Growing Weaker

Guardian Angel

It was three weeks after the B1A4 incident and you were all good friends now. You woke up on a Saturday morning. You got up to stretch however you collapsed back on the bed. For a moment, your entire body felt weak. But the moment soon passed. You wondered why your body felt like that but then you brushed it off, thinking it was because you had slept for a long time and your body wasn't ready to move around yet.

You decided to take a long shower. You felt a lot better with the warm water running over your body. Once you were done, you put on your uniform and went over to the cafe. On your way there you looked at the bracelet on your wrist. You had transformed you angel wings from a necklace and into a bracelet. The color looked like it was fading a little. Instead of a pure white, it looked a little gray. You shrugged, thinking that it was probably just the light.

The door to the cafe opened right before you grabbed the handle. Youngmin flew out the door and crushed you in a bear hug. You started gasping for air so he let you go. "_____! It's only a half day at work today! What do you wanna do after work?" Youngmin looked at you eagerly. "Well, we could go to a karaoke place." You suggested. Youngmin beamed at the idea. "Yeah! It sounds like fun!" He said as he pulled you inside the cafe.

When you walked in Minwoo smiled at you. You felt your heart skip a beat. You gave him a small smile and got to work. There were tons of customers that day and you never had a moment of rest. You and Minwoo were running from table to table, taking orders or delivering the orders. Jeongmin and Hyunseong were at the take-out counter. Jeongmin took several orders while Hyunseong and Kwangmin rushed about making them. Youngmin was overwhelmed in the kitchen so Donghyun came out to help him.

All 7 of you were getting tired. You tripped and almost dropped a smoothie but someone caught your waist. You behind you to see Sandeul smiling at you. The other B1A4 members were there too. They all put on aprons and helped. Sandeul and Baro were waiters. Gongchan cleaned the tables. CNU and Jinyoung helped in the kitchen and the take-out counter.

You felt relieved that B1A4 had come to help you guys. Lots of girls came to the cafe just to see the cute workers. It was overwhelming for you.

While you were carrying a cup of coffee to a table you lost all the feeling in your arm and you dropped the coffee. The entire cafe was silent and everyone stared at you. Your arm was hanging limply by your side. Blushing from embarrassment, you quickly bent down and started picking up the broken cup with your good arm. Kwangmin saw your arm hanging limply and his eyebrows furrowed in concern. Minwoo came over and helped you clean up. Smiling, you thanked him.

Minwoo noticed your arm. "What's wrong with your arm?" You shook your head and said, "It's nothing. I guess I've just been working so much that my arm got tired. Don't worry about it." Minwoo frowned. "You should take a break for a bit. Besides, we're almost done." You hesitated but he gave you a stern look so you went into the back room and sat down. You could feel your arm now but you were scared. Why was this happening to you?

You laid down on the couch and quickly fell asleep.

You woke up to someone shaking your shoulders. You groaned and pushed them away. Then whoever it was started poking your cheek. You turned your face and bit them. "Ow! That hurt." You heard Gongchan's voice and your eyes fluttered open. Gongchan was pouting at you. You smiled apoligetically at him. "I'm sorry. I was just tired." You took his finger and kissed it lightly. Gongchan's face turned red.

"T-the others a-are waiting. You said you wanted to go karaoke right?" He stuttered out. You giggled and nodded. You got up and walked out of the room with Gongchan.

Jeongmin and Youngmin were waving at you when you walked out. You had changed out of your uniform before going out of the cafe. Hyunseong put his arm around your shoulder as all 12 of you walked to the nearest karaoke place. You were extremely excited for this. You hadn't gone out for karaoke in a while. The last time you went was with Taemin and his friends. You chuckled at the memory.


You and Taemin walked side by side. You linked arms with him as you skipped towards the karaoke place. His friends were trailing along behind you two. "You two are so embarrassing. Why are you skipping?" Jonghyun said. You turned around and stuck your tongue out. He did the same. Key stepped in between you two. "Hey, the both of you should stop acting so childish." He said in a motherly tone. "Yeah, you should listen to your mother." Onew teased Key. Key glared at him. Minho chuckled and high fived Onew.

After a long 10 minutes of bickering and playful teasing, the 6 of you made it to the karaoke place. It was a lot of fun. Taemin and his friends were all talented at singing and dancing. Jonghyun had a powerful voice. Onew had a sweet voice. Key was the diva with the unique voice. Taemin had his own smooth vocals. And Minho had a deep voice and he was also good at rapping. You were pretty good at singing too. The 6 of you always goofed around when you went out to karaoke. Jonghyun and Key always acted crazy together. Onew was obsessed with ordering chicken to eat. Minho would somehow make a competition out of it and you would win.


You teared up a little at the memory. You really missed your brother. You were brought back to the present when you walked into a wall. You blinked and saw that the 'wall' was actually Kwangmin. "Sorry." You said sheepishly. "Are you ok? I saw your arm earlier today. Did you hurt it?" He asked. You quickly shook your head, "No I'm fine." You lied. He didn't seem convinced but walked inside the karaoke place anyways. You followed after him.

The 12 of you got a room and the karaoke commenced. It was a lot of fun. All of you were acting crazy and singing loudly without a care in the world. You were singing I Don't Care by 2NE1 with Youngmin, Kwangmin, and Minwoo. While you were singing the B1A4 members were goofing off. Baro, Sandeul, and Gongchan were trying out different ways to clap to the song. You were smiling widely while you were singing. They were such dorks but you loved them.

After you were done, Jeongmin, Hyunseong, and Donghyun sang Love Like Oxygen by SHINee. You laughed because you always thought that Taemin and his friends looked like the members of SHINee. They even had the same names. Taemin always denied it and said he was way better looking then the Taemin in SHINee.

You smiled brightly, those three were really good at singing.

Then, your vision started to get fuzzy. You felt yourself growing weaker and you collapsed on the ground unconcious.


woohoo another chapter done! and i had this random craving to write about SHINee so i wrote that random little flashback lol

i hope you like the story so far! it's coming to an end soon, in like maybe 5 or more chapters. maybe less. i'm not sure yet ^_^

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Haneul0907 #1
Chapter 27: Great story this one
kwangminshypika #2
I cant believe I cried when she dissapered ㅠㅠ
Poor taemin :( his left all alone ;_;
imzxierawr06 #4
This story is daebak!! ^^ I really love it. If I have 10 thumbs, I would give you 10 thumbs up!! XD
Awwwh! I cried so hard when ____ was about to dissapear! TT___TT But then smiled like an idiot at the ending!~ :DD