
Guardian Angel

It had been a week since Minwoo confessed to you. You hadn't given him an answer and you were too afraid to go to work. You were still trying to work things out in your mind. Everything was so confusing.

The guys had visited you several times but you never opened the door for them. You absolutely refused to see anyone, not until you had everything sorted out. One day Youngmin had tried flying in through the window but you had quickly closed it causing him to crash into the window. You locked it and closed the blinds. Youngmin was whining outside the window but you still refused to open it.

While you were isolating yourself, you were also growing even weaker. Some of the simplest tasks were becoming hard to do. You couldn't even walk from your bed to the bathroom without stopping and gasping for breath. Everything seemed ten times harder than it should have been.

Minwoo's and Kwangmin's faces kept flashing through your mind. You could see their smiles, you could hear their laughs, and you could feel their embrace. It was all so confusing to you. You knew that you had to choose one of them but you didn't want to hurt the other. You decided that you needed to leave. You couldn't stay there and play with their feelings. It would be better if you just disappeared.

You put on a black hoodie, a pair of loose jeans, and your orange converse. Peeking out through the door, you checked to see if anyone was out there. Seeing no one, you quietly slipped out and closed your door. You then began to go towards the elevator but changed your mind. One of the guys could be going up the elevator to see you. Not wanting to take chances, you went down the stairs.

Once outside, you looked around and quickly called a taxi. The taxi took you back to your hometown and you stepped out, handing the driver your money. Glancing around, you began to walk towards your old home.

You knew that Taemin would not be able to see you. No one in your hometown would be able to see you. However you still went to see Taemin. When you got to your house, you stared at it. Tears came to your eyes as you remembered the past. You walked inside and heard voices.

Walking into the living room, you saw Taemin and his friends. They were sitting on the couch together. They were talking and joking around. You smiled to yourself as you watched them laugh at a joke Onew told. The joke wasn't funny but they laughed at the way Onew made it seem like it was the most hilarious thing in the world.

Going over to them, you could see that Taemin looked a lot better then he did the last time you saw him. You smiled, happy that he was able to move on.

You knew that they couldn't hear you but you started talking. "I miss you guys a lot. I hope you're all doing well. I made some really good friends. I think you guys would get along well together." You said. The five of them stopped talking as if they heard you. They looked around and all their eyes wandered to the same spot, you. You froze. Did they really hear you?

Jonghyun sighed. "Did you guys feel _____'s presence too?" He asked. The others nodded their heads sadly. "I miss my baby so much!" Key cried out. They all nodded in agreement. Your heart sank when you saw how sad they were.

You reached to try and touch Taemin's cheek but you broke out into a coughing fit. Normally, in the past, Key would have rushed to your side worried. He would speak to you in a motherly way. Jonghyun would tease you like he was your brother. Onew and Minho would have patted your back comfortingly. Taemin would have immediately gotten medicine for you and he would feel your forehead to check if you had a fever.

However this time, they couldn't see you. They didn't know you were there, suffering all alone. The five of them resumed their conversation from before but the air was slightly tense. You got up and went out of the house.

Your feet were moving on their own. You could see black dots floating around in your vision. You had no idea where your feet were taking you but you let them move you.

After 20 minutes of walking, you were on the outskirts of town. This was where the cemetary was. This was where your parents were buried. Along with your gravestone. You started walking towards the spot your parents were buried. When you got there you collapsed on your knees in front of them.

"Umma, Appa, I'm so sorry. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't want to hurt Minwoo and Kwangmin. Please help me." You cried out, not expecting an answer. You jumped in surprise when you heard a familiar, warm voice. "_____. There's no need to be sorry. We're glad that you're here to see us." You looked up, wide eyed, and saw your parents shimmering image smiling down at you.

They looked at you warmly. Your mother had spoken first. "But, if it weren't for me, you guys would still be alive." You said softly. "It's not your fault honey. Things happen that you can't stop no matter what you do. But you shouldn't blame yourself for them." Your dad said. Tears fell down your cheeks, "Then what should I do about Minwoo and Kwangmin?" you whispered. You were shivering so you wrapped your arms around yourself. You soon felt two pairs of arms wrap around you.

Shocked, you saw your parents kneeling on the ground with you, holding you. You sobbed loudly, letting out all the frustration you felt inside. It felt good to be in your parents arms one more time.

After another minute they let go of you and looked at you. They were both smiling brightly. "Just follow your heart and you'll find your answer." They said before they began to disappear slowly. "Wait, no!" You tried reaching out to grab them but your hands only closed around thin air. You dropped to the ground again in despair. Follow your heart? How do you do that?

Then you closed your eyes and tuned out everything except for the beating of your heart. Once your heart was all that you could see, feel, and hear, an image started appearing in your mind. You opened your eyes in shock. So, does that mean I love him?

You smiled to yourself. Yes, I do love him. Now I need to tell him. Just as you were about to get up and head back home, you felt yourself falling back onto the ground. Your eyes closed and you could feel as if you were disappearing.

No! Not yet! I can't go like this. Not when I found out who I really love. I need to tell him. Don't take me away yet. I need to tell Kwangmin that I love him.

You heard a voice call out your name. Then you heard more voices. However you couldn't open your eyes to see who it was. "Kwangmin.." You whispered before everything went black.


woohoo! the next chapter is the last one! will you find a way to grant Minwoo's wish and be with Kwangmin at the same time? Keep reading and you'll find out next! ^_^

thank you to all my subscribers! I love you guys!! hehe ^.^

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Haneul0907 #1
Chapter 27: Great story this one
kwangminshypika #2
I cant believe I cried when she dissapered ㅠㅠ
Poor taemin :( his left all alone ;_;
imzxierawr06 #4
This story is daebak!! ^^ I really love it. If I have 10 thumbs, I would give you 10 thumbs up!! XD
Awwwh! I cried so hard when ____ was about to dissapear! TT___TT But then smiled like an idiot at the ending!~ :DD