
Guardian Angel



It was two weeks after the 7 of you went to the amusement park. You were wearing a t-shirt and Jean shorts as you walked across the street to the cafe. You had forgotten your uniform there so you decided to just change in the bathroom. However when you walked through the door Jeongmin bounded up to you. The two of you almost crashed into each other but luckily Kwangmin was there to grab you.

"Hey _______! Guess what? Donghyun hyung is too lazy to open the cafe today so he is giving everyone the day off. (after you started working at the cafe Jeongmin and Hyunseong both begged Donghyun to let them work there too.) "Really? Cool!" you replied. "And we are all going to the mall. He felt bad that you weren't able to go last time." Jeongmin said as he chewed his gum. You reached back and popped the bubble he had just blown. You snickered at his shocked face. Just then Donghyun came out with the others. They greeted you happily. Youngmin tried to hug you but Kwangmin grabbed his collar and stopped him. He gave you a cute pout so you patted his head. He grinned like a little boy.

"Alright kids, into the car!" Donghyun yelled. You linked arms with Minwoo and all of you piled into the van. This time you sat in the back with Minwoo and Kwangmin. Jeongmin sat in the front with Donghyun and youngmin and Hyunseong were in the middle seats. "Now your wish gets granted!" Minwoo cheerily said. During the past two weeks you had granted some of his small wishes. One time he asked if you were a genie so you began to sing Genie by SNSD. He chuckled and sang along. Now it was your turn to have your wish granted. "yeah I'm gonna buy a lot of cute outfits today." you exclaimed excitedly.


The van pulled into the mall parking lot and all of you piled out. You were the most excited. Quickly running in you began to look at all of the cute clothes while the guys followed you around. You threw outfit after outfit into their arms. They were amazed at how big of a shopoholic you were. You loved shopping almost as much as you loved chocolate. After you were satisfied with the outfits you picked you had them pile it into a dressing room.

They waited outside while you began to try on different outfits. Minwoo and Youngmin were having a thumb war while Donghyun and Kwangmin were looking at men's clothes. Jeongmin was looking at himself in the mirror. Hyunseong was flirting with the cashier. Then you came out wearing one of the outfits that passed your first test. ( a/n I'm bad at describing clothes so please bear with me lol) You were wearing a cute pair of skinny jeans. On top you wore a tight t-shirt that showed off every curve of your body. To top it off you wore the angel cap. The guys Fawkes at you and admired your body. They gave you several compliments. You began going in and out showing off different outfits that went from preppy to goth. After nearly an hour you were finished and began to check out the outfits you decided on. Out of the hundred that you tried you only ended up buying seven.


Next the 7 of you began to walk around to different stores. You saw a pet store and began playing with the cute animals. You and Minwoo had played with the cutest little husky puppy and you almost bought it except Kwangmin talked you out of it. He reminded you that once your mission was over then you'd leave earth and the puppy would be alone. Donghyun had bought some CDs. Jeongmin bought another pack of gum. Youngmin and Minwoo bought a video game together and decided to share it. Hyunseong bought his own clothes and Kwangmin didn't buy anything.

After a full day of shopping you were all tired. Donghyun and Hyunseong went to go back snacks for all of you. While you were waiting you were playing a clapping game with Youngmin while Kwangmin sat behind you your long, silky hair. Minwoo and you were talking at the same time and Jeongmin had gone to make sure Donghyun and Hyunseong got exactly what he wanted. "Minwoo, do you have a girlfriend?" you asked. He seemed taken aback by the question but answered with a no. "Then, do you like someone?" you inquired even though you already knew the answer.

"Yeah, I do. Although she has a heart problem and has to stay in the hospital. It's so sad seeing here strapped to a machine 24/7." he said. He looked as if he was about to cry and you quickly hugged him and patted his back to console him. He sniffles slightly and hugged you back. "I'm sorry I made you bring it up." you said but Minwoo vigorously shook his head. "It's alright ______. You didn't know." However you could still feel his sadness and it made your heart feel as if someone was crushing it. "I'm so sorry Minwoo-ah. I'm so sorry. I wish I could help you. I really do." you nearly started crying too as you felt that you wanted nothing more in the world than to see Minwoo smiling and happy. You had to find a way to help his girlfriend. You were certain that his deepest wish was for her to get better.


Just then, Donghyun, Hyunseong, and Jeongmin came back with the snacks. You let go of Minwoo but you instead you held his hand. The 7 of you ate and happily chatted after enjoying your surprise day off. All of you were getting tired so you decided to head home. This time Hyunseong drove while everyone else fell asleep. You and Minwoo were still holding hands the entire time.

You got back home and Kwangmin stopped you before you walked into your apartment. "Remeber your mission _____. And don't forget that even though you're not a full angel you still can't fall in love." He said with a cold expression. You were too busy at the time to notice that Kwangmin had been watching you and Minwoo hold hands with a burning jealousy. You also didn't see the hurt in his eyes when he thought that you could he falling in love with another guy. "Don't worry. I won't forget." You said. "good night Kwangmin-ah" You stood on your tip toes and kissed him lightly on the cheek. You thought that he was just worried you would fail your mission so you were grateful. You then went into your apartment.

Kwangmin's face was a deep shade of red as he walked into his own room. Youngmin was already sleeping while he laid in bed, unable to sleep because he was thinking about you. You had a dream that night. It was about your brother, Taemin. You missed him dearly. As you slept a tear trailed down your cheek. However little did you or Kwangmin know that someone had overheard your conversation. Someone who was part of a group of angel hunters.


Dun dun dun! Hehe a surprise ending. Who could it be that overheard your conversation? You'll have to find out in the chapters to come ;-) Dont forget to vote in my poll. 

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Haneul0907 #1
Chapter 27: Great story this one
kwangminshypika #2
I cant believe I cried when she dissapered ㅠㅠ
Poor taemin :( his left all alone ;_;
imzxierawr06 #4
This story is daebak!! ^^ I really love it. If I have 10 thumbs, I would give you 10 thumbs up!! XD
Awwwh! I cried so hard when ____ was about to dissapear! TT___TT But then smiled like an idiot at the ending!~ :DD