Rescue Mission

Guardian Angel 

*Orange are your thoughts

You stopped laughing when you heard someone scoff. You turned to see a guy walking by. You didn't really see his face but you could tell he was handsome. Baro nodded at the guy. CNU bowed. Gongchan said, "Jinyoung! Hi!" and waved at him cheerfully. Jinyoung ignored all of them and walked into another room.

You stared after him. So thats Jinyoung? He seemed very cold and distant to you. You felt a little intimidated by him. But if he was the one that could lead you to Kwangmin and Youngmin then you would confront him.

You walked away from the others and towards the door that Jinyoung went in. You were about to knock but CNU grabbed your wrist. You looked at him, puzzled. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. Jinyoung gets angry if anyone disturbs him." Gongchan said as he popped up next to you. CNU nodded and let go of your wrist.

"Oh, I see." You said. You began to walk away from the door. CNU went into the kitchen and Gongchan sat on the couch to watch TV with Baro and Sandeul. When all of their attention was away from you, you quickly spun around and dashed back to the door. You pulled it open and went inside, forgetting to knock. You were worried that they'd try to stop you again.

The four B1A4 members heard a door slam and looked up to see that you were gone. They all gave each other worried glances and made a dash for the door.

You took a deep breath and was about to turn around until a hand slammed on the door. It was centimeters away from your face. Another hand turned you around so that you were face to face with Jinyoung. He had an angry scowl on his face. Except the expression on his face wasn't what scared you. It was the dark, cold, heartless, look in his eyes. However you could see something else in his eyes. You could see pain.


Jeongmin and Hyunseong were urging Donghyun to drive faster while he yelled at them to shut up. Minwoo stared out the window of the car. He was worried about you. What if they were hurting you right now? What if they hurt Youngmin and Kwangmin too?

Finally, the four of them made it to where Minwoo last saw you. They quickly got out of the car and went up to the door. Donghyun tried opening it but it was locked. "Darn, how are we supposed to get in now?" Hyunseong said angrily.

Jeongmin smirked at him. "Leave it to me." He went up to the door and started fiddling with the lock. The other three looked at each other, wondering how Jeongmin could ever pick the lock. However they heard a 'click' a few seconds later and Jeongmin opened the door. He had a smug smirk on his face. The three looked bewildered. "Come on, don't stand there all day. We gotta save ____." Jeongmin said as he went inside.

The four of them ran inside and started going down the stairs.


Jinyoung was glaring at you and you were frozen. Looking into his eyes made you feel as if all hope was lost in the world. You could feel all the pain he was holding in. He then grabbed your wrist and dragged you with him as he walked towards another door.

He opened that door and your eyes widened when you saw Kwangmin and Youngmin. They were sitting in a cage and they looked miserable. You tried running over to them but Jinyoung held you tightly. He just scoffed at your attempts. "Angels." He snarled, "They're not really angels, they're demons in disguise."

All three of you looked at him in surprise. How did he know about angels and why did he think that angels were bad? He noticed you all staring at him. He chuckled and threw you to the ground. Youngmin yelled at him in protest and Kwangmin moved over to you. He reached his arms through the bar, trying to reach you. You looked at him and smiled softly. You reached out to him and grabbed his hand.

"You jerk! Why did you do that to ____?!" Youngmin yelled. Jinyoung ignored him and went towards you again. He pulled you away from Kwangmin and handcuffed your hands around a pole. You struggled to get out but only ended up hurting yourself. You yelped in pain. Kwangmin struggled to get out of the cage. He wanted to kill Jinyoung right then and there.

Jinyoung knew and he smirked at him. Then he went over to the cage door. "Angels deserve to die. Especially wimpy guardian angels like you." He said as he looked directly at you. You gulped nervously. "But, I think I'll have a little fun before I kill you. I wanna hear you beg me to stop." He said in a chilling voice.

He opened the cage door and quickly grabbed Kwangmin. He shut the door before Youngmin could get out. Kwangmin tried to get out of Jinyoung's grip but he was weak from sitting in that cage. You watched as Jinyoung tied Kwangmin to a chair. Then your eyes widened in fear when he pulled out a knife. "A full angel may not be able to die by something like this. But it doesn't mean they can't feel the pain." Jinyoung said as he swiftly slashed Kwangmin's arm.

Kwangmin shouted in pain as Jinyoung continuously made small but painful cuts all over his body. You watched in horror. Youngmin was yelling at Jinyoung but you felt as if you had lost your voice.

Jinyoung was about to stab Kwangmin when you finally managed to let out a scream. "Stop, please stop." You sobbed out. Jinyoung grinned malevolently. He went up to you. "Please, stop hurting him." You pleaded. "Alright." Jinyoung said. You looked at him, frightened. "Then you hurt him." He said.

All three of you looked at him in shock. "W-what?" You stuttered. Jinyoung took the handcuffs off you and put the knife in your hand. He then pushed you towards Kwangmin. "Cut him, stab him. You told me to stop hurting him but you never said anything about you hurting him." He said. "Unless, you would rather be the one getting cut?" He asked.

"No! _____, just cut me! Don't you dare try and protect me!" Kwangmin yelled. You sadly smiled at him and handed the knife to Jinyoung. "Go ahead, hurt me but please don't hurt Kwangmin or Youngmin." You said.

Jinyoung walked up to you with the knife in hand. He was about to bring the knife down on you but froze when you looked up at him. "Your eyes are just like hers." He whispered. You looked at him in concern when tears started falling down his cheeks. Without thinking, you went over to him and hugged him.


Hyunseong burst into the room first. The B1A4 members looked up at the four guys. They were standing in front of Jinyoung's door trying to unlock it. All 8 of them stared at each other, puzzled. Minwoo recognized Sandeul, "You're the one who took ____! Where is she?!" He yelled. Sandeul looked astonished. "How'd you get in here?" Baro asked.

Jeongmin smirked, "You're gonna need a better lock on your door if you don't want people sneaking in here." Baro glared at him. Before the guys could start attacking each other, they heard a scream. All of them gasped and tried to pry the door open. Jeongmin pushed them away and quickly undid the lock.

All 8 of them were now involved in the rescue mission together.


Jinyoung dropped the knife. You held him tightly while he cried quietly. "So, tell us your story." You said softly.


I'm sorry i made Jinyoung so evil! please forgive me *gets down on knees and bows* I love Jinyoung and B1A4 but i had to have someone be the bad guy. T_T

but don't worry, Jinyoung wasn't always evil. You'll hear his story in the next chapter ^_^

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Haneul0907 #1
Chapter 27: Great story this one
kwangminshypika #2
I cant believe I cried when she dissapered ㅠㅠ
Poor taemin :( his left all alone ;_;
imzxierawr06 #4
This story is daebak!! ^^ I really love it. If I have 10 thumbs, I would give you 10 thumbs up!! XD
Awwwh! I cried so hard when ____ was about to dissapear! TT___TT But then smiled like an idiot at the ending!~ :DD