
Guardian Angel



You walked into the cafe and saw Hyunseong talking to a pretty-looking girl. Curious, you went up to them. "Hi, Hyunseong. Who is this? Your girlfreind?" You asked, tilting your head curiously. Hyunseong looked at you and smiled. "Yeah, _____, this is Hyun-ae my girlfriend. Hyun-ae this is my friend _____." You smiled at the girl in front of you and stuck out your hand. She shook it gently.

You walked away to get to work. Once you were gone Hyun-ae sneered at your retreating figure. Hyunseong noticed. "Why are you looking at ____ like that?" He asked. "Hyunseong oppa, I'm jealous. She's prettier than me. What if you cheat on me with her?" Hyun-ae pouted. "I don't want you to be close to any other girls. I'm the only girl you should talk to." Hyunseong looked bewildered at his girlfriend's words.

"But she's just a friend. Don't worry Hyun-ae ah. I only have eyes for you." He said, trying to console his girlfriend. "But I still don't like it oppa." She said.

"I'm sorry if you don't like it but ______ is my friend and I'm not going to hurt her feelings for you." Hyunseong said firmly. *Crap, I gotta think of something before the spell breaks* Hyun-ae thought to herself. She was getting frustrated at Hyunseong's stubbornness. She gave him an icy glare and told him to meet her at her house after work. Hyunseong was take aback by her glare but agreed anyways.

Right after she left, you walked out of the bathroom wearing your uniform. "Where did Hyun-ae ssi go?" You asked as you fixed your uniform. Hyunseong just shrugged and got busy working.


You were just finished helping your last customer when Hyunseong left. You called out to him and he turned around. You waved goodbye and he smiled back at you sweetly before he walked out the door. You jumped slightly when you felt someone's hands by your waist. You turned your head to see Minwoo tying the straps of your apron. You softened at his sweetness. "Thanks Minwoo-ah." Minwoo looked up at you and smiled back warmly. "No problem, _____."

Out of nowhere Youngmin came out holding a cup of hot chocolate. He stuck it in between your and Minwoo's faces. "______! I made you hot chocolate. Sit down and try it!" Youngmin said as he pulled you away from Minwoo. He childishly stuck his tongue out at Minwoo. Minwoo just shrugged. You took a sip of the hot chocolate and it was delicious. "So, how does it taste?" You beamed at Youngmin and held two thumbs up. He patted you on the head, hugged you and said, "Aigoo, you're so cute _____-ah."


Hyunseong got off the bus and walked the rest of the way to Hyun-ae's house. Once he stood in front of the small, dark house, he walked up and knocked on the door. Moments later the door swung open to reveal Hyun-ae. "Hyunseong oppa! Come inside. I have drinks ready."

He stepped inside and followed her into the living room. On the table were two glasses filled with wine. She led him to the couch and they sat down. She then handed him his cup, which she had slipped an angel tear into. It would work much better than the feather. Hyunseong took a sip and immediately, he forgot all about you. His eyes were empty and looked pitch black.

He turned toward Hyun-ae and kissed her. She smirked into the kiss. Her plan had worked. He had forgotten all about you and would look only at her now.

Gongchan came out from the kitchen. Hyun-ae winked at her real lover as he nodded at her and moved on to his next victim.


The next day, you showed up to work but when you entered the cafe you heard Donghyun and Hyunseong yellilng. You quickly ran over to see what the problem was. "Why do you wanna quit so suddenly?! Give me on good reason! Jeongmin left like this too." You heard Donghyun yell. "Why does it matter?! You didn't blow up at Jeongmin like this. You've always played favorites here and I'm done with it. I should've never worked in this crappy place in the first place." Hyunseong threw down his uniform and stormed out.

You glance worriedly at Donghyun before dashing out after Hyunseong. You caught up to him and yanked on his shirt. He whipped around to face you. "Hyunseong-ah, are you alright? Why did you say those things to Donghyun-ah?" You said, worry written all over your face. Hyunseong looked at you quizzically. "Who are you? How do you know my name?" You took a step back and stared at Hyunseong wide-eyed.

"What do you mean? It's me, _____. Don't play around with me Hyunseong-ah." You laughed nervously. Hyunseong just glared at you. "Wait I remember you now." You looked up at him hopefully. "You're the one that was flirting with me when I was with my girlfriend. Listen, don't come near me anymore. I already have a girlfriend. I don't like you." You stood there shocked as Hyunseong walked away. Your legs felt numb and you collapsed onto the ground.

A few tears threatened to fall down but you quickly blinked them away. And just like that you lost another friend. You had no idea why this was happening to you and you definitely had a bad feeling about it. Who was going to be next?

Kwangmin came out of nowhere and picked you up. He brought you back to your apartment. You buried your face in his chest and silently cried. Kwangmin felt his heart tightening as he felt you cry. He would definitely find out what was happening to Jeongmin and Hyunseong. He couldn't bear to see you hurt.


Donghyun was furious after Hyunseong left. He closed the cafe early. Minwoo worriedly glance after him as Donghyun slammed his car door shut and angrily drove away. Minwoo was getting worried. He was wondering what was happening to Jeongmin and Hyunseong. Jeongmin had stopped contacting him and Hyunseong seemed distant too.

Minwoo also saw Hyunseong brush you away. He wanted to go comfort you but Kwangmin was already there. Minwoo was puzzled as to why both Jeongmin and Hyunseong would ever hurt you.


Donghyun got back home and slammed his car door shut. He locked his car and used his key to open the front door. He stepped inside and shut the door. He went into the kitchen to grab a drink of water. When he opened the cabinet a feather floated out and landed in his hand causing him to black out.

Baro watched as his victim fell to the ground with a loud thud. A smile played on his face as he twirled his last feather in his hand.

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Haneul0907 #1
Chapter 27: Great story this one
kwangminshypika #2
I cant believe I cried when she dissapered ㅠㅠ
Poor taemin :( his left all alone ;_;
imzxierawr06 #4
This story is daebak!! ^^ I really love it. If I have 10 thumbs, I would give you 10 thumbs up!! XD
Awwwh! I cried so hard when ____ was about to dissapear! TT___TT But then smiled like an idiot at the ending!~ :DD