Mall vs. Amusement Park

Guardian Angel

*Orange are your thoughts

You woke up the next morning at 9. Work started at 10 today and went till 1. You
were excited because you decided that you were going to drag the others to the
mall.   Kwangmin had given you clothes although there were very few cute outfits.
You needed to buy more.

You got ready and made your self some food. You ate then walked next door. You
were about to knock on the door when Kwangmin opened. You were so surprised that
your fist almost smacked into his chest. You all had your uniforms on so you
headed to the cafe.

Work went like usual. At 1, you had helped the last customer while the boys were
cleaning. Donghyun came out and began to lock up. You and the others were
waiting outside the cafe. Just as Donghyun was finished Jeongmin and Hyunseong
bounded out of nowhere up to Minwoo.

"Hey! You're finally done with work. Let's all go somewhere fun!" Jeongmin
proclaimed. Donghyun nodded and said, "sounds like a good  idea."

You decided to propose your idea now. Raising your hand, all six boys turned to
look at you. "We should go to the mall!" Kwangmin shrugged as if he didn't care.
Youngmin agreed with you and nodded his head crazily.  However Hyunseong,
Jeongmin, and Minwoo didn't seem to like your idea.

Minwoo proposed his own idea, "How about we go to the amusement park. The mall
is boring." He pouted cutely but you resisted. It was tied, three for the mall
and three for amusement park. All of you turned your stares to Donghyun who
still didn't pick a side. He said "Why not play rock, paper, scissors? It'll be
easier." it didn't seem like a bad idea so you went up against Minwoo.

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" the both of you yelled. You threw out scissors
while Minwoo played paper. "yes!" you pumped your fist in the air. "Wait! 2 out
of 3!" Minwoo yelled. You were reluctant but you said yes. This time you played
rock and Minwoo played paper. Things were tense. The next win won the whole
thing. Minwoo threw out rock while you hoped scissors would win it for you.
Minwoo, Jeongmin, an Hyunseong cheered. You were disappointed and angry.

"That's not fair! I would've won!" Donghyun tried to console you saying he
would've picked the mall but was afraid the other three would attack him. You
had a look of disbelief on your face when you saw youngmin cheering with Minwoo
and the others. He sheepishly smiled at you, apologetically. You just scoffed
and turned away towards Kwangmin. He looked the same as always, uncaring.

You all piled into donghyun's van while he complained because he was forced to
drive. You all just laughed at him. You sat in between Minwoo and Jeongmin who
were busy talking to one another. Hyunseong sat in front with Donghyun while the
twins were in the back. 

 You didn't like amusement parks so much because of the long lines and the noisy people. However you did love all the rides. During the car ride Donghyun had music playing on the radio. Love Song by Big Bang began playing and Donghyun began to sing along. You laughed at his funny actions while Jeongmin was 'making a music video'. Everyone began to laugh along with you. The rest of the car ride was fun. Different songs played and you all sang to them.

Once the 7 of you arrived at the amusment park you all rushed in while Donghyun was left behind to pay for the tickets. He quickly paid and was grumbling angrily when he caught up to you guys. You saw his face and hugged him. "I'm sorry Donghyun-ssi. Here, this is money for my ticket." You handed him some bills but he pushed it back to you. "It's alright _____. That hug was your payment." He said while he was grinning. You blushed. Donghyun then turned to the boys and asked for payment. They complained that you didn't have to pay while they did. You stuck your toungue out at them.

The 7 of you went on several different rides, going from the biggest roller coaster to bumper cars. It was a really fun time. You were walking by the games when the guys stopped in front of the infamous 'Test of Strength' game. They all tried one by one and the person who got the highest was Hyunseong. Although he only got up half way. You stepped up this time. They all chuckled, thinking you were joking but gawked when they realised you were serious. You handed money to the worker and cracked your knuckles. You made your hand into a gun and pointed it at the mechanism. You 'fired' and then turned to pick up the hammer. With all the strength in your body you brought the hammer over your shoulder and smashed it into the machine. It flew up and up until it hit the bell with a loud 'DING'. Everyone stared in awe, even those passing by had stopped and stared. You smirked and collected your prize while the worker was wondering how you did it.

Youngmin, Jeongmin, and Hyunseong were blubbering on about how cool that was. Donghyun was scared that he'd die if he ever made you angry. Minwoo congratulated you. Kwangmin looked unimpressed on the outside but on the inside he was shocked. After that game it seemed as if the boys were just a little more cautious around you.

Minwoo and you had gone to get ice cream while the others waited at a table. You took this time to get to know Minwoo more. "So, today was pretty fun wasn't it?" You asked. "Yeah it was. I still can't believe you won the 'Test of Strength' game. That was amazing!" He exclaimed.

"Haha, well I guess growing up I had a lot of practice to gain strength. My brother and I always wrestled and fought each other." You smiled sadly as memories of you and your dear brother Taemin flashed through your mind. You missed him a lot. "What about your family?" You asked him. Minwoo looked slightly zoned out as he said, "I'm an only child. My mom has been in the hospital since I was 12." You felt bad for mentioning it and hugged him with one arm. After you had gotten the ice cream the two of you walked back in awkard silence.

After everyone finished their ice cream it was almost time for the park to close. There was still one more ride left. The Merry-Go-Round. Hah, did you think it was gonna be the ferris wheel and all the guys would fight to sit with me. That happened half-way through the day. Wait, who am I talking to? It's not like anyone can read my thoughts. I must be going crazy. The 7 of you rushed to the Merry-Go-Round like little children. You all got on different animals. After one round you decided to go one more time. This time you all piled into one of the tea cups. The boys were spinning it while the Merry-Go-Round spun at the same time. It was spinning so fast it seemed like the world was spinning 100 mph. You clutched onto the bar to steady yourself once the ride was over. All of you were stumbling around like a bunch of drunks.

Finally, the park closed and you all went home. During the car ride everyone had fallen asleep after a long day. This time you were sitting with the twins since Youngmin had complained that he didn't get to sit with you yet. You had fallen asleep with your head on Kwangmin's shoulder. His head was on yours whil Youngmin was leaning on your shoulder. Minwoo and Jeongmin had their heads together, holding each other up as they slept. Hyunseong leaned against the window while Donghyun was left awake alone.



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Haneul0907 #1
Chapter 27: Great story this one
kwangminshypika #2
I cant believe I cried when she dissapered ㅠㅠ
Poor taemin :( his left all alone ;_;
imzxierawr06 #4
This story is daebak!! ^^ I really love it. If I have 10 thumbs, I would give you 10 thumbs up!! XD
Awwwh! I cried so hard when ____ was about to dissapear! TT___TT But then smiled like an idiot at the ending!~ :DD