Meeting Minwoo

Guardian Angel

*Orange are your thoughts

You woke up from the oddest dream ever. You got up to go tell Taemin about it when you finally looked around and realized that this wasnt my room.

Panicking, you slapped your cheeks to see if you were dreaming still. After that stupid idea you finally realized there was a small weight on your neck. You looked down to see the necklace that told you all that had happened before was not a dream. You looked out the window of what you guessed was a hotel and observed the scenery. There was a cute looking cafe across the street. Next to it were apartment buildings.

You reached into your pocket and pulled out a slip of paper. No Minwoo works in the cafe across the street. Try and get to know him and don't forget your mission - Kwangmin

Standing there for a second, i contemplated what to do. While you were contemplating, your stomach growled, making your decision for you. To the cafe!


You stood outside the cafe, too afraid to go in. What if i mess up? What if i can't grant his wish? After another minute of awkardly standing outside, the door opened and you flinched in shock. You saw a boy, about the same age as you. He looked like he could have been an angel like Kwangmin except you knew he wasnt. The boy standing in front of you was none other than your mission, No Minwoo.

"Can I help you?" He smiled and gestured for you to follow him inside. You followed behind him, staring at his back. "So, are you ordering something to go or are you going to eat here?"

"Umm, I'll eat here." Smiling again, he led you to a table and handed you a menu.

"Would you like something to drink first?" flipping through the menu you saw exactly what you wanted.

"I'll have a hot chocolate please." this time you flashed your best smile at him. He blushed slightly.

"Hot chocolate in the middle of summer?" he asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"What's wrong with that? Hot chocolate is good any time of the year." he just chuckled and walked away to retrieve your order. You looked out the window and begin to think of ways to get closer to him and complete your mission.

Minwoo was standing behind the counter and preparing your hot chocolate when someone slung their arm around his neck. He turned and saw Youngmin.

"So, who's she?" Youngmin asked as he pointed over at you.

"She's just a customer." Minwoo replied.

"Hmm, she's cute" Youngmin winked at Minwoo. Minwoo just slipped out from Youngmin's arm and shot him a disapproving look.

"You know that I already like someone." Minwoo finished the hot chocolate. He got and idea and ran into the back room. Youngmin watched him go, then looked back at you.

After staring out the window and coming up with very odd ideas to complete your mission, you turned to the counter to see if your hot chocolate was done. You could've sworn your jaw dropped to the floor when you saw Kwangmin standing there smiling at you. Except instead of his black hair, he had blond hair. Confused, you walked up to him.

"Kwangmin!? What are you doing here?" 'Kwangmin' looked at you just as confused.

"I'm not Kwangmin. I'm Youngmin. How do you know my twin?"

"What are you talking about Kwangmin? It's me _____. What twin? You don't have a twin." Right after you finished your sentence another 'Kwangmin' walked out of the bathroom. Your eyes widened and you looked back and forth between blond 'Kwangmin' and the real Kwangmin. The real Kwangmin smirked and walked over to you.

"I see you've met my twin. He's an angel too." You weren't as confused as before but you glared at Kwangmin. He looked slightly amused at the expression on your face. "What? Why are you glaring at me?" He asked, bemused.

"Why didn't you tell me you had a twin who is also an angel?"

"You didn't ask" You scoffed at his answer. So he gets angry when I ask him too many questions but then he says I should have asked him a question. I don't get this guy.

"Oh, so you're the girl Kwangmin was----mpff" Youngmin had begun speaking when Kwangmin slapped his hand over his mouth. He glared at his twin and shook his head. He let go when Youngmin understood what he meant. You looked between the two of them but shrugged, thinking it was unimportant. At that moment Minwoo came out from the back room holding your hot chocolate and a red velvet cupcake. Kwangmin slyly slipped you a note that you slipped into your pocket.

"Here is your hot chocolate and I got you this cupcake. It's on the house. It tastes really good with hot chocolate." Minwoo smiled as he handed you the food. You blushed, seeing how cute and sweet he was.

"Thanks" You walked back to your table. Minwoo followed you and asked if you needed anything else. You shook your head. Then you looked around the cafe and noticed it was empty. "Is the cafe usuallly this empty?" Minwoo shook his head.

"I guess it's just a slow day." You nodded then gestured for him to sit in the chair in front of you. You noticed Youngmin nudge Kwangmin in the ribs and he winked at Minwoo. Kwangmin slapped his elbow while Minwoo ignored him. He took your offer and sat down in front of you. He watched as you took a sip of your hot chocolate and bit your cupcake. You beamed at the delicious tastes blending together. "It's yummy, isn't it?" He asked. You smiled and nodded. Minwoo seems like a pretty happy person. I wonder what it is that he deeply wishes for?



Chapter 2 is done! Yay! i have three subscribers! lol How is the story so far? don't worry it'll pick up soon. please leave a comment so i can know how i'm doing. thanks for reading!!!! ^_^ Youngmin loves you! hehe

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Haneul0907 #1
Chapter 27: Great story this one
kwangminshypika #2
I cant believe I cried when she dissapered ㅠㅠ
Poor taemin :( his left all alone ;_;
imzxierawr06 #4
This story is daebak!! ^^ I really love it. If I have 10 thumbs, I would give you 10 thumbs up!! XD
Awwwh! I cried so hard when ____ was about to dissapear! TT___TT But then smiled like an idiot at the ending!~ :DD