I'm Sorry for Hurting You

Guardian Angel

*Orange are your thoughts

This morning wasn't any normal day. It happened to be your birthday. Your birthday was the day you hated the most. It was the day your parents died. You stared at the ceiling as teared welled up in your eyes. You remembered it like it was yesterday.

(please listen to this song while you read)



You were turning 15 that day. You were excited because your parents told you that they would get you a cell phone. You had always complained to them that they were horrible parents because other kids had cell phones when they turned 13 but they didn't get you one. You were waiting for them to come home. You were sitting, huffing angrily because they hadn't gotten you the cell phone that you wanted.

You had yelled at them and told them to go get you the one you wanted. Taemin was scolding you for being a brat but your parents told him it was alright. They left to go get what you wanted.

It was a rainy night that day. You and Taemin were watching TV while waiting for your parents. You saw on the news that there had been several accidents occuring because of the heavy rain. You heard thunder crashing and lightning flash. The power went out as a loud crash of thunder sounded. It was dark and you clung onto Taemin in fear.

You heard a knock on the door and shrunk back in fear. Taemin slowly got up and went to the door. He opened it and there was a police man. He dropped the news of your parents death and it shot into your heart like a bullet. You could almost feel yourself bleeding on the inside. Overwhelmed with emotions, you out.

-end of flashback-

You had always regretted that day and came to hate your birthday. You missed your parents so much and you'd give anything to have them back. After your parents death, each year for your birthday, you and Taemin would visit their graves. You were sitting up in bed now with your head in your heads. You sobbed as you blamed yourself for everything.

You looked up as you heard a soft knock on the door. However you didn't answer. The boys were on the other side and hearing you cry just broke their hearts. Kwangmin opened the door and came over to your crying figure. He wrapped his arms around you in comfort and you sobbed into his shirt. Minwoo came over and softly your hair. The others stood staring awkardly. "Leave" Kwangmin said in a commanding voice. The others slowly walked out but Minwoo still stayed by your side.

( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWLDWXmNCiU&feature=related  ) <--- please listen to this song while you read

Glaring at him, Kwangmin said, "Didn't you hear me? I said to leave". Minwoo looked up at him and they stared hard at each other for a few seconds until Minwoo got up and left. Once the door closed, Kwangmin hugged you tighter. He gently your hair and quietly hummed. You could feel the vibrations from his humming and it calmed you down. "Do you want to see him?" He asked you.

"Yeah." You knew he was talking about Taemin. You missed him so much right now. He was the only one you wanted to see. He was the only family you had left yet he thought you were dead. It was devastating. Kwangmin moved his hand over your eyes and you felt as if you were moving.

Once he moved his hands you looked around. You were in a cemetary, standing behind a big tree. You looked for Kwangmin but he had disappeared. Peeking out from behind the tree, you saw a figure that looked all too familiar. It was none other than Taemin.

Running out from behind the tree, you went to embrace him. However when you reached your arms around him, you fell through him. Shocked you kept trying to touch him, you yelled at him to see if he would notice but he didn't.

Your heart squeezed as you noticed the tears streaming down his cheeks. Then you looked at what he was kneeling in front of. It was a grave stone. To be more specific, it was yours.

It was unmistakeable. Your name was engraved in it along with the date you had met Kwangmin and obtained your mission. So it was true. He really thinks I'm dead. I might as well be, if I can't even touch him. My poor brother. He looks so pale and skinny. Things must have been tough for him and I've spent the past few weeks happily with my new friends. "I'm sorry Taemin oppa."

As if he heard you, he looked up straight at you. You gained hope, however it was crushed when he looked to the side. You turned around and saw your parent's graves. All three of your graves were next to each other. You sadly smiled as you reached to touch them. Tears slid down your cheeks again.

The two of you stayed like that for several minutes and all that could be heard were the sounds of your and Taemin's sobs. "Mom, Dad, I'm so sorry. I miss you guys. I'm so sorry I couldn't protect _____. Please forgive me. And _____, I"m sorry I couldn't save you. I miss you all so much. Why did you have to leave me here all alone? I love you." Taemin tearfully sobbed out. Hearing his sad words, you cried even harder and wished even harder that you could speak to him one last time.

Your wish seemed to be granted when you felt something warm under your hands. Your hands had rested on Taemin's shoulders. He looked up, surprised. The two of you didn't do anything. Taemin thought he was dreaming. You were wondering how this happened. You managed to spot a head of black hair out of the corner of your eye. Kwangmin, thank you. You smiled at your brother warmly and he immediately pulled you into his arms.

You stayed like that for a few minutes. Then Taemin let go of you and looked at you. You held his hand. "Happy Birthday _____." He said. "I've missed you so much. But, how are you here?"

"I missed you too Taemin oppa. And, honestly, I don't know how I'm here either." You replied. Taemin then began to pull something out of his pocket. You watched him and your eyes widened when you saw the box he pulled out. He handed it to you. "I'm sorry that it's not a huge cake but it's still yummy." He said, smiling.

You opened the box and inside was a chocolate cupcake. You took it out and placed it on your palm. Then you placed it back in the box and hugged your brother, squeezing him tightly. "Thank you so much oppa. I'm sorry I left you but it wasn't your fault. Please be happy and don't cry anymore." You softly whispered. He hugged you back, your hair. He picked up the cupcake and split it into two pieces. He handed one to you and shoved the other half into his mouth.

"Here, eat." He said through a mouthful of cupcake. You giggled and shoved the cupcake into your mouth too. The two looked at each others cheeks puffing out, being stuffed with food, and laughed. After your laughter died away, things grew solemn as Taemin said, "You have to leave soon don't you?" You sadly nodded, knowing that you had to complete your mission still. Although you wished that you could stay here with Taemin.

Taemin just nodded solemnly and placed his hand on yours. "Then, I hope your happy wherever your going back to."

You hugged him one last time. During the hug you began to feel lighter. Your arms slipped through Taemin's body and you felt yourself being lifted away. You couldn't stop another tear from falling from your eyes as you watched your brother gently your and your parents graves.



So how was this chapter? I'm sorry if it was extremely depressing lol please leave a comment!

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Haneul0907 #1
Chapter 27: Great story this one
kwangminshypika #2
I cant believe I cried when she dissapered ㅠㅠ
Poor taemin :( his left all alone ;_;
imzxierawr06 #4
This story is daebak!! ^^ I really love it. If I have 10 thumbs, I would give you 10 thumbs up!! XD
Awwwh! I cried so hard when ____ was about to dissapear! TT___TT But then smiled like an idiot at the ending!~ :DD