
Guardian Angel  

Sandeul took a deep breath as he stood outside the door. You were standing behind him, puzzled. Why would Kwangmin and Youngmin be here? He took your hand a looked into your eyes with a pained expression. You immediately sensed something was wrong.

He knocked on the door and it opened slightly. After the person behind the door recognized Sandeul, he opened it. Baro smirked and patted Sandeul on the back. Sandeul gave him a shaky smile as he led you into B1A4's lair. You looked at Baro and he gave you a fake smile. You could tell because his smile didn't reach his eyes.

You held tightly onto Sandeul's hand because you were starting to trust him. The two of you walked down a long flight of stairs into the darkness.


Minwoo had seen you and Sandeul walking together. He was about to go back to the hospital when he got a bad feeling. He decided to follow you guys.

He followed the two of you all the way and watched you enter the door. It shut with a loud bang and he heard a lock click. Minwoo would definitely need some help with this.

Minwoo called a taxi and went to Jeongmin's house. Once he got there, he paid the driver and went up to the front door. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door. He waited a minute and there was no response. He then began to pound on the door with his fists.

Finally, Jeongmin opened the door. He glared at Minwoo but Minwoo wasn't intimidated. "What do you want?" Jeongmin snarled. Jin-ae was standing behind him, watching Minwoo curiously. Minwoo then pulled Jeongmin outside and pulled the door shut in front of Jin-ae's face. He snickered when he heard her yelling at him.

Jeongmin pushed Minwoo and gave him another glare before he started to go back inside. Minwoo grabbed his arm roughly and pulled him back. "I'll say it one more time, what do you want?" Jeongmin asked, emphasizing each word. Minwoo stared into Jeongmin's empty eyes. "I need your help. _____ is in trouble." Jeongmin looked confused at the mention of your name.

"Whose _____?" He asked. Minwoo punched him in the face. Jeongmin looked at him in disbelief. "Why did you do that?!" He yelled. Minwoo inhaled deeply to calm himself. "Because you're an idiot. How could you not remember _____? She's our friend! Wake up Jeongmin!!" Minwoo began yelling back at him. Jeongmin froze. Memories began to flood back into his mind. He remembered working at the cafe with you, he remembered meeting you for the first time, and most of all he remembered your beautiful smile.

Everything had come back to him. He turned to Minwoo and got down on his knees. Minwoo watched him, shocked. Jeongmin bowed, "I'm so sorry Minwoo. I can't believe I forgot ____. I'm so sorry." Minwoo snapped at him, "Don't say sorry to me! Say it to ____." Then he softened and helped Jeongmin up. "It's good to have you back." Jeongmin and Minwoo hugged each other.

"So, what do we do now?" Jeongmin asked. Minwoo smirked, "Now, we go to Hyunseong's place." The two friends dashed off together.


Jin-ae opened the door after hearing their conversation. She couldn't believe that Jeongmin broke out of the spell. She was about to go back to the lair when Jinyoung stepped out. "Jinyoung oppa! I'm sorry, he got away." She apoligized as she pouted. Jinyoung gave her an icy glare and she froze in her spot. "Don't ever show your face in front of me again." He said and walked away, leaving Jin-ae crying.


When Jeongmin and Minwoo got to Hyunseong's place and knocked on the door, he answered pretty quickly. Hyun-ae looked out at them from behind Hyunseong. "Hold on, Hyun-ae ah. I'll be back." Hyunseong said as he stepped out and shut the door. He started walking off so Jeongmin and Minwoo followed him.

He stopped at a bench a little ways away from his house and sat down. The other two sat down beside him. "So, what is it?" Hyunseong asked without even glancing at them. Minwoo spoke up first, "It's _____. She's in danger and we need your help."

Hyunseong sneered at them. "Her? Why would I help her? She was trying to steal me from my girlfriend." Jeongmin lifted his fist and was about to punch Hyunseong when Minwoo stopped him. "____ wasn't trying to steal you away from your girlfriend. She's our friend. She would never do something like that. Hyunseong, you gotta remember." Minwoo said in a steady voice.

Jeongmin nodded and added on, "Yeah, don't you remember all the fun times we had together? Like the amusement park and the beach?" Hyunseong sat there, thinking silently. He could just barely remember smiling and lauging with a girl but he couldn't place who it was. He whispered your name softly, "_____." and then all the memories flooded back to him. He looked at the other two who were watching in concern. He smiled and said, "I remember. I"m sorry you guys."

The other two didn't say anything but patted him on the back reassuringly. Hyunseong then stood up. "Come on, we gotta get Donghyun now right?" All three of them grinned at each other and raced off to Donghyun's house.


Hyun-ae walked out and looked around for Hyunseong to discover that he was gone. *Crap, Jinyoung-ssi is going to kill me now.* She was about to run away when Jinyoung appeared. Her eyes widened. Jinyoung closed in on her and when he walked away, there was no trace of her left. She was gone in another dimension forever.


You and Sandeul had finally reached a room that looked like a living room. It had a tv and a game system connected to it. There were bean bag chairs and a couch. Baro walked past the two of you and plopped down on the couch. Gongchan and CNU were sitting in the kitchen attached to the room. They were making a snack and chatting with each other. They stopped and looked up at you when you came in though.

"Sit down anywhere you want. Jinyoung's out right now but he'll be back soon." Sandeul said. He went over to a bean bag chair and sat down. You stood there akwardly, not knowing where to sit. You didn't want to sit near Baro because he looked cold and mean.

Gongchan then came up to you smiling. "Hi, I'm Gongchan! You're pretty!" He said. You blushed and said, "I"m ____, thanks." He chuckled and grabbed your hand. He brought you to a bean bag chair and sat you down. He then took the one next to you and sat down too.

You sat there uncomfortably, wondering where Kwangmin and Youngmin were and why you had to wait for this 'Jinyoung' person. You spoke quietly to Sandeul, "Where are Kwangmin and Youngmin?". He looked at you and gave you a soft smile. "You'll see them when Jinyoung comes back." He patted your hand reassuringly.

"Hey, ____. Do you like to play video games?" CNU asked. You smiled at him and nodded. "Wanna play?" Baro asked. You timidly looked at Sandeul and he smiled at you. "Sure." You said. Gongchan, CNU, Baro, and you all sat together and started playing games.

The guys were only pretending to be kind to you but as you spent more time with them, they couldn't help but feel as if they truly wanted to be kind to you. You had the purest smile and a truly angelic laugh that anybody could fall for.


Donghyun was already outside when the three arrived. He looked at them, puzzled. "Why are you guys running?" They all grabbed his arms and pushed him into his car. Then they all got in after. Donghyun glared at them. "What is this about? If you wanted a ride you could've just called."

Jeongmin spoke first this time, "We need to save _____! She's in trouble!" Donghyun looked at them all. He wasn't sure if he was ready to see you again. He also wasn't sure if you even wanted to see him. "What are you waiting for?! Turn on the car and lets go." Hyunseong said.

Donghyun sighed and was about to get out of the car. Minwoo put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry but I can't ever face ____ again. She probably hates me. You can take my car though." Minwoo stared at him with a hard expression. "She doesn't hate you. She misses you. And we need your help. So please, Donghyun-ah. Please help us." Minwoo expression turned into a pleading one.

Donghyun took a few deep breaths and quietly said, "She really doesn't hate me?" Minwoo nodded fimly. He smiled at the other three. They all looked back at him, hopefully. "Well then, let's go. ____ needs us right?" They all cheered and Donghyun started the car and drove off. The four guys were reunited and all 7 of you were soon to be reunited.


Jinyoung got back to B1A4's place and went down the stairs. He entered the room to see all the members talking to you. You laughed at a joke that Gongchan told. CNU ruffled your hair while Baro laughed a little with you. Sandeul had a look in his eyes as he watched you laugh that Jinyoung couldn't place.

Jinyoung scoffed and walked by all of you. He was too tired to deal with you right now. But soon, he would carry out the last part of his plan.


another chapter done! the guys are coming to your rescue! hehe

and this is completely off topic but if any of you are SHINee fans then you should watch this video. they look so cute! 


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Haneul0907 #1
Chapter 27: Great story this one
kwangminshypika #2
I cant believe I cried when she dissapered ㅠㅠ
Poor taemin :( his left all alone ;_;
imzxierawr06 #4
This story is daebak!! ^^ I really love it. If I have 10 thumbs, I would give you 10 thumbs up!! XD
Awwwh! I cried so hard when ____ was about to dissapear! TT___TT But then smiled like an idiot at the ending!~ :DD