the others so you decided to confront him. You had gotten his address from Donghyun.

As you stood in front of his house, you nervously chewed on a plastic spoon you were holding. You had taken it from an ice cream shop. You always chewed on something when you were nervous.

After another minute you gathered up your courage and took a deep breath. You pushed the doorbell. You could hear it ring inside the house. You were worried that he wouldn't open the door until you heard foot steps. The door swung open, revealing Jeongmin. He gave you an icy glare. "What do you want?" He said angrily. You were surprised by his rude tone. "You don't have to sound so rude, I was just worried about you. What's wrong with you lately?" You asked worriedly.

Jeongmin just sighed and gave you a fake smile. "There's nothing wrong with me. I'm fine, so don't worry about me." Then he shut the door in your face. You were furious and was about to pound on the door but thought better of it. You walked away quickly before you could change your mind.


Baro was watching you from afar. He chuckled to himself and thought *Jinyoung's plan is working perfectly*. He watched you for another second and then moved on to his next victim.


Jeongmin felt like he was going crazy. He wasn't himself anymore. All he could think about was that girl he met. He even stopped hanging out with you guys because all he wanted was to be with that girl. Whenever he saw you, he felt as if he was betraying the girl even though he barely knew her.

He couldn't stand it anymore and called her number. He heard an angelic voice come on the line. He quickly asked her to meet him at the park. Jeongmin was frantically looking for something to wear. He found something and put it on. He then sprayed some cologne and went out.


Jin-ae closed her phone and turned to smirk at Jinyoung. "Your plan is working perfectly oppa. He is completely infatuated with me." Jinyoung nodded. "Good, now you had better go meet him. Make sure that he completely forgets about _____." Jin-ae smiled at her boyfriend and walked out of the room.


A week had passed since your encounter with Jeongmin. You hadn't seen him since then. You asked Minwoo and Hyunseong if they had seen him at all but they both said no. You were getting worried again and you wanted to go to his house but Kwangmin told you it was probably nothing. You wondered how all of them could be so cool about the situation. They hadn't seen their friend for a week and he hadn't even bothered to contact them.

You decided to listen to Kwangmin however, and ignored it.

Donghyun asked you to take out the trash. When you walked out the door you dropped it into the trash can and brushed your hands off. You looked up and your eyes widened in surprise. Jeongmin was standing on the other side of the street. You looked both ways before you ran across the street waving your hands and calling his name. He didn't answer you so you assumed he didn't hear you.

Once you were in front of him you knew that he could hear you but he still didn't answer. You stood in front of him and angrily glared up at him. He looked down at you and your eyes widened. His eyes looked empty, they were a pitch black color. "J-jeongmin are you ok? What's wrong with you?" You asked as your voice trembled. He didn't answer.

Jeongmin pushed past you as if you were nothing. You were shocked because he always greeted you with a smile or a hug but now something was different. You turned and saw him holding hands with a girl.   

"Jeongmin oppa, who is that? Do you know her?" Jin-ae asked him. He shook his head and said, "No, I've never seen her before." You stood there, hurt and shocked. What happened to the happy, cheerful Jeongmin I knew? How could he say that he doesn't know me. He always greeted me with a smile. You couldn't just let him go like that. You ran over and yanked his arm.

"Yah! Jeongmin! What's wrong with you?! It's me, _______! You're my friend. Don't you remember?" You pleadingly looked at him, hoping he would recognize you. He pulled his arm away and sneered at you. "I don't make friends with clingy, desperate people like you. Come on Jin-ae ah. Let's go." And just like that, he walked away.

You collapsed on your knees. Tears spilled onto your cheeks. You never thought that Jeongmin would ever just brush you off like that.

Donghyun wondered what was taking you so long so he told Minwoo to go get you. Minwoo walked out and looked around for you. He quickly rushed over when he saw you on the ground. "_____! What happened? Are you alright?" Minwoo wrapped his arms around you. You felt safe and secure so you sobbed into his chest. He held you like that until you finished crying. He could see that you didn't want to talk about it so he held your hand as the two of you walked into the cafe.


Hyunseong had gone home early from work because he felt sick. On his way home, he saw the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. He was about to go up to ask for her number but she got into a cab. However just before she entered the cab she looked at him and smiled. Hyunseong's heart pounded in his chest.

All the way home, he could not stop thinking about the girl. He opened the door to his house and a feather fell into his hand. He out.

Gongchan smirked when he heard the thud of Hyunseong's body hitting the floor. He got off the couch and dragged Hyunseong's body inside more and walked out of the house. *Victim #2 down* He thought to himself as he happily walked away, twirling around two more feathers in his hand.

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Haneul0907 #1
Chapter 27: Great story this one
kwangminshypika #2
I cant believe I cried when she dissapered ㅠㅠ
Poor taemin :( his left all alone ;_;
imzxierawr06 #4
This story is daebak!! ^^ I really love it. If I have 10 thumbs, I would give you 10 thumbs up!! XD
Awwwh! I cried so hard when ____ was about to dissapear! TT___TT But then smiled like an idiot at the ending!~ :DD