
Guardian Angel

Donghyun had become angrier and angrier since the day Hyunseong quit. You, and the others were extremely worried. He snapped at everyone. Some days he didn't even show up to work and left everything up to Minwoo. Minwoo was being overloaded with stuff, he was worried about Jeongmin and Hyunseong but now he had to worry about the cafe and Donghyun.

One day Donghyun came in to work. He looked tired and worn out. You quickly went up to him to ask if he was alright. "Donghyun-ah, are you ok? Come sit down, you look really tired." Donghyun gave you an icy glare and you flinched. "Why do you care? Aren't you just here to flirt with all the guys? I see you talking and laughing with Youngmin and Minwoo all the time. You and Kwangmin probably have some secret relationship. ." You were stunned. Donghyun walked into his office and grabbed all his stuff. When he walked back out he saw that Kwangmin, Youngmin, and Minwoo were crowding around you, trying to see what was wrong.

Donghyun cleared his throat and everyone looked at him. "I'm closing the cafe. So get out." The 4 of you were speechless. Kwangmin spoke up for all of you, "Why? What's happening to you Donghyun?" He glared at how Minwoo had his arms wrapped around you and how Youngmin was holding your hand. "Just get out." Donghyun said in a tone that finalized the conversation. He stared at the four of you as if waiting for you to get out.

All of you slowly walked out and Donghyun followed. Once you were all outside he closed the doors and locked them. He then went to his car and drove away. You were still in a state of shock. You never would have thought that the funny, kind, leader-like Donghyun would ever say those things to you. Something was definitely wrong with your friends. You were determined to find out what.

You squirmed out of Minwoo's arms and dashed away after Donghyun's car. Kwangmin, Youngmin, and Minwoo looked after you worriedly. Minwoo was about to run after but Kwangmin stopped him. "She'll be fine. Go home." Minwoo didn't know why but he felt that you would be alright. Kwangmin's words resonated in his mind. Minwoo turned away and started walking back home.



Kwangmin then grabbed Youngmin and started pulling him along with him. "Yah! Kwangmin where are we going? I'm older than you! Hey! Answer me!" Kwangmin ignored Youngmin's protests and dragged him along. They went across the street and into their apartment. Once they entered and Kwangmin shut the door Youngmin burst out in anger. "What is it?!"

Kwangmin calmly stared at him and said, "Someone's doing this to the others. They're trying to tear them away from ____ and we need to find out who." Youngmin nodded in understanding. "I have a feeling they're gonna go for Minwoo next and we gotta stop them." Youngmin listened intently to the younger twin. "So what do we do?" He asked curiously. "We follow Minwoo and try to catch the culprit."

Baro and Gongchan were listening intently from the door. This was a problem. Kwangmin was too smart. They needed to get rid of him and his brother. As they were leaving Kwangmin heard them. He quickly threw the door open and ran after them with Youngmin tailing behind.


You had taken a taxi and followed Donghyun back home. You watched him get out of his car and go inside. Once he was inside you quickly paid the driver and went up to the door. You stood there nervously, unsure of what you were going to say. Then, once you had gathered up the courage, you lifted your hand and was about to knock on the door when it swung open. Your fist collided with Donghyun's chest. He flinched in surprise and looked down at you.

You looked up at him wide-eyed. he was staring at you with a look in his eyes that seemed familiar. They looked pitch black. You realized what you had just done and bowed, frantically apoligizing. "I'm sorry Donghyun-ah. I didn't think you were going to open the door." He observed you for a little longer and then pulled you inside.

You stumbled from the sudden action and fell into Donghyun's arms. His eyes widened and his hear beat accelerated, however you didn't notice. "A-are you alright ____?" He stuttered out. You looked at him and smiled. You were happy he didn't sound angry at you. "Yup, I'm fine." Donghyun curtly nodded and led you into the kitchen. He poured two glasses of water and handed one to you. You thanked him and took a sip as you sat down at the table.

He sat down across from you and looked at you questioningly. "So, why are you here?" He asked as he took a big gulp of water. "I just wanted to know if you were alright. You seemed really upset before and you must've said things you didn't mean. I wanna help you if there is anything wrong." You said as you looked into his eyes sincerely. Donghyun gulped nervously as your beautiful, brown eyes gazed into his.

"I'm fine. I'm just feeling a little stressed." He said in a strained voice. It took all of his strength to stop himself from jumping you right there. You looked so beautiful sitting there. You had no idea of the mental war he was having as you stood up and moved towards him. He stood up too. You pressed your hand to his forehead and he blushed furiously. You frowned as his head felt a little warm to you.

He watched your every movement as you studied his face. "I think you might have a slight fever, Donghyun-ah. You should go up to bed and lie down. I'll bring you some medicine and stuff." He complied with your wishes before he lost his restraint and went up to his room.

You found the medicine cabinet and took out the fever reducer. You also found a towel and soaked it in water. You also grabbed another glass of water. You brought everything upstairs and looked for his room. You found the right one however he wasn't in it. You brought the stuff in and shut the door. Donghyun had just come out of his closet. You had placed the medicine on the bed side table. He froze as he saw you sitting on his bed, waiting for him. You glanced up and noticed him but your eyes widened in shock when you noticed he wasn't wearing a shirt.

You covered your eyes and apoligized, heading towards the door. He smiled at how cute you were and couldn't hold himself back any longer. He called your name when you were right in front of the door. you turned and looked at him, thinking it was ok. However you were stunned when Donghyun pressed you against the door and kissed you. He kissed you roughly and passionately. You didn't respond to the kiss and attempted to push him away. You struggled and you managed to hit him hard in the chest.

He gasped in pain and you took the chance to rush out the door. He quickly followed after you. Before you could run out the front door Donghyun grabbed you by the waist and pushed you agaisnt the wall. You gasped in pain and he took this chance to kiss you again. You were frightened by his rough actions. This wasn't the Donghyun you knew. You pushed him away again. This time he stopped and stared at you. "What's wrong?" You were furious at his nonchalant question and slapped him.

At that, he grew angry too. He raised his hand to hit you and you stared back at him with a hard expression, as if challenging him to hit you. He couldn't bear to hit you so he put his hand back down. He gave out an exasperated sigh. "Why? Why don't you love me? You're always letting Minwoo and Youngmin hug you and hold your hand but not me. You let Kwangmin carry you, Hyunseong and Jeongmin get to laugh and joke around with you. You barely ever look at me. I love you _____-ah."

You were shocked by the sudden confession. You had no idea what to say at the moment. "I guess that means you don't love me back." Donghyun said with a sigh. You found your voice again and spoke up, "It's not that I don't like you Donghyun-ah. I do like you but not in that way." You said frantically. "Then who? You obviously love one of the others then. Who is it? Youngmin? Jeongmin? Hyunseong? Kwangmin? Or Minwoo?" You had no answer for that. You didn't love any of them because you remembered the rules Kwangmin had told you. You couldn't fall in love. "I don't love any of them. They're just my friends." You said.

Donghyun chuckled. "Don't lie to me. I know you love one of them. I can see it in your eyes." You looked at him and saw how hurt he looked. You hugged him tightly and whispered, "Mianhae, Donghyun-ah." He pushed you away gently. "It's ok. I wanna be left alone for a while. So please don't come back here." Donghyun gently ushered you out of the house. You took one last glance at him to see tears falling onto his cheeks. You were about to go back when he shut the door and locked it.



Saddened, you got a cab and went back home. You were about to go into your apartment when you decided to see if the twins were home. You knocked on the door and waited. There wasn o answer so you tried opening the door. To your surprise it was unlocked. You cautiously went inside. You looked everywhere but the twins weren't there. Worried, you called them both but they didn't answer their phones.

You went into your apartment and sat on the couch. You felt something in your pocket so you reached in and pulled out an envelope. It had your name on it in Kwangmin's handwriting. You remembered that he had given it to you for your birthday and told you to open it at home. You must've forgotten about it.

You opened it and took out what was inside. There was a note. It said, Dear ____, I'm sorry but that first day we met, I lied to you. I told you that you couldn't fall in love while you were still a guardian angel but the truth is, you can. I didn't want you to fall in love and then get hurt when you had to leave. But I feel that it's better if you are allowed to love. I'm sorry and happy birthday. Always be careful ____-ah. You dropped the paper once you finished reading. You had been able to fall in love this whole time? Why would Kwangmin lie to you though? There had to be some other reason too.

However you didn't have time to think of any reasons when Donghyun's words flooded back into your mind. "I know you love one of them. I can see it in your eyes." Was it true? Did you really love one of them?



Kwangmin and Youngmin had managed to catch up to Baro and Gongchan. They faced each other with icy glares. Then the two B1A4 members smirked. They held up their feathers. They each had one left. THe twins were shocked to see the angel feathers. But they weren't worried because angel powers wouldn't work on other angels. Kwangmin sneered at them.

"If you're trying to threaten us, it won't work, and you know that very well." He said. Baro spoke in his cold voice, "We're not threatening you two. We're warning you. If the two of you do't come with us nicely then one of our friends will hurt your precious ____." The twins exhcanged worried glances with one another. They allowed Baro and Gongchan to grab them. They were roughly taken back to B1A4's lair and locked in a dungeon that even  an angel couldn't get out of.


Minwoo had gotten home and was thinking hard about what was happening when a feather floated down and he out.

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Haneul0907 #1
Chapter 27: Great story this one
kwangminshypika #2
I cant believe I cried when she dissapered ㅠㅠ
Poor taemin :( his left all alone ;_;
imzxierawr06 #4
This story is daebak!! ^^ I really love it. If I have 10 thumbs, I would give you 10 thumbs up!! XD
Awwwh! I cried so hard when ____ was about to dissapear! TT___TT But then smiled like an idiot at the ending!~ :DD