You've Been Chosen

Guardian Angel

*Orange are thoughts

Beep Beep

"Yah! _____ Wake up and turn off your stupid alarm clock!" I got up to the sound of my brother Taemin yelling at me. Rolling over lazily I slammed my hand down on my pikachu alarm clock.

Stupid, annoying brother. My alarm clock is not stupid, it is adorable!

I got up and did my daily morning routine. I took a shower in my bathroom while my brother was in his bathroom taking a shower. I had all the hot water while he was left with the cold water. ^_^ hehe thats what he gets! I could hear my brother yelling at me from his room, which satisfied me. After my shower I got dressed for school. I wore a pair of skinny jeans and a t-shirt.

Then I went downstairs and started making breakfast. And by making breakfast I mean grabbing a bowl and dumping cereal and milk into it. Cooking is not my thing. I remember I cooked dinner for my brother's birthday and it turned into us ordering Chinese.

My parents had passed away in a car crash when i was 15 so i'm left with my older brother. It's been five years since they passed away. I miss them a lot but I don't let it show. Now I'm in college and I'm planning to become a doctor.

Anyways, after breakfast my brother left for work and I slipped on my neon orange converse. The college I went to was only a few minutes away so i always walked. As i stepped down the stairs and onto the sidewalk a gentle breeze swept by. It felt like it was embracing me. I held my hands out and closed my eyes.

To my surprise I felt something land in my hands. Opening my eyes I saw a pure white feather. Looking up I didn't see any birds flying around. Then, I out.


As I opened my eyes I noticed i wasn't in front of my house anymore. In fact I had no idea where i was. Everything was dark except for an area of light shining on something in a glass container. I stepped into the light and got a closer look of what was in the container. I nearly jumped back in shock. When i looked inside i saw a pair of the most beautiful white wings.

"Those are yours." I jumped as i heard the voice. I glanced around, looking for the source of the voice. My eyes fell on one of the most beautiful beings I have ever seen.

"W-What do you mean? These are mine?" I asked. He just nodded. "But aren't these angel wings? I'm not an angel. And what am I doing here? Where is 'here'?"

"You're not an angel yet, _____. And this is another dimension. And you are here because you've been chosen."

"Chosen for what? And how do you know my name?"

"I've been watching you. My name is Kwangmin and I'm an angel. You have been chosen by Him to become an angel."

"Why me?"

"You ask a lot of questions" He said with an annoyed look on his face. Well who would'nt ask questions in this situation. He may be an angel but he sure doesn't act like one. "But to become an angel you have to become someone's guardian angel first. You must grant their one deepest wish. If you manage it then you will come to heaven. if not your soul will be lost forever." Okay thanks for ignoring my question.

"You still didn't answer my question. Why me?" I glared at him but he just shrugged it off. Instead of answering my question, he walked over to the glass container and tapped it. My jaw must have dropped because he looked at me and chuckled when the glass disappeared. He tapped the wings and they turned into a white hat with angel wings printed on and the word angel printed on it too. He walked over and handed it to me.

"You must wear this at all time when you're on earth."

"Does it have to be a hat? Can't it be a bracelet or necklace?"

"Yes, just think of whatever you want it to be and it'll change into that." I thought of a necklace and the hat on my head disappeared. I felt something on my neck and looked down to see a pure white necklace with two angel wings on it. "Ok, so now that you're happy, I'll tell you who your mission is. His name is No Minwoo. You have to figure out what his deepest wish is and grant it for him. However there are some rules that you need to follow. 1. You must not tell anyone you are an angel. 2. You must not let anyone take your tears. 3. You must not fall in love. 4. You must not let anyone fall in love with you." He glared at me when i stuck my hand in the air and waved it around. "Yes? Do you have a question?"

"Umm, yeah I do, what does number 2 mean? why would it be bad if someone took my tears?" He looked at me like i was stupid and the answer was so obvious. Well, sorry I'm not an angel. I dont know these things.

"An angel's tears are very powerful. They can do anything. They can even bring someone back from the dead. If someone had that power it could be very dangerous. And the same goes for an angel's feathers."

"I see, so there are some people that know angel's exist? But what about my brother?! He'll be so worried that i just disappeared..."

"Yes. And about your brother and everyone else, as a matter of fact, they think you're dead."

"What?! But i'm not dead! I'm right here." I collapsed to the ground, unable to hold myself up. Tears fell down my cheeks. He walked over to me and put a hand on my shoulder. It was a small gesture, yet it felt so comforting.

"... I'm sorry." With his other hand he wiped my tears away. I looked up into his eyes and he jumped slightly and his eyes widened for a second. He quickly regained his composure. "You should get back to earth to complete your mission now." He moved his hand and covered my eyes. I quickly fell into a deep, peaceful sleep.

So, how was the first chapter?! Did you like it? Was it a complete failure? Please leave me a comment and subscribe cuz I don't wanna write a story that no one is reading hehe. :-) Btw I need a bad guy in this story. Please vote! Just go to my profile and look under my polls. Taemin says thank you! ^_^ lol

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Haneul0907 #1
Chapter 27: Great story this one
kwangminshypika #2
I cant believe I cried when she dissapered ㅠㅠ
Poor taemin :( his left all alone ;_;
imzxierawr06 #4
This story is daebak!! ^^ I really love it. If I have 10 thumbs, I would give you 10 thumbs up!! XD
Awwwh! I cried so hard when ____ was about to dissapear! TT___TT But then smiled like an idiot at the ending!~ :DD