Jinyoung's Story

Guardian Angel


Jinyoung took several deep breaths while you hugged him tightly. For some reason he felt so calm and peaceful in your arms. He slowly sat down and you sat down next to him. You were wiping away his tears with one hand and holding his hand with your other. He opened his mouth to speak when all of a sudden the door burst open.

8 boys fell onto the ground and they all pushed each other off one another. B1A4 stood up and looked at their leader sitting on the floor. Jeongmin, Hyunseong, Donghyun, and Minwoo looked from you, to Kwangmin, to Youngmin, and back to you. "Sit down! It's story time." You said. Everyone was shocked at your words but then they started chuckling. They all sat down. "Hey, what about me? I'm still in this cage." Youngmin pouted. "Yeah, and I'm still tied to a chair." Kwangmin said.

Donghyun quickly got up and untied Kwangmin. He then opened the cage for Youngmin. Youngmin hugged him gratefully. Then all 12 of you sat around in a large circle. You were sitting in between Kwangmin and Jinyoung. Both of them held your hands tightly.

You turned your head towards Jinyoung. "So, what's your story?" You asked. Jinyoung took a deep breath and began telling his story.

---- Jinyoung's story---- (2 years ago)

Jinyoung was walking back home after school. He sighed and opened the door to his house. It was empty like it always was. His parents had both passed away in a car accident. He lived on his own now and had to work several part time jobs in order to pay the bills. He always felt extremely lonely being in the house all by himself.

He threw his bag onto the ground and flopped onto the bed. Sighing, he looked out the window. That's when he saw her. She was staring at him from the window but was startled when he saw her. She let go of the windowsill and fell down to the ground. Jinyoung was frozen in shock for a second.

Then he ran downstairs and opened the front door. The girl was sitting on the ground rubbing her back. She noticed that someone was watching her and saw Jinyoung. She got up and started to run away. Jinyoung ran after her.

She tripped and was about to fall foward when Jinyoung grabbed her around the waist and stopped her from falling. She turned and looked into Jinyoung's eyes. Thats when he fell in love with her.


A few months had gone by. Jinyoung and the girl, whose name was Eunmi, had started going out. They were both deeply in love with each other. However things started to get weird.

Jinyoung was walking to the park to meet Eunmi. When he got there he saw her sitting on the bench. He was about to call her name when he saw that she was sitting with another guy. He quickly hid behind a tree and listened in on their conversation.

"Stop telling me what to do! I can fall in love with whoever I want to." Eunmi said to the guy. She gave him an icy glare. "Eunmi, listen to me. You're only going to get hurt. What are you going to do when you grant his wish and you have to disappear? What will happen to him? You're hurting the both of you." The guy said.

"Kyuhyun, just leave." Eunmi said forcefully. Kyuhyun sighed and raised his hand in defeat. He got up and left.  Eunmi sighed and took a deep breath.

Jinyoung stayed behind the tree for another minute. *What did that guy mean by 'disappear'? Is Eunmi going to leave me one day?* Jinyoung shook the thought from his head. He then went up to Eunmi and tapped her shoulder. She turned her head and smiled brightly at him. "Jinyoung oppa! You're here."

"I'm sorry. Were you waiting long?" He said. She shook her head and moved closer to him once he sat down. They held hands, fingers intertwined.


Eunmi was growing weaker everyday. Jinyoung was worried and tried to get her to go to the hospital but she always refused. He started getting more and more stressed everyday. Eunmi was saddened by that. She needed to find out his wish and grant it for him. It pained her to see him so hurt.


Kyuhyun had confronted Eunmi again. They were sitting on the same bench at the park again. "Eunmi, you need my help. You can't grant his wish on your own." He said. Eunmi shook her head weakly and smiled sadly, "I have to do this on my own Kyuhyun."

Kyuhyun had only been watching from afar as Eunmi struggled to grant Jinyoung's wish. He saw her getting weaker and weaker and he couldn't stand it anymore. He had had feelings for her from the start and it pained him to see her so in love with a human. He held her face as he leaned in and kissed her. Eunmi tried to push him away but she was too weak.

Jinyoung had been watching from afar. His heart broke when he saw the two kissing. Kyuhyun let go of her and walked away. Jinyoung then went up to her angrily. She looked at him. He glared at her. "How could you kiss him?! Were you cheating on me with him this whole time? I saw you two talking together before. When he said that you were gonna 'disappear' one day did that mean you were gonna leave me for him?" He said, shaking in anger and pain. Eunmi tried to speak but no words would come out of . "Thats it. We're done." Jinyoung said.

He turned and walked away. Tears fell down his cheeks. Eunmi reached out for him but she was too weak to move. She started sobbing and then she collapsed on the bench. Her body slowly started fading away and disappearing. She hadn't been able to grant Jinyoung's wish in time so now her soul was going to be lost forever.

Jinyoung got back home and sat on the couch. He stared blankly at the wall as tears spilled onto his cheeks. He heard a knock on the door and went to open it. Kyuhyun was standing there. Jinyoung glared at him. Kyuhyun didn't say anything but handed him a note instead. He then spread his wings and flew away.

Jinyoung was stunned. He stared after Kyuhyun. Then he looked down to the note. He opened it and read it out loud.

Dear Jinyoung oppa,

If you're reading this letter then I must be gone from this world. I'm sorry. This is all my fault. I wasn't able to grant your wish. The truth is, I'm your guardian angel. I was sent to grant your wish and then I  would become a full angel and go to heaven. I was watching you to try and find out what your wish was. I never knew that I'd end up falling in love with you. I'm sorry Jinyoung-ah. I love you. I'm sorry I wasn't able to grant your wish, I'm so sorry. I love you.

- Eunmi

Jinyoung collapsed onto his knees and shook with sobs. He had been so stupid. He left Eunmi when she needed him most. Now she was gone forever. All because of a stupid mission given by an angel.

From that day on, Jinyoung resented angels. Especially guardian angels. He collected angel wings and tears all in an attempt to bring back his beloved Eunmi.


You had started crying while listening to Jinyoung's story. You hugged him again when he started crying too. You softly his hair to comfort him. "I'm so sorry Jinyoung-ah. That's so sad." You said through your tears. Jinyoung hugged you back. He let out all the pain he had been holding inside for two years.

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Haneul0907 #1
Chapter 27: Great story this one
kwangminshypika #2
I cant believe I cried when she dissapered ㅠㅠ
Poor taemin :( his left all alone ;_;
imzxierawr06 #4
This story is daebak!! ^^ I really love it. If I have 10 thumbs, I would give you 10 thumbs up!! XD
Awwwh! I cried so hard when ____ was about to dissapear! TT___TT But then smiled like an idiot at the ending!~ :DD