Happy Birthday

Guardian Angel

*Orange are your thoughts

You opened your eyes to see Minwoo's face. He jumped, startled. Then he smiled at you and called out to the others. "She's awake! How are you feeling ______?"

"I'm ok. What time is it?" You asked. "It's 3 o'clock." He replied. You sat up slowly and realized you were in your apartment. You looked around and all of the other guys were standing there, watching you with worried expressions, all except for Kwangmin. Kwangmin actually smiled at you and winked. Although since he couldn't wink it looked more like he blinked. You giggled at how cute it was.

All the guys began clapping and chanting, "She's laughing, she's laughing!". You laughed even harder at that. Even though you missed Taemin and your parents you knew Taemin had his friends to take care of him, and your parents were in a better place. You were now sitting up on your bed. Minwoo sat down next to you and patted your hand comfortingly. Hyunseong came down and knelt in front of you. He grabbed your other hand and kissed it, causing you to blush. "Feeling better, princess?" He said.

You just nodded, fearing that if you spoke you would just stutter. "Good! Then follow me cause we have something special planned for you!" Jeongmin said as he grabbed your hand and pulled you up.

"Wait, where are we going?!" You asked. Youngmin had grabbed your other hand a ran beside you and Jeongmin. Nobody answered your question though. Then you felt hands come up and cover your eyes. "Woah, what are you doing?! Who is this!?" You exclaimed. You could hear Donghyun chuckle behind you. You decided to just give up and let them lead you to wherever it was you were going.

After about 10 minutes of walking, you stopped. Youngmin and Jeongmin had let go of your hands however Donghyun's still covered your eyes. You looked around and you were in a park. Then you heard Minwoo begin to speak, "______, since today is your birthday and you were feeling so sad this morning, the 7 of us will be your boyfriends for the rest of the day. Ready you guys? 1,2,3" At the count of three Donghyun quickly uncovered your eyes and ran over to the others. You heard music come on and they began to sing and dance.

You were shocked at first, you had never heard them sing before. Then you began to laugh and clap along. It was the cutest thing you had ever seen. When Kwangmin began rapping, you were impressed but was even more impressed by Minwoo's rapping skills.

Once they were finished, they all picked up cards from behind them and held them up.








You were smiling widely at them all. They were the best friends you could ever have and you were grateful that they were here for you. They all put down their cards and gave you a big group hug as tears of happiness formed at your eyes. They let go of you and you said, "Thank you so much you guys. I love you."

"We know." Jeongmin smirked and winked. His wink was a funny one too. He had his mouth open while he closed one eye. They led you to a picnic blanket that was laid out. You all sat down. Kwangmin pulled out food from a basket. The food looked really yummy. You realised how hungry you were. The only thing you had eaten that day was the cupcake Taemin gave you.

The 7 of you happily ate and chatted. You had just finished eating a sandwich when Youngmin tapped your shoulder, yelled "You're it!", and ran away. Quickly getting up, you began to chase him. Hyunseong was laughing at the two of you so you went up to him and tagged him. You quickly ran off and pretty soon everyone was involved in the tag game.

Minwoo was 'it' and he looked around for someone to tag. He began chasing you and you tried running as fast as you could but he was too fast. He eventually caught up and wrapped his arms around your waist, lifting you up into the air. You were surprised by how strong he was. The both of you collapsed onto the ground, laughing.

You realised his arms were still around your waist and you blushed. He saw your face and wondered why you were blushing until he looked down at his arms. He quickly pulled them away and blushed too. The others came over to see if you were alright. "Did you get hurt? Why are your faces red?" Donghyun asked. You just shook your head and said, "We're fine. Don't worry"

Donghyun helped you up but then covered your eyes again. "Hey! Stop it! What is it this time?" You yelled. He chuckled and began leading you somewhere. The others had begun cleaning up and moved to the next destination. This time, Donghyun led you into a car. He let go of your eyes but they were immediately covered again by Youngmin. Donghyun got in front and everyone else piled in. He began to drive off to the next destination.

While in the car, everyone was talking and laughing. You were too even though your eyes were covered. After 30 minutes of driving you felt the car stop. Youngmin and you got out. You began to walk as Youngmin lead you in the right direction. He was extra careful as he lead you up the stairs.

Once you were at what you thought was the top, Youngmin uncovered your eyes. Your eyes widened as you saw candles laid out on the roof top. They gave off a beautiful glow that lit up the dark night. There was a table with 7 chairs. 3 on each side and one at the head of the table. On the table was a large chocolate cake that was beautifully decorated. There was also a bundle of balloons in the corner that said 'Happy Birthday!' on them. The thing that stood out the most to you were the stars hanging up. They formed the words 'Happy Birthday ______!" and they seemed to glow in the candle light. They were absolutely beautiful.

Youngmin led you to the chair at the head of the table and sat you down. The others began sitting in their spots. Kwangmin and Minwoo sat closest to you. Next to Kwangmin was Youngmin and next to him was Donghyun. Jeongmin sat next to Minwoo with Hyunseong sitting across from Donghyun. Hyunseong grabbed a lighter off the table and began to light all the candles as Donghyun began to pour milk in everyones cups. You smiled at the milk because they remembered how you always said milk goes best with anything chocolate.

Then they began to sing 'Happy Birthday' to you. Once they were finished you blew the candles out. "What did you wish for?" Hyunseong asked. "Nothing." You replied. They all looked at you, puzzled. "I don't need anything. I have you guys and thats all I need." You smiled at them all warmly.

"Aww, you're too cute. Happy Birthday _____." Jeongmin said as he reached over and pinched your cheek. You slapped his hand away and laughed at his fake hurt expression. "Thank you again you guys."

"Ok, thats enough thanking us. It's cake time!!!!" Donghyun yelled like a little kid. All of you began laughing. Donghyun snickered and picked up the knife. He cut the cake and handed out the pieces, giving you the biggest piece. You glared at him playfully and said, "Hey are you trying to make me fat or something?" He chuckled and said, "Yes, because I'm jealous how skinny you are." You laughed at his teasing. He gave himself the second biggest piece and you raised your eyebrows, "If you wanna be skinny why did you give yourself such a big piece then?" Everyone laughed this time.

Once you all finished eating the boys lined up one by one to give you their presents. You looked at their hands curiously and nobody was holding anything. First, Hyunseong stepped up and kissed your hand. You were shocked but was even more shocked when Jeongmin kissed your forehead. Youngmin and Donghyun kissed both your cheeks at the same time. By the time Minwoo stepped up you were blushing a deep shade of red. He lightly kissed you on the nose. You blushed even harder. Then Kwangmin came up, you didn't think he was gonna kiss you but to your surprise he did. It seemed as if he was going to kiss you on the lips but at the last second he moved his lips to kiss your cheek.

You were frozen in shock. The boys chuckled at your reaction. "Didn't we say we were going to be your boyfriends for the rest of the day? Boyfriends kiss their girlfriends don't they?" Minwoo said. You snapped out of your trance then and spoke up, "Wait so that was my birthday present? That was so embarrassing though!" They nodded their heads. You were getting up to walk away when they stopped you.

"Just kidding!" Youngmin happily said. Then they all retrieved their real presents for you and handed them to you one by one. The first one you opened was Jeongmin's. He had gotten you a cute hair clip. You thanked him and lightly kissed him on the cheek. He blushed this time and you smirked. Next was Hyunseong. You opened the neatly wrapped box and in it was a tiara necklace. The card in the box read 'For my princess'. You smiled and kissed his cheek.

Donghyun had gotten you a box of chocolates. Youngmin gave you a free hug coupon and you chuckled. You kissed both of them on the cheeks and they grinned. Minwoo was next. He handed you a small box. You opened it to find a pair of angel wing earrings. Smiling warmly, you kissed him too.

Finally, it was Kwangmin's turn. He handed you an envelope. "Open it when you get back home." He said. You nodded and kissed him on his cheek. He blushed slightly but you didn't notice. You put all the presents down and pulled them all into another group hug. "Thank you so much you guys." You've made this the best birthday since my parents died.


-the night the man overheard your and Kwangmin's conversation-

The man hurried back to where his leader was to tell him the information he had just heard. His leader smirked evilly. He began to plan how he was going to capture you. He glanced at his wall that was decorated with angel's wings. On a shelf were viles of angel's tears. You were going to be the next addition to his collection.


Yay! done with another chappie! how was it? :-) i hope you enjoyed the story so far. 

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Haneul0907 #1
Chapter 27: Great story this one
kwangminshypika #2
I cant believe I cried when she dissapered ㅠㅠ
Poor taemin :( his left all alone ;_;
imzxierawr06 #4
This story is daebak!! ^^ I really love it. If I have 10 thumbs, I would give you 10 thumbs up!! XD
Awwwh! I cried so hard when ____ was about to dissapear! TT___TT But then smiled like an idiot at the ending!~ :DD