
Guardian Angel

*Orange are your thoughts

While you were talking to Minwoo, you had come up with a plan to get closer to him. You decided to get a part-time job at the cafe. You asked him if you could and he told you to talk to the manager, Donghyun. Minwoo went to take care of other customers while you went up to Youngmin and Kwangmin, who had been staring at you the whole time.

"Smart idea, getting a part-time job here. It'll force you two to work together and get closer." Kwangmin complimented your thinking and you couldn't help but blush. That was one of the first compliments he ever gave you. Youngmin was ecstatic that he would get to see you everyday and work with you. He went to go get Donghyun.

Youngmin came back with the manager, who was very handsome like all of the other workers at the cafe. He gave you a small smile and said, "So, you want a job here? Well, you've got it!" You were puzzled at how easy it was to get the job. You thought that you'd at least have to have an interview. However you quickly bowed and thanked him. "We need a cute girl like you to work here. It'll brighten the mood around here." he said. Youngmin pouted at him.

"Don't I lighten up the mood around here?" He asked. Donghyun pushed him playfully and turned to go back to his office after telling you to show up for work tomorrow at noon.

You were excited to start working even though you had other things to focus on. Kwangmin and Youngmin had disappeared and Minwoo was busy with customers. You remembered the note Kwangmin had given you and pulled it out to read as you walked out of the cafe. The note read, Just so you know, since you aren't a full angel yet you can still die. If you die then you don't go to heaven. However you still have some angel powers. Be careful when using them because you never know who could be watching and what they would do if they had those powers. -Kwangmin

You folded the letter up and sighed. What does he mean 'angel powers'? Can I fly? And who should I 'be careful' of? You decided to test these powers out when you got back to your apartment. You locked the door and closed the blinds, then you held your hand out and yelled "Angel powers activate!" However nothing happened. It was a good thing you were alone because the things you tried were embarrassing. You tried to be like Spider Man and shoot webs and you even tried to fly, only to land flat on your face. Sighing, you held your hand out and said, "I wish I had a chocolate bar". To your astonishment a chocolate bar appeared in your hands. Hmm, I see how it works now. You smiled and happily ate your chocolate bar.

After staring at your wall for half an hour trying to think of ways to get closer to Minwoo, you looked out  your window and saw him leaving with two handsome guys. Without thinking, you dashed out of your apartment and right in front of the three guys. Minwoo recognized you and greeted you while the other two stared at you. You blushed because you realized how stupid you must have looked. "Hi, _____. These are my friend's Jeongmin and Hyunseong." Minwoo introduced the two guys standing next to him. Jeongmin was chewing gum and winked at you while Hyunseong politely bowed.

"Hi, I'm _____. Nice to meet you. Hey, Minwoo. Since I'm new to town do you think it would be alright if I hung out with you guys?" Jeongmin and Hyunseong eagerly nodded while Minwoo smiled and said yes. Relieved, you began walking next to Minwoo. "So, where are you guys going?"

"We were just gonna walk around and maybe go to an arcade." Hyunseong replied.

"Unless you don't like the arcade." Jeongmin quickly said, hoping that you wouldn't say you didn't wanna go because games were stupid or something.

"I love the arcade." You smiled. I always beat Taemin and his overly competitive best friend, Minho, at arcade games. Minho always got angry whenever I beat him. He would always ask for a rematch and Taemin and I were afraid we'd use all our money. Hehe, I miss Taemin. I even miss Minho. So the four of you walked to the arcade. Once you were there you eagerly began to run around and find what game you would challenge this time. The four of you played several different games. Minwoo and you helped each other to shoot down zombies while Jeongmin and Hyunseong were becoming frustrated at the crane game. You thought that you had played all the games until you saw one of your favorites in the back, Dance Dance Revolution.

Pulling Minwoo along, you raced up and pushed in the coins. You were bouncing up and down in excitement. This was the only game Taemin could beat you in. A fast paced dance song came on and the game was on. You were pretty good, moving your body swiftly but you glanced at Minwoo and was amazed. He was amazing, he moved perfectly to the rhythm and never missed a step. You felt your heart skip a beat but quickly came to your senses as Kwangmin's words rang in your head "Don't fall in love".

The song ended and Minwoo had brutally beaten you. Jeongmin and Hyunseong patted your back saying that Minwoo was the best dancer in school so you didn't need to feel bad. Minwoo also patted your head reassuringly. However, he glanced at his watch and ran off saying, "Sorry, I gotta go see her!". You were puzzled, wondering who it was he had to go see. So you asked Jeongmin and Hyunseong.

"Who does Minwoo have to go see?"

"The girl he likes. She is in the hospital because she has a heart problem." You eyes widened and you felt sad for Minwoo and the girl he liked. Jeongmin and Hyunseong both left because they had something to do. They both apoligized for not being able to walk you home. You said you were alright and started walking back. While you were walking you bumped into someone.

"Oh, sorry I wasn't paying attention."

"Then you should pay attention before you walk into a hole or something." You glared up and was ready to snap at the person but found Kwangmin. He began walking beside you and you were both quiet. You would occasinally glance at Kwangmin to find him staring at you. You would both look away, blushing. "So, you found out about Minwoo's crush." It was more like a statement than a question but you nodded anyways. You looked up at Kwangmin with sad eyes.

"Why does something so bad have to happen to such a nice person as Minwoo. And I bet the girl he likes is a very nice person too."

"Who ever said the world was fair? Things happen that you can't stop. You can lose your job, lose a loved one, and fall for the wrong person." It seemed as if Kwangmin was staring straight at you when he said the last one but you brushed it off, thinking you were seeing things because it was so dark.

"I bet Minwoo's wish is for that girl to get better. But how am I supposed to grant that? I'm guessing my angel powers can't heal yet." Kwangmin nodded.

"You'll just have to find some other way then."

The two of you made it to your apartment and you walked into your room while Kwangmin walked into the room next door. You fell asleep trying to think of ways to grant Minwoo's wish.


Thank you for reading! hope you enjoyed this chapter and please leave me a comment! ^_^

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Some Minwoo hotness! And the twin's too hehe

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Haneul0907 #1
Chapter 27: Great story this one
kwangminshypika #2
I cant believe I cried when she dissapered ㅠㅠ
Poor taemin :( his left all alone ;_;
imzxierawr06 #4
This story is daebak!! ^^ I really love it. If I have 10 thumbs, I would give you 10 thumbs up!! XD
Awwwh! I cried so hard when ____ was about to dissapear! TT___TT But then smiled like an idiot at the ending!~ :DD